Итоговый урок в 5-м классе по теме "Наша школа" (учебник "Enjoy English" Биболетова М.З.)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • активизировать изученные лексические единицы по теме и тренировать учащихся в их употреблении;
  • закрепить грамматические конструкции there is\there are;
  • развивать навыки аудирования (восприятия иноязычной речи на слух);
  • формировать устойчивый интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.


  • карта Великобритании;
  • портфель с школьными принадлежностями: ручка, карандаш, учебник, тетрадь, резинка, точилка, фломастеры, линейка, краски, словарь;
  • мяч.


T: Good morning, dear children. I am glad to see you.
P: We are glad to see you  too.
T: Today we shall speak about our school .We know a lot of new words and know how to use them in our speech. Look at the blackboard. Here is the plan of our lesson.

1. Стихотворение “The more we learn”
2. Повторение слов по теме «Школа»
3. Рассказ нового ученика нашей школы.
4. Составляем рассказ-описание классной комнаты.
5. Что у Боба в портфеле? Поговорим о школьных принадлежностях.
6. Советы новому ученику.

T: Let’s begin our work. There is a riddle on the blackboard/ read it and try to guess what it is.

Приложение № 1

 What has four legs, but can not walk?

P: It’ s a table.
T: Right you are. Now take a sheet of paper that is on your table. Here is a funny poem. Listen to me

Приложение № 2

The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forger, the less we know.
The less we forger, the more we know.
So, why study?

  • the more – больше
  • the less – меньше
  • study – учиться

– Now repeat after me. (Учащиеся читают по строчке за учителем) translate the poem into Russian.

P: Чем больше мы учим, тем больше мы знаем
– Чем больше мы знаем, тем больше мы забываем
– Чем больше мы забываем, тем меньше мы знаем
– Чем меньше мы забываем, тем больше мы знаем.
– Поэтому, зачем учиться?

T: Do you agree with the poem?
P: No. we are not . We should study to know more new.
T: Let’s revise the vocabulary. I will show you a picture and you will say what you see on it. (Картинки по теме «Школьные принадлежности)

Приложение № 3

Look at the table in your lists and try to name as many phrases as you can. (учащиеся пишут фразы на листах)

Приложение № 4

Составьте как можно больше словосочетаний с этими прилагательными по теме   “My school”

a black …


a wooden …


a  big …


a beautiful …


a little …


T: Now we shall play a little. I’ll give you a ball and say the phrase  in English. You are to translate it into Russian. (Повторение лексики по теме)
T: Dear students. There is a new pupil in our school. He is from Great Britain. He wants to say you a few words.

Приложение № 5

Bob: Hi! My name is Bob. I am from Great Britain. I am eleven years old. I am a pupil of the fifth form. I came to Russia an now I will study at your school.
T: Children, what did you understand?
P: Переводы учащихся
T: Bob, what did you do this morning?
Bob: I got up at seven o’clock. I went to the bathroom and had a shower. Then I cleaned my teeth, brushed my hair and went to the kitchen. I had breakfast at seven thirty. After that I dressed and left for school.
T: Boys and girls. Now we shall be interpreters. Translate Bob’ s story.
P: Переводы учащихся
T: I see you are tired. Stand up. We shall have a break and do some exercises.

Приложение № 6

Hands on the head
Hands on the hips
Hands on the table
Hands like this
Hands on the shoulders
Hands up and down
Hands behind the head
And sit down.

T: Bob wants to know to know about our classroom. How does it look like? Describe the picture and don’t forget about there is \there are.

Приложение № 7

T: Bob came to the class with his new schoolbag. There are a lot of useful things in it. Help him. What should he do with them? The words and the construction on the blackboard will help you.                      
For example. Bob: There is a pen in my schoolbag.
P1: You need it for writing.
T: Our lesson comes to the end. I suggest you the last task. Bob is happy to be here. Please write him some advice. What must he do and what mustn’t he do at the lessons?

(Учащиеся оформляют свои советы и отдают новому ученику)

Приложение № 8

Дайте советы вашему новому однокласснику. Что он должен делать на уроках? Что он не должен делать?

T: Dear boys and girls! You worked very hard today. I think you liked our lesson. Good bye.
P: See you later.