Travelling Around the World (the Statue of Liberty)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

I. Org. Moment.

T: Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

  1. You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane or if you go to the cinema or to the theatre (a ticket)
  2. It is a place where there are a lot of planes (an airport)
  3. What do monkeys like to eat? (bananas)
  4. Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots are… (vegetables)
  5. It is between 7 and 9 ( eight)
  6. We usually put a slice of it in a cup of tea ( lemon)
  7. A toy construction consisting of coloured bricks. (lego)
  8. This is the children’s favourite food ( ice cream)
  9. Some people are afraid to fly, they enjoy travelling by (train)
  10. Football, volleyball, tennis are… (games)

T: Now you see that the topic of our lesson is:”Travelling”. And I’ve asked you specially for our lesson to learn this wonderful poem by heart.

So many countries all over the world,
So many people and life-tales told!
Different cities, languages, poems,
Amazing traditions, legends and stories.
We travel east, we travel west,
If South is warm, North is cold,
To know so much is the best,
We start our trip and off we go!
Look at the blackboard and read the motto of our lesson: (Презентация 1 )
“The more we learn different lands, the more we know each other”

II. Warm-up.

T: We know that many people are fond of traveling
 Why do you like travelling?
St.1: We want to learn about different countries and their culture.
St.2: Travelling is good because you meet new friends.
St. 3: We learn different customs and traditions
St4.: You can see a lot of places of interest and buy souvenirs.
St5.: You can learn many interesting facts about the life of the people of many countries.
St 6: You may make friends with the children of these countries.

T:How can people travel? How do you enjoy travelling? Why? ( Презентация 2)
St.1: They can travel by car, by train, by plane, by bus, by sea, on foot.
St.2: I enjoy travelling by car because I can stop when and where I want and enjoy nature.
St.3: I enjoy travelling by sea .Traveling by sea is very popular with people because they can have a nice rest and get a lot of pleasure looking at the sea.
St4: I enjoy travelling by plane because it’s the quickest way of travelling
St5. I enjoy travelling by train because it’s the most comfortable and not expensive.


T: There are lot countries in the world. What countries do you know?
Sts: China, France, Germany, Australia, England, Egypt, India, America.
T:What countries and continents did we visit or go past during our virtual trip a week ago?
Sts: The USA, Africa, Greece, Germany, Great Britain, México, India , Russia
T: Well children. Today we shall speak only about one country. Try to guess, what country it is. Listen to this song and it will help you. You will hear the answer.
Звучит песня America, the beautiful. (Приложение 1)
T: Yes, you are right, It’s America, and the full name of this country is the United States of America. But you know that there are a lot of cities in the USA. And we are going to speak only about one . What it is? Try to guess. Listen again.
Звучит песня New York, New York. (Приложение 2)

Today we are going to speak about the main symbol of New-York. It is the Statue of Liberty.But it is not only the symbol of New-York. It is the symbol of the whole country. Listen to the speaker.

IV. Аудирование
Первое прослушивание.(Приложение 3)
A question for general understanding.

T: What is this text about?
Now, look at our screen. There are some new words and expressions (Презентация 3)

  1. the Statue of Liberty- Статуя Свободы
  2. famous-more famous-the most famous -известный
  3. sight- sights- вид
  4. to be made –быть сделанным
  5. a gift - подарок
  6. France, Paris
  7. 1884, 220
  8. To be brought in pieces –привезти частями
  9. To need a lot of money –нуждаться в деньгах
  10. To put the statue up- установить статую
  11. Bedloe’s island
  12. To stay in boxes – оставаться в коробках
  13. Immigrants – иммигранты, переселенцы.

T: Let’s listen for the second time.Второе прослушивание. Приложение 3)

2. T: First, we shall work with the words. They will help you to make a retelling.
 Read the sentences.

 True or false. (Презентация 4)

  • The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous sights in the world. (true)
  • It was made in the US ( false, it was made in France)
  • The Americans bought the statue ( false, it was a gift from the people of France)
  •  First it stood in Paris ( true)
  • It was brought to the US in pieces. ( true)
  • For two years the Statue stayed in one big box. ( false, it stayed in 220 boxes)

 Match the words 1-6 with a-f to make phrases. (Презентация 5)

1  the  Statue                    a. famous sight
2. the most                        b. the Statue up
3. to be  brought               c.  of Liberty
4. to need                         d.  in pieces.   
5. to put                            e. a lot of money
6. to stay                           f.  in boxes

 Choose the words from the list to complete the following sentences.
(Презентация 6)
1. The Statue of Liberty is one of ___________________ in the world.
2. It was ________ from the people of ________________
3. At first the statue stood in___________,but then it ____________to the US in___________
4. The city __________ a lot of __________ to _______________ on the ______________
5. For two years the statue ___________ in ________ boxes
6. The Statue was the first ______ for many_____________________

 Complete the factfile about the Statue of Liberty with information you know.
(Презентация 7)


Where from:_______________________



How many boxes ?___________________

V. The resume of the lesson.
T: The group will be divided into 2 groups.
 The first group will make this puzzle and make a short retelling about the history of the Statue of Liberty

Can you find the words?

Pedestal – пьедестал
Crown - корона
Flame - пламя
Granite -гранит
Robe –мантия, халат
Tablet - табличка
Torch – фонарь

T: And the second group will make this puzzle and make a short description of this lady, using all the words and expressions. (Рисунок 3)
( В это время играет фоновая музыка )(Приложение 4)

Для puzzle я использовала фотографию статуи Свободы, которую я увеличила до размера
40 х 30 см , а потом ее разрезала на неровные кусочки. ( среднего размера)

VI. The final moment. Karaoke. “New York, New York” (Приложение 5)

Для подготовки урока были использована книга
“New-York” Vicky Shipton. Издательство “Penguin Readers” стр 10 и диск к этой книге дорожка 8.