Английские праздники. День святого Валентина

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основные цели урока:

  1. Общеобразовательная – изучение лексики по теме “Праздники”.
  2. Развивающая – развитие навыков устной речи, а также осмысленного использования лексики в монологической речи. Формирование правильного произношения и относительной беглости устного высказывания.
  3. Воспитательная – воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка для более глубокого понимания и осознания родной культуры. Воспитание культуры общения и поведения.

Вид урока: практическое занятие.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.

Ход урока

Организационный момент. Минибеседа о готовности студентов к уроку, создание деловой, доброжелательной атмосферы.

Преподаватель (Пр.): Here it comes again: the day for exchanging love messages, chocolates, roses and promises. On February 14th millions of people will receive Valentine cards – paper or electronic, sentimental or comic, in verse or in prose. This is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate love, affection and friendship.

In England, Valentine greetings have been popular since the Middle Ages.

What do you know about the first valentines?

Студент (Ст.): Written valentines began about 1400. The oldest one we know of was made in 1415. A Frenchman, Charles, Duke of Orleans, was captured by the English in a battle. He was put in prison in the Tower of London. There he wrote valentine poems. Many of them were saved and can be seen today in the British Museum.

Пр.: There are some legends connected with St. Valentine. Who was he?

Ст.1 : One of the legends tell that Christian martyr St. Valentine sent a note of friendship to his jailer’s blind daughter before he was put to death.

Ст.2 : St. Valentine is believed to be the saint patron of birds. The legend tells they choose their mates and begin to build their nests exactly on February 14th.

Ст.3 : There was also another St. Valentine. He lived in Rome too, and he was known as a Christian priest who would marry young couples against the order of the Emperor, who believed that unmarried young men were better soldiers.

Пр.: And what about cards and poems on St. Valentine’s Day?

Ст.: Poems express your feelings in a very special and elegant way, and in a few words. The only problem with sending a card to someone is the age-old dilemma of whether to sign it or not. My advice is not to sign the card. But if you want the recipient to guess who the author is, just drop some clue or hint as to who the message is from.

Пр.: You may write some love poems or compose them like these.

Преподаватель раздает образцы валентинок с написанными стихами и предлагает каждому придумать свою валентинку.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Honey’s sweet
And so are you.

You’re my rainbow, you’re my star,
You’re my bright red cookie jar.
You’re my goldfish, you’re my pie,
You’re the apple of my eye.
You’re my daisy, you’re my vine,
You’re my own true Valentine!

Пр.: Does anybody know Valentine’s poem by heart?


I have a little Valentine
That someone sent to me.
It’s pink and white
And red and blue,
And pretty as can be.

Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.

And in the center
There’s a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it’s written
All in gold, “To You,
With Love from Me”.


Our classroom has a mailbox
That we painted red and gold.
We stuffed it with more Valentines
Than it was made to hold.
When we opened it this morning,
I was nervous as could be.
I wondered if a single one
Had been addressed to me.
But when they’d been delivered
I felt twenty stories fall.
I got so many valentines,
I couldn’t hold them all.

Пр.: Handmade valentines are very popular nowadays too.

Do you know how to decorate your valentines?

Traditionally, valentine cars are decorated with hearts, Cupids, flowers, and other symbols of love.

In the language of symbols, a red or pink heart, pierced with an arrow, denotes eternal love. It’s probably the most popular symbol of the holiday of love and romance.

Lace symbolizes a net for catching a lover’s heart. So if you get a Valentine with a piece of lace, it means that the person who has sent it is passionately in love with you.

Ст.: Cupid, the Roman god of love, is a symbol of passionate, tender, or playful love. His arrows are invisible and his targets are our hearts. When his arrow hits your heart, you’ll fall hopelessly, and helplessly, in love with someone.

Ст.: One symbol which has slipped into the background is the true-love knot. With no beginning and no end, the love knot consists of graceful loops, sometimes in the form of hearts. It’s not so easy to invent a true-love knot of your own, but, they say, it can work miracles.

Пр.: Did you know that traditionally men propose to women. In Britain, men often choose Valentine’s Day to make their marriage proposal. But on Valentine’s Day in a leap year women can propose marriage to their lovers!

Now I want to suggest you St. Valentine’s Day Quiz.

Студенты выполняют квиз.

St. Valentine’s Day Quiz

  1. Where did St. Valentine live?
    1. in Greece
    2. in Rome
    3. in Great Britain
  2. What date is St. Valentine’s Day?
    1. 15th of February
    2. 14th February
    3. 8th of March
  3. How do you spell 14th?
    1. forteenth
    2. fourtienth
    3. fourteenth
  4. According to a popular belief, why was St. Valentine beheaded?
    1. because he secretly married young couples
    2. because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter
    3. because he was always in love with someone
  5. When St. Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with?
    1. his prisoner’s daughter
    2. his prisoner’s wife
    3. his prisoner’s sister
  6. The girl St. Valentine fell in love with was
    1. deaf
    2. blind
    3. blind and deaf
  7. What colour is associated with St. Valentine’s Day?
    1. orange
    2. purple
    3. red
  8. Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day?
    1. Eros
    2. Cupid
    3. Apollo
  9. Which are the most common flowers given on St. Valentine’s Day?
    1. roses
    2. sunflowers
    3. snowdrops
  10. What greeting is often said on this day?
    1. Happy love life!
    2. Good luck!
    3. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Пр.: Let’s drop your valentines into a Valentine box.

Студенты опускают свои валентинки в специальный почтовый ящик. Затем почта вскрывается и валентинки вручаются адресатам.

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