Сценарий музыкальной сказки "Златовласка"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа, Внеклассная работа

Сцена 1

Цветы(девочки в костюмах цветов) стоят справа от сцены. Обитатели волшебного леса (мальчики в костюмах разных животных) стоят слева от сцены. В центре сцены - ведущие.

Narrator 1: Once upon a time there were three bears.

Narrator 2: Three bears. One (clap). Two (clap clap). Three bears.

Narrator 1: First there was Mummy Bear.

Narrator 2: Mummy Bear (Мама Медведица выходит, кланяется)

Narrator 1: Then there was Daddy bear

Narrator 2: Daddy Bear (Папа Медведь выходит, кланяется)

Narrator 1: And there was Baby bear

Narrator 2: Baby Bear (Выбегает Медвежонок)

Narrator 1: They lived in the wood.

Narrator 2: Thick wood.

Narrator 1: The wood of flowers.

Narrator 2: Beautiful flowers.

Song of flowers

It's the wood of flowers,
Welcome and Hello!
Please stay with us for hours,
Stop! Don't go!
Look some daisies here and some daisies there
Look some pansies here and some pansies there
Look some violets here and some violets there
Look some bluebells here and some bluebells there
Look some snowdrops here and some snowdrops there
And camomiles here and camomiles there
It's the wood of flowers,
Welcome and Hello!

Flowers: Welcome to our magic wood with fantastic animals.

Song "What's this?"

What's this? It's a rabbit.
What's this? It's a squirrel.
What's this? It's a fox.
What's this? It's a frog.
A rabbit, a squirrel, a fox, a frog.
What's this? It's a wolf! Oh, no!

Narrator 1: One morning the three bears got up.

Flowers: What's he doing?

Animals: He's washing his hands washing his hands washing his hands.

Flowers: What's he doing?

Animals: He's brushing his teeth brushing his teeth brushing his teeth.

Flowers: What's she doing?

Animals: She's brushing her hair brushing her hair brushing her hair.

Flowers: What are they doing?

Animals: They are cooking some food cooking some food cooking some food.

Daddy Bear: I'll make the porridge.

Mummy: I'll pour the milk.

Baby: I'll set the table

All the bears, flowers and animals:

Hot porridge, hot porridge, hot porridge on Monday.
Cold milk, cold milk, cold milk on Sunday.
Fish and chips, fish and chips, fish and chips on Tuesday.
Egg and chips, egg and chips, egg and chips on Wednesday.

Narrator 2:

Daddy made the porridge. Mummy poured the milk.
And they all sat down and started to eat

Baby: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, much too hot!

Mummy: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, much too hot!

Daddy: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, much too hot!

Daddy: Let's go for a walk and let it cool off.

Mummy and Baby: That's a good idea, let's go.

Song "Picnic"

It's a sunny summer's day
Can we pack our bags and go?
It's fun, it's fun, on a summer's day
To pack our bags and go.

It's a sunny summer's day
Can we have picnic and go?
It's fun, it's fun, on a summer's day
To have picnic and go.

Narrator 1: And the three bears left with their breakfast on the table.

(медведи уходят)


Glasses full of milk
Porridge in the bowls
Spoons in the porridge
Paper napkins

Song (медведи выходят в футболках, соломенных шляпах, на плечи накинуты свитера)

One bear in a T-shirt,
Two bears in a T-shirt,
Three bears in a T-shirt,
Come here and look!

One bear in a straw hat,
Two bears in a straw hat,
Three bears in a straw hat,
Come here and look!

One bear in a sweater,
Two bears in a sweater,
Three bears in a sweater,
Come here and look!

Сцена 2

(На лесной опушке появляется Goldilocks)

Narrator 2: At that time somebody was walking in the forest.

Flowers: Oh, it's not a bear. It's a little girl with golden hair.

Animals: What's your name? What's your name?

Goldilocks: Goldilocks

Flowers: Goldilocks, Goldilocks

Animals: Say it again.

Goldilocks: Goldilocks

Flowers: What a beautiful name! Sit on the chair, play with us.


Is there a bee on her nose?
Is there a mouse on her toes?
Is there a slug on her chair?
Is there a bug in her hair?

Song (1 куплет - солирует Goldilocks)

There's a bee on my nose,
There's a mouse on my toes,
There's a slug on my chair,
There's a bug in my hair.

(2 куплет - хор)

There's a bee on her nose,
There's a mouse on her toes,
There's a slug on her chair,
There's a bug in her hair.

