Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "Одежда"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основным приоритетом развития образования в наши дни является его личностно-ориентированная направленность. Цель обучения иностранному языку – формирование и развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и её составляющих. Изменение целей влечет изменение подходов к обучению. На протяжении нескольких лет педагоги нашей школы применяют на своих уроках технологию развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо. Данная технология отличается от других возможностью взаимодействия с идеями и информацией, выбора информации, её оценки, осмысления, применения, возможности рассмотреть её с различных точек зрения. Критическое мышление исследует и подвергает испытанию предлагаемые объяснения на предмет их действенности, чтобы увидеть, насколько они хороши на практике. [1] Продуктивной работа на уроке может быть лишь в том случае, если правильно выбран информативный материал и стратегия занятия. В данной статье приводится конспект урока по теме «Одежда» (8 класс) с применением отдельных элементов вышеназванной технологии.


  • to practice reading and listening for the main idea;
  • to remember the words;
  • to speak about the clothes;
  • to express opinions;
  • to write a Cinquain poem.

I. Presentation

– Good morning, my dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see all of you.

II. Phonetic Warming-up.

На доске картинки с изображением предметов одежды.

– What kind of clothes would you like to have?
– What would you wear if you lived one or two centuries ago?
– How is the theme of our lesson related to the pictures? What pieces of local or national clothes come to your mind when you hear the phrase “Russian National costume?”
– Do you like any of them most of all? Have you ever worn any of them?
(Students give their answers).
– I’d like you to present all the words as a Word Web: Add some words to all groups: legwear, footwear, headdress, bodywear.

III. Main Part

1. We have come to the conclusion that you know enough about our national clothes. It would be nice to organize this facts into the table. Fill in the table given bellow. The first column is for the information you know very well. The second one is for the facts that you are eager to know. You may work in pairs.


2. Now I’d like you to watch some slides about Russian national costume.  (Приложение)
Pay attention to the words in our Word Web. What can you add to it? (Pupils watch the presentation and complete the Word Web).

3. Which words have you remembered? What information was interesting for you? Has the presentation answered your questions from the second column in the table? What can you write in the third column? (Pupils complete the table).

4. Using your tables and Word Webs you can easily describe some items of Russian national costume. How different is today’s fashion? (Pupils do the task in two groups: the first one describes fashion in the past, the second group tells about the nowadays’ fashion).

5. Let’s do a small test. You are to choose the correct word: (the right answers are underlined)

1) The main part of a Russian costume is a shirt/skirt.
2) Men’s shirts differed from women’s by length/width.
3) The sarafan was worn by young men/women.
4) Women wore the kokoshnik on everyday/special occasions.
5) Sheepskin overcoats/trousers were worn by both men and women.

IV. Reflection

– Do you remember how to write a Cinquain Poem?

Line 1 – One-word title. Today it is “Clothes” or “Fashion”.
Line 2 – Two adjectives for describing that word.
Line 3 – Three verbs
Line 4 – Four feeling words
Line 5 – A synonym for the title word.

(In some minutes pupils give their examples).

V. Conclusion

– Can you value your work during the lesson? Answer some questions and raise the coloured cards that are on your desks. A red one means “Excellent”, a yellow card is for if you are not sure, and a blue one means “Not very good”. The questions are:

– How have you understood the material?
– Could you tell your foreign friend anything about Russian national clothes?
– Have you tried your best today?

Информационные источники:

  1. Диалог культур. Развитие коммуникативной и лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся. – Волгоград: «Панорама», 2006
  2. Досуг в школе. Газета для учителей и организаторов внеклассной работы начальных, средних и старших классов. – 2006. –  №12.
  3. Russian National Costume// School English. Газета для изучающих английский язык. – 2008. –  №2. – С. 27