World Smiley Day. Изучение страноведческого аспекта

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Познавательный аспект – знакомство с историей создания смайлика, его первоначальное значение, расширение кругозора учащихся.
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие творческих способностей учащихся, развитие способностей к распределению и переключению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию при восприятии на слух, развитие способностей подбора выражений, адекватных ситуации.
  • Воспитательный аспект – формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе, воспитание уважительного отношения к образу жизни других народов.
  • Учебный аспект – совершенствование навыков аудирования, развитие умения читать с целью извлечения детальной информации, развитие умения понимать культурологический аспект текстов, совершенствование лексических навыков говорения.


  • плакаты с изображением смайлика в различных вариантах
  • плакат с высказыванием «If you don’t smile, you are a  loser» (American proverb )

Оборудование: мультимедийная доска, магнитофон.


Начало урока:

Звучит фрагмент из песни «Улыбка» из мультфильма «Крошка енот». Музыка В Шаинского, Слова М. Пляцковского

От улыбки хмурый день светлей,
От улыбки в небе радуга проснется,
Поделись улыбкою своей,
И она к тебе не раз еще вернется.
И тогда, наверняка, вдруг запляшут облака,
И кузнечик запиликает на скрипке,
С голубого ручейка начинается река,
Ну а дружба, начинается с улыбки.
С голубого ручейка начинается река,
Ну а дружба начинается с улыбки.

Учитель обращается к ученикам с вопросом:

– What do you feel about it?
– Why is it important to keep smiling?

Варианты ответов:

– It costs nothing, but creates much.
– It makes your mood better.
– It creates happiness in the home.
– It  helps make new friends.

Учитель предлагает прослушать текст о всемирном дне улыбок (так же распечатки текста находятся на столах учеников)

World Smiley Day

Bet you didn’t know there’s a World Smiley Day!! Well, now you know. There is a special day of the year at the beginning of October for us all to celebrate the little yellow smiley face we all know and love. It is just a circle with two dots in the middle, to represent eyes, and a half circle for the mouth. The smiley is everywhere today. How many times do you use a smiley in your text messages? How often do you quickly scribble a smiley on a memo or draw one with your finger on a bathroom mirror? Even tiny children can and do this. The happy little face is now one of the most recognizable images on the planet. And what a great image it is. If we could all follow this simple little symbol, what a wonderful world this would be.
Bet you also didn’t know that the smiley was the design of an American artist. His name is Harvey Ballwell, but he died in 2001. He created the smiley face in 1963. In 1971, two businessmen used it in a campaign to sell novelty goods. They produced badges, coffee mugs, t-shirts and bumper stickers and suddenly smiley was worldwide. The Smiley name and logo is registered in over 100 countries to produce many different goods and services. Harvey Ballwell wanted to use his creation for a good cause. He decided that the first Friday in October each year would be World Smiley Day. The theme for this day is: "Do an act of kindness; help one person smile." It’s a shame this day isn’t every day of the year.

Match the following phrases from the article.

Paragraph 1

1. Bet you a. two dots
2 at the beginning b. didn’t know
3. a circle with c. with your finger
4. text d. this would be
5. draw one e. of October
6. what a wonderful world f. Messages

Paragraph 2

1. the design a. stickers
2 a campaign to sell b. services
3. bumper c. cause
4. goods and d. of an American artist
5. for a good e. kindness
6. an act of f. novelty goods

Put the words into the gaps in the text.

Bet you didn’t know there’s a World Smiley Day!! Well, now you ____________. There is a special day of the year at the beginning of October for us all to ____________ the little yellow smiley face we all know and love. It is just a circle with two ____________ in the middle, to represent eyes, and a half ____________ for the mouth. The smiley is everywhere today. How many times do you use a smiley in your text messages? How often do you quickly ____________ a smiley on a memo or draw one with your ____________ on a bathroom mirror? Even tiny children can and do do this. The happy little face is now one of the most recognizable ____________ on the planet. And what a great image it is. If we could all ____________ this simple little symbol, what a wonderful world this would be. circle
Bet you also didn’t know that the smiley was the ____________ of an American artist. His name is Harvey Ballwell, but he died in 2001. He ____________ the smiley face in 1963. In 1971, two businessmen used it in a ____________ to sell novelty goods. They produced badges, coffee mugs, t-shirts and bumper ____________ and suddenly smiley was worldwide. The Smiley name and logo is registered in over 100 countries to ____________ many different goods and services. Harvey Ballwell wanted to use his creation for a good ____________. He decided that the first Friday in October each year would be World Smiley Day. The ____________ for this day is: "Do an act of kindness; help one person smile." It’s a ____________ this day isn’t every day of the year.         produce

Spell the jumbled words (from the text) correctly.

Paragraph 1
1. the ngeignbin of October
2. just a rieccl
3. in the ledidm
4. text msessaeg
5. bathroom mirrro
6. what a ronwfeuld world
Paragraph 2
7. the sgendi
8. He rdeteac the smiley
9. bumper erscktis
10. goods and evsirecs
11. a good usaec
12. It’s a sehma


Number these lines in the correct order.

(    ) of October for us all to celebrate the little yellow smiley face we all know and love. It is just a circle with two dots in the
1  ) Bet you didn’t know there’s a World Smiley Day!! Well, now you know. There is a special day of the year at the beginning
(    ) stickers and suddenly smiley was worldwide. The Smiley name and logo is registered in over 100
(    ) cause. He decided that the first Friday in October each year would be World Smiley Day. The theme for this
(    ) countries to produce many different goods and services. Harvey Ballwell wanted to use his creation for a good
(    ) used it in a campaign to sell novelty goods. They produced badges, coffee mugs, t-shirts and bumper
(    ) face is now one of the most recognizable images on the planet. And what a great image it is. If we could all follow
(    ) this simple little symbol, what a wonderful world this would be.
(    ) artist. His name is Harvey Ballwell, but he died in 2001. He created the smiley face in 1963. In 1971, two businessmen
(    ) middle, to represent eyes, and a half circle for the mouth. The smiley is everywhere today. How many times do you
(    ) day is: "Do an act of kindness; help one person smile." It’s a shame this day isn’t every day of the year.
(    ) use a smiley in your text messages? How often do you quickly scribble a smiley on a memo or draw one with your
(    ) Bet you also didn’t know that the smiley was the design of an American
(    ) finger on a bathroom mirror? Even tiny children can and do do this. The happy little


With a partner, put the words back into the correct order.

1. didn’t     a     Day     you     there’s     Smiley     Bet     know     World.    
2. of   beginning   the   at   year   the   of   day   special   A   October.  
3. dots     A     in     circle     the     with     middle     two.    
4. on     smiley     a     scribble     Quickly     memo     a.    
5. planet    of    recognizable    the    One    most    on    the    images.   
6. an     was     of     artist     smiley     design     American     The     the.    
7. a     in     it     used     businessmen     Two     campaign.    
8. creation     his     Use     cause     good     a     for.    
9. ;     help     one     person     smile     Do     an     act     of     kindness.    
10. day     It’s     isn’t     a     every     shame     day     this.    


Write three questions about World Smiley Day. Do this in pairs/groups. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper.


POSTER: Make your own poster about World Smiley Day. Write about will happen on this day around the world.