Обобщающий урок по теме "Shopping" (УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English-2")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Обобщить материал по теме “Shopping”.
  2. Способствовать развитию у учащихся памяти, внимания, познавательной активности.
  3. Способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: магнитофон, раздаточный материал, жетоны, карта путешествия.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока.

Good morning boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson, we are going to travel by stations. Look at the blackboard, there is a map of our journey. They are Lexical, Grammar, Captain, Dialogue, Translator. At each station you will do different tasks. You will receive a jetton for each correctly completed task. And the team that will have a lot of jettons will be the winner. First we divided into two teams and choose captains. So, the name of the first team is Green and the name of the second team is Red. Are you ready to start our travelling?

At first we sing the song “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive”

II. Основная часть урока.

So, we start our travelling. And the first station is Lexical Station. “Green” read the first task.
1. Complete the words with the letters:
j..ck..t, je..ans, s..ort.., rai..c..at, mi..te..s, um..rel..a, d..es.., s..a..f.

Well done and the team “…”gets a jetton
2. Now the next task for you.
Listen to my stories and name the kind of the shop

  • We buy white bread and brown bread in this shop (baker’s)
  • You can buy chicken, sausages, meat in this shop (butcher’s)
  • You can buy fish in this shop (fishmonger’s)
  • People can buy biscuits, cakes, sweets there (sweetshop)
  • Here you can buy sugar, rice, salt there (grocer’s)
  • Here you can buy milk, cheese (dairy’s)

It’s very nice and the team “…” gets a jetton.
3. “Red” read the next task.
Complete the following word combinations:
A … of sugar, a … of lemonade, a … of bread, a … of chocolate, a … of coffee, a …of corn, two … of cake.

O.K. and the team “…” receives a jetton.
4. Now “Green” read the next task.
Find the names of the products.
Cof, che, ridge, bage, car, sand, rot, wich, cab, bre, ad, fee, ese, por, ter.

Excellent and the team “…” gets a jetton
5. So, now we are going to the next station. It’s Grammar station.
“Red” read the task.
Put the words in a logical order.

  • Many, trees, are, fruit, there, garden, in, my.
  • We, have, what, shall, dinner, for, today?
  • Cook, your supper, did, mother, when?

Fine, the team “…” gets a jetton.
6. “Green” read the next task.
Choose some, any or no.

  • There is … water in the glass.
  • There aren’t … vegetables on the table.
  • Can I have … orange, please?
  • – Are there … sweets in the bag?
    – Yes, there are … .

All right good for you. And “…” gets a jetton.

We have two Captains, they will go to Captains Station and do Crossword there and you go to the Translators Station.

7. Crossword.

w e r t s c a r f t
l u n c h u i o p a
d f g h o r a n g e
k l c u p z x c v b
m q w e p i e s e r
y u s u i t i o p a
d r a i n c o a t f
h j k l g l a s s z

8. Translate word combinations from Russian into English
Кусок мяса, буханка хлеба, стакан воды, чашка чая, литр молока, бутылка воды, 3 плитки шоколада, 4 коробки конфет, 2 кг. апельсин, 1 банка кукурузы.

Nice work and the team “…” gets a jetton.
9. And we go to the last Station. It’s the Station of Dialogues.
You often go to the Supermarket with your parents, there are a lot of departments in it. Now you will make up and play dialogues on the topic “Shopping” in different departments. “Red” or “Green” take the card, what department is on the card?
(Clothes department, sweet department, shoe department, dairy department)
Play the dialogue.
Well done. The team “…” gets a jetton.

III. Подведение итогов.

Now we’ll see how many jettons you have got. Count, please.
So, the team “…” wins. Our congratulations.
I’m very satisfied with your work at the lesson. You have worked very well today. Thanks a lot.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Биболетова М.З. Трубанева Н.Н. Учебник английского языка для начальной школы "Enjoy English 2", Обнинск, Издательство "Титул", 2007 г.
  2. Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку. К учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. “Enjoy English – 2”, Москва, “Вако”, 2007.
  3. Дзюина Е. В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке., Москва, “Вако”, 2009.