Урок по теме "Квартира"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование умений и навыков описания интерьера квартиры средствами английского языка


  • Обучающая: сообщить новые знания оборота “there + to be”, тренировать его употребление в устной речи, формировать навык употребления предлогов места, продолжить формирование лексических навыков учащихся по теме «Квартира»
  • Развивающая: развивать память, внимание и воображение, совершенствовать коммуникативные умения учащихся
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать уважение к профессии строителя, бережливость

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Методы обучения: аудио-лингвальный, коммуникативный, практический, взаимопроверка, игровой

Языковой и речевой материал: предлоги места, артикль, множественное число существительных, оборот “there + to be”

Оборудование: мультимедийное сопровождение, рабочие тетради, ксерокопии текста для обучения аудированию, лексические карточки


I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие, проверка присутствия и готовности к уроку. Беседа с дежурным

– Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please! Let’s begin our lesson. Today at the lesson we have guests. That’s why our lesson is unusual. Now answer my questions:

                                                                                  The student is answering the questions
– Who is on duty today?                                             – I’m on duty today.
– What is the date today?                                            – Today is the 15th of December.
– What is the day of week today?                               – Today is Friday.
– Who is absent today?                                               –          … is absent today./ All are present.

2. Сообщение темы, плана и цели урока

The topic of our lesson is “A flat”. At our lesson we are going to check up the home task, to review prepositions of place, to learn the expression “there + to be”, to make up sentences describing a flat. Open your copy-books and write down the date and the topic of the lesson. (Приложение 1 слайд 1)

3. Речевая зарядка

– Let’s begin with the game “Snowball”. The topic of the game is “Furniture”.

The students are playing the game “Snowball” using the words belonging to the topic “Furniture”. The first student names a piece of furniture, the next one names the first piece of furniture and another one and so on.

II. Проверка выполнения домашнего задания

– At the last lesson you read a letter from your English friend. You are going to meet him and tell him about the flat your family has received. At home you had to make up dialogues with your English friend. Review the dialogues. You have 1 minute.

– And now act out your dialogues.

The students are acting out the dialogues.

III. Формирование лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся по теме «A flat»

1. Повторение значения предлогов места

– Today we are going to describe a flat. You must know where the furniture is situated. Let’s review some prepositions of place. (Приложение 1 слайды 2-9)
– Repeat after me all together: in, on, in front, behind, by, over, under, between.
– Let’s do ex.1. Fill in the right preposition. (Приложение 1 слайды 10-11)

2. Объяснение формы, значения и назначения оборота “there + to be”, тренировка в его употреблении

– In order to describe a flat you can use the expression “there + to be”. (Приложение 1 слайд 12)
– The singular nouns are used with the indefinite article, and the plural nouns are used with zero article. The sentences are translated beginning with the end. For example,

There is a table in the room. В комнате имеется стол.
There are – books on the table. На столе лежат книги.
In the interrogative sentence the verb “to be” goes to the first place.
In the negative sentence you can use the negation “no”.

– Now let’s do ex.2. Fill in the article, read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Do the exercise in your copy-books. Write the number of the sentence and the auxiliary verb you are inserting.

(Приложение 1 слайды 13-14)

The students are doing the exercise in their copy-books.

– Now change your copy-books in pairs. Check up your neighbour’s copy-book. How many mistakes does he have?
– And now let’s play. You must guess where the furniture is situated in my house.

(Приложение 1 слайды 15-24)

The students are asking the teacher questions such as:
Is there a kitchen on the first floor? Is the kitchen on the right?

3. Формирование навыка аудирования

My American friend sent me a photo of his house. Listen to his letter and say which house belongs to my American friend. You have this letter. But you cannot see some words. And the sentences of the letter are mixed. Your team must fill in the gaps. And the other team must put the sentences in the correct order.

A letter from my London friend

This is a picture of my house. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable.
When we have guests we have dinner in the dining room. After dinner we usually go to the sitting room. Our sitting room is very cosy. There isn’t much furniture in it. There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the middle of the room there is a big carpet. We have a TV set in the corner.
Our bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor. There are not many things in our bedroom. There are only two beds, a mirror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in it. We have two bedrooms for guests. They are rather small.
I like my house very much.

Task for team 1:

A letter from my London friend

This is a picture of my ___________. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey ____________ with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a ___________. The kitchen is rather big and ______________.
When we have guests we have dinner in the _______________. After dinner we usually go to the sitting room. Our sitting room is very cosy. There isn’t much ____________ in it. There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the ___________ of the room there is a big carpet. We have a TV set in the corner.
Our bedrooms are _______________, on the first floor. There are not many things in our bedroom. There are only two beds, a ___________, a dressing table and a _____________ in it. We have two bedrooms for guests. They are rather small.
I like my house very much.

house dining room upstairs building wardrobe
middle mirror kitchen comfortable furniture

Task for team 2 (предварительно вырезать карточки):

A letter from my London friend
There are not many things in our bedroom.
It is a big house.
They are rather small.
After dinner we usually go to the sitting room.
Our sitting room is very cosy.
We have two bedrooms for guests.
Like many English houses it is a two-storey building with a garden around it.
There are some pictures on the walls.
We have a TV set in the corner.
There isn’t much furniture in it.
I like my house very much.
On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen.
When we have guests we have dinner in the dining room.
There are only two beds, a mirror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in it.
There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it.
Our bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor.
This is a picture of my house.
The kitchen is rather big and comfortable.
In the middle of the room there is a big carpet.

The students are listening to the teacher. The first team is filling in the gaps, and the second one is ordering the sentences.

Answer my question: Which house belongs to my friend? (The correct answer is House 4)

(Приложение 1 слайд 25)

4. Формирование навыка выразительного чтения вслух

– Yes, you are right. Let’s read the letter and make sure of that. And now read the text aloud sentence by sentence.

The students are reading the letter sentence by sentence.

5. Пикассо-диктант

– Listen to me and draw in your copy-books what I am telling you.

There is a chair by the table. There is a window over the table. There is a vase on the table. The book is on the right of the vase. There is a TV set on the left of the table. The mirror is between the chair and the door.

The students are drawing listening to the teacher.

– Now show me your pictures. Whose picture is the closest to mine?

6. Составление предложений, описывающих интерьер квартиры

– Now let’s do ex. 3. Make up sentences describing a flat.

(Приложение 1 слайды 26-35)

The students are making up sentences using the pictures on the slides.

7. Разгадывание кроссворда

– And now let’s puzzle out the crossword. (Приложение 2)

Задания к кроссворду:


1 – здание; 3 – просторный; 5 – окно; 8 – наверху; 9 – комната; 10 – холодильник; 11 – кресло; 15 – квартира; 16 – мебель; 17 – книжный шкаф; 20 – теплый; 21 – этаж; 22 – внизу


1 – кирпич; 2 – земля, нижний этаж; 4 – стул; 6 – гардероб; 7 – удобный; 10 – любимый; 12 – зеркало; 13 – ванная; 14 – буфет; 18 – уютный; 19 – кабинет; 20 – стена.

The students are puzzling out the crossword.

IV. Подведение итогов. Сообщение домашнего задания

– What have you done at the lesson? You have spoken, made up dialogues, listened, read and written a lot. You have done your best. Did you like our lesson? Your marks are … At home you must describe your flat. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.