Путешествие в Канаду. 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 8

Цель: формирование социокультурной и коммуникативной компетентности учащихся.


  • Образовательная: активизировать лексику по теме; совершенствовать навыки монологической речи и навыки аудирования; актуализировать страноведческий материал по теме “Канада”;
  • Развивающая: развивать творческие способности, способности к сравнению, обобщению, развивать память, внимание, мышление; способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
  • Воспитательная: формировать способность к совместной работе в группе, расширять кругозор учащихся.

На уроке принимают участие 2 команды учащихся 8 класса. На доске написан план урока, т.е. название этапов путешествия.

  1. Symbols.
  2. Numbers.
  3. Cities.
  4. Sights.
  5. Animals.
  6. Main Facts.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it today? What is the weather like? The weather is fine, isn’t it? It is warm and we think you are looking forward to your summer holidays, aren’t you? Because in summer we have a great chance to travel. Do you like travelling? Why? How do you like to travel? What about English-speaking countries? Have you ever been to one of them? So, today we suggest travelling to one of the English-speaking countries. Guess what country it is. The name of this country comes from an Indian word.

P: Canada.

Открытие темы “Trip to Canada”

2. Объявление целей.

T: Imagine you are travel agents today, and you have a task to sum up all the necessary information about this country because you should answer the question if it is worth visiting Canada. Our imaginary trip has got six stations. If you do the exercise well, you will collect six leaves and read the name of a Canadian aborigine. So, we would like to welcome you aboard Arkhangelsk Airlines. Our plane is taking off and our imaginary trip starts.

Показ первого слайда с самолетом.

The plane is flying very fast,
And we are so glad,
To come to Canada to see
The beauty of this land.

T: So, our plane has landed.

Второй слайд “Welcome to Canada”

3. Основная часть.

  • Symbols.

T: Now let’s start our trip. The first task is symbols. There are 20 parts of ten words. Try to combine them into the words, read the words in order they are written and make sentences with them. The other group must translate your sentences. 5 minutes for you.

Words for 1 team: Words for 2 team:

Когда дети составляют предложения, на слайде появляются символы Канады.

T: Well, we see you know the symbols and geographical position of Canada well, we are sure you can tell the tourists about them. Here you are the first leaf for each team. So, it’s time to go to the next station which is called “Numbers”.

  • Numbers.

T: The next task for you is to look at the numbers and remember what they connect with or what they mean. (Третий слайд с цифрами)

30 (million population)
10 (provinces)
2 (languages)
3 (territories)
200 (lakes)
104 (members of the Senate)

Учащиеся вспоминают, с чем связаны эти цифры и составляют с ними предложения. You have guessed all the numbers you get the second leaf. Now you are ready to go to the next station which is called “Cities”.

  • Cities.

T: Well done, look, the next station is “Cities”. What Canadian cities do you know? Your task is to match the descriptions of the cities with the names below. I’ll give you 2 minutes.

1) It is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. It is located on the north-western shore of Lake Ontario. It’s a Canada’s economic capital. There is one of the largest zoos and a lot of museums in this city. (Toronto)

2) It is the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec and the second largest city in Canada. It is an unusual green city, because it has got 350 parks. It also has got beautiful cathedrals. The official language of it is French. This city is often called “Paris of the North America”. (Montreal)

3) It is a coastal city and a main seaport located in the Lower Mainland of southwestern British Columbia. It’s the second largest metropolitan area in the Pacific Northwest region. Different festivals and other interesting events are held here during the year. It is named after a British explorer. (Vancouver)

4) The city has population of 812,000. It is the fourth largest municipality in the country and the second largest in Ontario. It is very clean and quiet. Legislative power is vested in Parliament situated in this city. (Ottawa)

Учащиеся соотносят описание города с его названием, затем команды зачитывают и проверяют друг друга. (На экране появляется четвертый слайд c правильным ответом)

T: So, the time is up. Let’s check up. Let’s begin with the first team. Read the first description.

T: You have done this task quite well, so you get the third leaf and it’s time to go to the next station which called “Sights”, because these cities have got a lot of attractive places.

  • Sights.

T: Well, pupils, we suggest looking at the screen and seeing the most attractive sights for tourists in Canada. Be attentive, you have to make some notes in the tables and use them in your answers.








