"Поэтами не рождаются"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Цель: развитие творческих способностей учащихся


  1. воспитательная: осуществление эстетического воспитания студентов, формирование позитивно-ориентированной личности, приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка, повышение мотивации изучения иностранного языка
  2. образовательная (дидактическая): расширение словарного запаса учащихся, формирование речевых умений и навыков
  3. развивающая: развитие умений и навыков разных видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо); умений творческой деятельности, развитие памяти, внимания.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, использовались программы Power Point, Movie Maker, Photoshop.

План мероприятия:

  1. Вступительное слово.
  2. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка:
    а) сказать в рифму слово;
    б) закончить предложение в рифму.
  3. Основная часть:
    а) назвать антоним;
    б) определить значение омонима (написать слова в правильном месте в предложении);
    в) ответить на вопрос на внимание;
    г) подставить слова по смыслу – получить стихотворение;
    д) соединить созвучные части предложений, добавить ЛЕ – создать стихотворения;
    е) домашняя заготовка стихотворений.
  4. Завершение:
    а) смайлики-настроения;
    б) награждение – номинации и подарки.

Ход мероприятия

Poets are not born

I. Вступительное слово

Today you are welcome at our poetic party. We’ll try to prove that if you were not born as a poet, we’ll try to make it. I hope everybody will have a fun today and you will be able to create masterpieces in English and Russian soon. You’ll be given some tasks.

II. Фонетическая и лексическая разминка:

a) Sound the same, for example.

Week-sick or speak: Life, rose, man, book, think, pity, day, walk, town, Passive.

б) Finish the sentences adding the English word, calling an animal:

  • Приезжает Santa Clause на большой и белой (horse)
  • Нацепив на хобот бант, танцует польку (elephant)
  • Опрокинув на пол банки, в уголке сидит (a monkey)
  • Почему-то влез на шкаф и застрял там (a giraffe)
  • Чтобы было веселей начинаем мы все (play)

III. Основная часть

а) Call antonyms:

I say Yes and you say No
I say Stop and you say Go
I say UP and you say DOWN
I say White and you say BROWN
I say SHORT and you say TALL
I say LARGE and you say SMALL
I say DAY and you say NIIGHT
I say BLACK and you say WHITE
I say SIT and you say STAND
I say WATER and you say LAND
I say YOUNG and you say OLD
I say HOT and you say COLD

б) Write the words in the correct place in the sentences

  1. Yesterday the sky was clear (blue) and the wind (blew) from the north
  2. Have you heard the fairy (tale) about the cat with no (tail)
  3. The (knight) spent the (night) in the castle
  4. Didn’t you (hear) Ann ask you to put the plate (here)?
  5. The (hair) on the (hare) is called fur

в) The next task shows us how attentive you are. Read the poem and answer the question

  • How many people were going to St Ives (1)
  • As I was walking to St Ives
  • I met a man and his 7 wives
  • Each wife had seven daughters
  • And each daughter had seven sons.
  • How many people were going to St Ives?

г) Let’s try to create a limeric. You are to make the correct order of the sentences, read and translate:

3) Who smiles as she rode on a tiger
1) There was a young lady of Niger
5) They returned from the ride
2) With the lady inside
4) And a smile on the face of the tiger

д) Put the word in the correct place and create the poem.

the wheel, fishing boat, Captain, оcean, by boat, rainy, a message, a seal, sea-gulls , foamy, dolphin

On rainy and on sunny days
The ocean ships cruise in the waves
You go by boat o have a rest,
The Captain tries to do his best.
He smokes his pipe and holds the wheel
And waves to sea-gulls and a seal.
In foamy waters of the sea
A dolphin plays with you and me.
A bottle with a message floats
and passes by the fishing boats.

е) Let’s create our poem. Choose the beginning. Find the second line. Use any three nouns in the third line. The last is given:

  1. As I was dozing in my chair
    As I was waiting for a bus
    As I was watching television
    As I was riding on a bike
    As I was walking round the zoo

  2. The man behind me made a great fuss
    I met a boy I did not like
    I dreamt of flying through the air
    A bravely made a great decision

  3. … (any 3 nouns ) I saw

  4. And then I woke up on the floor


As I was dozing in my chair
I dreamt of flying through the air
(Mountains, lakes and woods) I saw
And then I woke up on the floor

ж) Among us there are some poets. Let’s listen to their poems and enjoy.

IV. Заключительная часть

So, we hope we all had a fun today and now we know that to make a poem is not very difficult if we do our best.

Show me your marks of mood, please. (smiles). Congratulations!