Открытый урок по английскому языку в старших классах "Эдвард Лир и его лимерики"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи: ознакомить учащихся с биографией Э. Лира и с видом шуточного стихотворения “лимерик”. Научить учащихся отличать этот вид от других видов стихотворных форм. Прививать учащимся интерес и толерантность к культуре других стран. Воспитывать чувство взаимовыручки и внимания друг к другу. Обучать учащихся догадке и развивать мышление. Продолжать формирование у учащихся коммуникативных навыков.

Учебные пособия: Интерактивная доска, дидактический материал (распечатки).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T. Good morning dear friends. Are you in a good mood? If not I’ll work as a fairy and in some minutes you ‘ll be merry and peaceful. Do you agree that people can’t live without humour? 5 minutes of good laugh a day keeps the doctor away. But why should we wait for April Fool’s Day to make laugh at something? It’s impossible for me to wait so long and I hope for you too. That’s why I want to introduce LIMERICS to you. What is it? Do you know? But 1 pupil in our class knows (he had a secret task). Please, Paul, take the floor.

P1. Limerick came from one of the Western counties of Ireland and its main city called Limerick. It was founded in 812. It is one of the greatest cities of Western Ireland. Many years ago people who lived in Limerick, sang a very funny song about their favourite city. Some people added new words and interesting stories in it. May be these songs were the first limericks. (Interactive board.)

T. So limerick is a nonsense poem of 5 lines, rhyming in such way :

As you see the scheme is aabba. Don’t forget that the third and the fourth lines should be shorter than others.

II. So here is the 1st task for you. Read 2 poems and find out which of them is limerick

1. There was a little girl, and she had a little curl
Just down the middle of her forehead;
When she was good, she was very, very good
And when she was bad, she was horrid.

1. There was an old lady who said
When she found a thief under her bed,
“Get up from the floor:
You are too near the door.
You may catch a cold in your head”
(the second one).

III. A lot of limericks were written by E. Lear. I asked Max to prepare a report about this writer.

P2: E. Lear is a famous English writer and animalist. He is called the first and the greatest poet of nonsense laureate and the father of limerick. You can see some of his portraits in different periods of his life. (interactive board). Lear was born in1812 in Highest. He had more than 20 brothers and sisters. When the boy was 13 his family got into trouble and Edward became independent. Only 1 his sister could help him. The boy was very talented. He was good at drawing, poetry and music. He worked very hard and at the age of 19 he published his first work ” Views in Rome”, decorated with his own drawings. He traveled a lot and always draw no matter his poor health. Here are some of his pictures (interactive board). Lear was never married because he was very shy. He left us a great number of pictures and a lot of books with his limericks and funny illustration. He died in 1888 in San-Remo Italy. But his limericks are still popular and many of them were translated into other languages. Such authors as Kipling and Galsworthy were greatly impressed by his works and tried to make limericks themselves. I’d like to show you funny pictures to limericks made by Lear.

IV. T. So some interesting tasks about limericks. You’ll have 6 pictures and 6 limericks , match them.

  1. There was an old man with a beard
    Who said” It is just as I feared!-
    2 Owls and Hen,
    4 larks and Wren,
    Have all built their nests in my beard.
  2. There was an old person of Fife,
    Who was greatly disgusted with life;
    They sang him a ballad,
    And fed him a salad,
    Which cured that old man of Fife.
  3. There was an old man of the North,
    Who fell in a basin of broth;
    But a quick-witted cook
    Fished him out with a hook,
    Which saved that old man of the North.
  4. There was a young lady whose nose
    Was so long that it reached to her toes;
    Whose conduct was steady,
    To carry that wonderful nose.
  5. There once was a man from Harare
    Who bought a brand new Ferrari.
    Now the buck and the gnu
    And the elephant too
    Hide away when he goes on safari.
  6. There was an old man, who when little,
    Fell casually into a kettle;
    But growing too stout,
    He could never get out,
    So he passed all his life in the kettle.

V. Now I’ll give you 2 limericks and you write down the moral.

  1. There was a young lady of Niger
    Who smiled when she rode on a tiger.
    They ended the ride
    With the lady inside-
    And the smile on the face of the tiger.
  2. There was a young lady named Esher.
    She lived in the county of Leicester.
    She went for a walk
    Had a great talk
    And found she had gone to the Chester.

VI. Let’s play “ Brain storm”. I’ll write down 4 words and you try to guess what the limerick is about.:

Russia , scream, lady, extreme.
Thanks for your versions and listen to a real one.
There was a young lady from Russia
Who screamed so that no one hush her.
Her screams were so extreme,
No one heard such scream,
As was screamed by that lady of Russia.

And now I’ll read you the Russian translation. Be attentive because your home task will be: to write a Russian version of any limerick.

Есть странная дама из Кракова
Орет от пожатия всякого.
Орет наперед
И все время орет –
Но орет не всегда одинаково. (Набоков 1954)

Вот вам некая мисс из России.
Визг ее был ужасен по силе.
И разил, как кинжал.
Так никто не визжал,
Как визжала та мисс из России. (Е. Клюев 1992)

Which version do you like more? As you see tastes differ.

VII. And now one more game which is called “Spoilt limericks”. You’ll have these lines with parts of one limerick. Organize them in right way and show me your limericks.

There was an old man, who supposed
That the street door was partially closed.
But some very large rats,
Ate his coats and his hats
While that futile old gentleman dozed.
I’ll read you a Russian version.

Дед у двери задраил щели
Чтобы крысы пролезть не сумели.
Но пропали из шкафа
2 костюма и шляпа
Лишь чуток похрапел он в постели.

I think it’s rather successful. Do you agree?

VIII. And now retell from the 1st person some limericks. Work in pairs.

  1. There was a young lady who said
    When she found a thief under her bed,
    Get up from the floor,
    you are too near the door
    you may catch a cold in your head.
  2. A man in a restaurant of Crewe
    Found quite a large mouse in his stew.
    Said the waiter:” don’t shout”
    And don’t wave it about
    Or the rest will want a mouse too.
  3. There was once a girl named Ruth,
    Who pulled out a very loose tooth.
    She started to cry
    Was afraid she would die
    But instead she grew a new tooth.

IХ. And now some grammar. Read 2 limericks and give plural or singular of these words.

  1. 12 brothers whose taste was absurd
    lined shelves wearing clothes that were furred.
    From the skin of the deer
    And the sheep they would shear
    In trousers they’re seen as a herd .
  2. A gaggle of bungling thieves
    Stole the biggest tree of the trees.
    Their furious wives
    Waving 24 knives,
    Had sent them for loaves not leaves.

X. Well , you’ve worked well. Your home task is to prepare 1 limerick devoted to the nearest holiday and to write a Russian version of any limerick. Your marks are… The lesson is over .See you later. Good bye.