Показ пятого слайда с достопримечательностями городов.

T: Answer the questions.

  1. In what city is Parliament situated?
  2. What are the most famous Falls in Canada?
  3. Where is Fort York Historical Site situated?
  4. In what city can we see Olympics Clock and what does it do?
  5. In what city can we go to Botanical garden to see a lot of different plants?
  6. What city would you like to visit and why?

T: So, you have been to the largest cities in Canada, you’ve got to know the most interesting places there. We consider team can get the fourth leaf. Let’s go next.

  • Animals.

T: As you know a lot of different species of animals inhabit the forests and prairies in Canada. Your next task is to find hidden words. What animals inhabit the forests? You can find 11 words.


Pupils can find 11 words: raccoon, squirrel, bear, mink, deer, buffalo, caribou, beaver, skunk, lynx, and coyote. (Показ шестого слайда с животными)

T: Look at the pictures of these animals, read the names and translate them. What do you think about fauna of Canada? (It is very rich and various. Why is it so? (Because forests cover about half of Canada.) So, pupils, let’s go to the next station “Main facts”.

  • Main facts.

T: Your task is to complete the sentences. I’ll give you 2 minutes.

  1. Now Canada is the second largest country after ……… .
  2. The country’s most important symbol is ……………. .
  3. The French were the first to settle in the country in large numbers during ………. .
  4. Both ………….. and ……….. are official languages.
  5. Canada has ……… provinces and ……. territories, each with its own ………… .
  6. Forests cover about ……….. .
  7. Legislative power is vested in Parliament, which includes ………. , ……………. Of 104 appointed members and ……….. with about 300 elected members.
  8. Canada’s largest metropolitan areas are ………………, Montreal, Vancouver and …………….. .

T: It’s high time to check up your task. Exchange your sheet of paper with your partner. Pay attention to marks. (Показ седьмого слайда с правильным ответами) At the end of our lesson hand in your papers, please.

4. Итог урока.

T: Our imaginary trip is coming to an end and you, travel agents, have to go home. (Показ восьмого слайда с самолетом)

We say to Canada “Good-bye”,
The plane is flying back.
But we are sure, we won’t forget
The beauty of this land!

T: The plane has landed. Now as the travel agents you’ll have to answer the main question of our trip if it is worth visiting Canada.

Ch: I think that it is worth visiting Canada because …………

T: We see you have collected all six leaves; it means you have done all the tasks well. Let’s turn them over and see what word it is. Read the name of Canadian aborigine.

Ch: Eskimo.

T: Действительно, эскимосы являются коренными жителями Канады. С 1999 года была даже основана эскимосская автономная республика. Ребята, а какое лакомство напоминает вам слово “эскимос”?

Название мороженого “эскимо” происходит от слова “эскимос”. Существует несколько версий изобретения эскимо. По одной из них, рецепт мороженого первым разработал американец Христиан Нельсон в 1919 году. Первое эскимо представляло собой брикет мороженого в шоколадной глазури и называлось “эскимо-пай” – “пирожок эскимос”. В 1922 году Нельсон запатентовал свое изобретение.

Согласно другой версии, честь изобретения эскимо принадлежит Шарлю Жерве, одному из основателей французской компании “Жерве”, прославившейся производством сыра. Шарль Жерве продавал мороженое эскимо в одном из кинотеатров Парижа, где демонстрировался документальный фильм о жизни эскимосов “Нанук с Севера”. Поэтому кто-то из зрителей и окрестил новое мороженое “эскимо”.

Существует и еще одна версия. Говорят, что звездный час “палочного” мороженого настал, когда в 1920 году другой американец Кристиан Кент в домашней лаборатории покрыл его шоколадной глазурью. Кент основал небольшую кондитерскую фабрику, которая выпускала разную мелочь: шоколад, мороженое и прочие классические сладости. Как-то в магазин пришел малыш, который никак не мог решить, чего ему больше хочется – мороженое или шоколадный батончик. В конце концов, он выбрал шоколадку. Оба лакомства ребенок не мог купить по очень простой причине: мама дала ему всего лишь 5 центов. Тут-то Кристиана и осенила идея “свадьбы” мороженого и шоколада.

В конце урока дети за хорошую работу получают эскимо.