Flowers and animals: (речевка)

Do you like ice cream, ice cream, ice cream?
Do you like ice cream?
Yes, I do.

Does she like ice cream, ice cream, ice cream?
Does she like ice cream?
Yes, she does.

Do we like ice cream, ice cream, ice cream?
Do we like ice cream?
Yes, we do.

Ice cream, ice cream
Delicious ice cream.


Listen! Somebody is walking. (На поляну выходят зайчики)

Song (Поют зайчики)

This is the way we walk in the wood, walk in the wood, walk in the wood.
This is the way we walk in the wood on a warm and sunny morning.
This is the way we play the flute, play the flute, play the flute.
This is the way we play the flute on a warm and sunny morning.

Goldilocks: Good morning! What nice fluffy rabbits! Will you please play for me!

Rabbits: Of course! (играют мелодию)

Rabbits: Good bye! Good Luck!

Goldilocks: What are you?

Squirrel: I'm a squirrel. I live in that tree. Look at my wonderful bushy tail.

Goldilocks: Your tail looks beautiful. What are you doing?

Squirrel: I'm blowing a bubble.


Blow a bubble, green or red,
Blow a bubble, over my head,
Blow a bubble, yellow or blue,
Blow a bubble, one or two.

Blow a bubble on a chair,
Blow a bubble in the air,
Blow a bubble blow and blow,
Blow again and pop it goes!

(Белка убегает.Goldilocks берет скакалку и поет песню)


I'm skipping on my forest path.
I'm skipping it right now.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Song (хор)

Are you running, are you walking?
Are you listening, are you talking?
Are you skipping or are you playing a game?


I'm not running, I'm not walking.
I'm not listening, I'm not talking.
I'm not skipping, I'm not playing a game.
I'm just singing a little song,
A little song for you.

Сцена 3

(Дом медведей)

Narrator 1: Suddenly Goldilocks saw a house. It was a bear's house. She opened the door and came in.

Goldilocks: Look at the table. Set for three. I hope there's a place just right for me.

Narrator 2: She sat down in Daddy's chair and tasted his porridge.

Goldilocks: Oh no! The chair is too big and the porridge is too hot.

Narrator 1: She sat down in Mummy's chair and tasted her porridge.

Goldilocks: Oh no! The chair is too hard and the porridge is too hot.

Narrator 2: She sat down in Baby's chair and tasted his porridge.

Goldilocks: Yummy! Just right.

Goldilocks, animals and flowers:

The porridge is delicious. The porridge is delicious.
The porridge is delicious. Thank you very much!
The milk is delicious. The milk is delicious.
The milk is delicious. Thank you very much!

Narrator 1: She walked in the bedroom and saw Daddy's bed.

Goldilocks: Too big! Much too big!

Narrator 2: Then she saw Mummy's bed.

Goldilocks: Too hard! Much too hard.

Narrator 1: Then she saw Baby's bed.

Goldilocks: Just right! Just right! Not too big and not too hard!

Narrator 2:

Goldilocks fell fast asleep.
While she was asleep three bears came home. They were getting to sit down at the table.

Daddy: Someone's been sitting on my chair. Someone's been eating my porridge.

Mummy: Someone's been sitting on my chair. Someone's been eating my porridge.

Baby: Somebody broke my chair and my porridge.

Narrator 1: They went to the bedroom.

Daddy: Someone's been sleeping in my bed.

Mummy: Someone's been sleeping in my bed.


Mummy! Daddy! Come quickly! Come quickly! Someone's been sleeping in my bed.
And here she is. And here she is.

Narrator 2: Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She jumped out of bed, ran out of the door.

Goldilocks: Oh, the three bears! Try and catch me!

Flowers and bears:

Goldilocks gone! What a shame.
Goldilocks! What a beautiful name.


Goldilocks ran away.
Let's dance and play!


Goldilocks is an amazing girl.
Let's sing about Goldilocks:
Goldilocks is a wonderful girl.
Goldilocks is an amazing girl.
Goldilocks is a fantastic girl.
She can skip and she can sing.

Goldilocks is a wonderful girl.
Goldilocks is an amazing girl.
Goldilocks is a fantastic girl.
She can skip and she can sing.

В сценарии использованы песни и речевки из учебника "Bravo" (Starter, 1, 2) и материалы сказки "Goldilocks" в обработке Carolyn Graham.

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