Урок в 7-м классе "School friends are for always"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с некоторыми пословицами о дружбе.

Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к логическому изложению.

Учебный аспект: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения. Сопутствующая   задача -  развитие умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Воспитательный аспект: формирование у учащихся потребности и способности к критическому мышлению, понимать чужие точки зрения на проблемы дружеских взаимоотношений.

T. Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll continue to speak about  friends and friendship. Now, let’s start our lesson. Well, listen to the tape.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more,
Like a song that is made to sing.
Friendship is a doing thing.

2. Речевая зарядка (слова на доске). T – P. Let’s repeat the words.

3. T – P : What shows that you are friends?
P.        get together
try to understand each other
We      care  about each other
worry about each other

T – P : What is special about your friends?
As friends they are generous

T – P: Explain why do you make friends with each other?

We make friends
with each other because
we talk our problems through
we talk our problems through
we have similar interests
we rely on each other

T – P: Do you think you are good friends?

I think we are good
friends because
we turn to each other for help or advice
we cheer each other in trouble
we keep each other's secrets
we share our secrets with each other

T – P : What do you think true friends must do?

I think true friends must
I think true friends must
forgive each other
never betray each other
be always there when you are in trouble

4. T – P: Now, work in pairs. Ask each other about your friends (dialogues)
5, T – P: What do you think about friends and about friendship? Look at the list and make up sentences. (Hand out 1) приложение 3

A friend is a person who is supportive and responsible.
A friend is a person who keeps secrets.
Friendship is a thing that lasts forever.
Childhood friends are people who cheer you up when you are in trouble.
Childhood friends are people who forgive you no matter what.
Having good friends is something that takes time to grow.
An ex-friend is a person who ignores your problems
An ex-friend is a person who doesn’t worry and care about you.
A false friend is a person who will never try to understand you.
A true friend is a person who sticks around when you are upset.

6. T – P : Well, what do you think is important in your friend? (слова на доске)

I think it is important for
a friend to be
kind, loyal
responsible, supportive
friendly, generous
to have similar interests
to have ability to keep secrets

7. T – P: Well done. Think and tell me. Why do you like your friends?
Высказывания учащихся. Пример:
I have a friend called… He is helpful.
We share our secrets with each other.
We have similar interests.
We both like computer games and often play together.
My friend is supportive and always stands by no matter what.
He is considerate and he is fun to be with.
He is always there when I need him.
He is the best friend I can imagine.

8. T – P:  People always have some ideas about what their friends should be like. And very often  the criteria are very high. It’s really very difficult to explain it. But still try. Look at the model and make up sentences.

I think
It seems to me a true friend should be
It seems to me a true friend should be
I'm sure
sociable, considerate
helpful, sincere
kind-hearted, devoted
trustworthy, generous

9. T – P: Now, tell us about your friends (высказывания учащихся) Приложение 4.

10. T – P: Well, children. Tell us what friendship is based on.

In my opinion friendship is based on           confidence, understanding, equality, devotion, respect,  kindness, independence

11. T – P: Friendship is a joy for everybody, that’s why there are so many proverbs and sayings about it. Look at list of English proverbs and sayings about friends and friendship. Read them and try to find appropriate Russian variants for them from the list.
(hand out 2) приложение 1.

12. Make a test (hand out3) приложение2.
13. T – P: One English proverb says: “Be slow in choosing friends, slower in changing them”. Now think and tell us, what a true friend is.
P…In my opinion a true friend is…
14. We’ve much spoken about person’s qualities, what a true friend is. You worked hard, so your marks are…

15.Homework ex.120,121 p.88