Урок английского языка с использованием интернет-технологий "English-Speaking Countries"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Цель: знакомство с Канадой и Австралией (в цикле уроков по теме: «English-Speaking Countries»).

- образовательные: уточнить понятие «English-Speaking Countries», развивать коммуникативные навыки детей при повторении лексики по теме: «English-Speaking Countries»; познакомить детей со странами: Канадой и Австралией (общая информация), совершенствовать умение работы с текстом       (просмотровое чтение, чтение с поиском конкретной информации, преобразование текста), умение работать в интерактивной среде Интернет, обмениваться документами в локальной сети.
- развивающие: развивать логическое мышление и воображение, внимание и произвольную память,  навыки монологической речи, умение отвечать на вопросы.
- воспитательные: развивать умение слушать своего собеседника; взаимодействовать в группе; умение придти на помощь, в случае затруднения; заинтересовать детей новыми странами; стимулировать к дальнейшему поиску информации, знакомству и изучению новых стран.

Этап Деятельность учителя и учащихся Время
1. Greeting T - SS Greeting: - Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you! Good afternoon, children! Look at our quests and greed them! Take your seats and let's begin our lesson! (дети садятся за парты). 2 min
2. Introducing the topic: «English-Speaking Countries» Warm up. T < SS - There are a lot of countries on the map of the world (на экране карта мира). Look at the screen and name some of them (на экране появляются очертания стран: Великобритании, Америки, Канады, Австралии).
- Do you know flags of the countries? What country is this flag? And what about this one? Do you know what country has got this flag? etc. (на экране флаги 4-х стран).
- What is common with these countries?
- Of course, the official language is English. These countries are often called «English-Speaking Countries» .
3 min
3. Check up (homework) - We know a lot of interesting facts about the UK. It's the birthplace of the English language. We learned o lot about this country last year at our lessons. S1
- Dasha, go to the blackboard and sum up the information about the UK. Students listen to Dasha very attentively, I'll ask you some questions about Great Britain after her presentation. (презентация 1).
T < SS
- What is the full name of the country?
- What is the capital of the country?
- Where is it situated?
- What is the nickname of the British flag?
- How many parts are there in the UK? Name them.
- What are the plant symbols / Patron Saints of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
- Tell me some words about the political system of the UK.
- Who is the Queen of the UK nowadays?
- Who is the Prime Minister?
- What places of interest would you like to visit? Why?
- What famous British people do you know? etc
- Listen about the USA. Kate tell us about this country, please (презентация 2).
T < SS
- Tell me some words about geographical position of the country.
- How many states are there in the USA?
- Who was the first President of the country?
- Who is the President now?
- What is the nickname of the American flag?
- Name some national American holidays.
- What famous American people do you know? etc
10 min
4. Practice a) Introducing Canada and Australia. Searching some general facts in the Internet.
- We speak about English-Speaking Countries today. We revised two of them: the UK and the USA. Let's speak about other two countries. They are Canada and Australia. Take your computers.
- Look at the screen. There is a table. Read the titles (capital, official language, gegraphical position, flag / symbols, head of state, the largest city, national sport).
- There are two groups in our class. There are 6 students in the 1st group. They are ..... Your group find as much information as possible about Canada. The 2nd group (there are 7 students in it) will do the same about Australia.
- There is a documnt, which is called "Canada" for your group and "Australia" for your group. Open it. b) Complete this table in English.
You can use one of these sites:
http// nationalgeographic.com/Places/Find/Canada
http// nationalgeographic.com/Places/Find/Australia.
- You have 7 minutes to complete this table. You can change the pieces of information with the help of the local net. Are there any questions? If you run into a problem let me know (на экране таблицы детей в процессе работы).
c) Speaking about Canada and Australia
- Choose one of the groups who presents us the country. (на экране заполненные таблицы детей, 2 человека рассказывают с опорой на них).
20 min
5. Controlled practice a) Now the first group will do the on-line test (на компьютере). And the second will solve the crossword with me (на экране).
b) Now the second group will do the test and the first will solve the crossword with me.
- You can see the results on the screen.
10 min
6 . Homework - Your homework is to make a presentation about places of interest in Canada and Australia. You should try to convince us to visit these countries and see different places.
Thank you for the lesson!

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