Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Fairy Cracknut"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

В своей работе я использую инсценировки сказок, и в завершении учебного года мы показываем спектакль для родителей. В процессе постановки я имела возможность наблюдать, как раскрываются творческие возможности детей, развивается их фантазия и инициатива, творческие способности. Почувствовать себя причастным к волшебному миру сказки - это здорово! Но кроме этого решаются и учебные задачи – совершенствуются знания иностранного языка, расширяется лексический запас, поддерживается интерес к изучению предмета.


Mary and Princess
The Queen of Mice
The son of the Queen of Mice         
Courtiers (Lady1, Lady2)

Act 1

Звучит музыка (“Па де де”) из балета П.И. Чайковского “Щелкунчик”.

Narrator: Dear guests! You surely know the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the King of Mice” by Ernest Theodore Amadeus Hoffmann. There are a lot of versions of this story in ballet, in animation, in films, on TV and even in jazz. Today we present our version of this romantic story.

Mary: It’s my birthday today. I’m very happy. There were a lot of guests at my party. They gave me a great number of presents. We had a wonderful time. (She dances.)

But my Godfather Drosselmeier hasn’t come yet. I’m waiting for him. Magical things always happened when he came to our house. Last year he gave me a nutcracker. I’ve got a lot of toys, but the nutcracker is my favourite toy. He is a brave soldier and he can crack nuts. I believe he is an enchanted noble prince. I love him very much. What will my godfather give me? A doll or a cake, a Teddy bear or a toy? It’s late and I want to sleep.

(She falls asleep)

Drosselmeier: Good evening, my dear Mary. Wake up! Wake up!

Mary: Oh, Drosselmeier, nice to see you.

Drosselmeier: Many happy returns of the day, my dear Mary!

Here is my present for you.

Mary: What a nice box! It’s a lovely birthday present. Thank you very much.

Drosselmeier: It isn’t a common box, it’s a magic box.

Mary: A magic box? What a surprise! Let me open it!

Drosselmeier: If you open it, you will watch an alive tale.

Mary: Fantastic! It’s an amazing present. (Mary opens the magic box.)

Звучит музыка (“Марш”) из балета П.И. Чайковского “Щелкунчик”. Появляется королевский двор.

Drosselmeier: It’s the Kingdom of Marzipan. There are a lot of sweets and candies, cakes and biscuits, but they like meat and sausages.

Mary: How interesting it is! I want to go there.

Drosselmeier: Don’t hurry! If you go there, the fairy tale may be changed and something unexpected will take place.

Mary: I’m not afraid. I want to be there. (She runs out a scene.)

Drosselmeier: Ah! She isn’t alive to the danger.

Act 2

Narrator: The fairy tale has begun. Now Mary is in the King’s castle.

You can see The King and The Queen and their courtiers. The King and The Queen are high-spirited but they are not quite happy because they haven’t got either a son or a daughter. You can see the Queen of the neighboring country, she isn’t kind and sincere, she is false and cruel. Look over there! This is the Prince of the Toy’s Kingdom. He is a brave, modest and good looking young man.

Lady1: Look at this young lady! She is so pretty and nice.

Lady2: Her hair is light as the hair of the mermaid.

Lady1: Her lips are red as the rose.

Lady2: Her shining blue eyes are as the lakes.

Lady1: Her skin is white as snow

Lady2: What an attractive smile she has!

The Queen of Mice: They say she is beautiful. I can see nothing out of the way.

I can’t see anything delicious.

Lady2: Look! She is standing without moving.

Lady1: And she can’t speak.

King: What a curious thing! Who is this stranger?

General: I don’t know.

King: May be my Astrologer can answer?

Astrologer: Well…I can say. If you can guess her name, she will be able to move and speak.

Lady1: May be her name is Mirabel?

Lady2: No. Well… May be Peggy?

General: Caroline? No.

Queen: May be Mirly or Pirly?

Lady2: Pate?

King: Pirli-pate. (Mary starts moving.) Princess Pirlipate.

Astrologer: Yes, you are right. Her name is Princess Pirlipate. And she is your daughter.

Herald: The King and the Queen have a daughter now! She is Princess Pirlipate.

Mary: What a wonderful piece of luck for me! I always wish to be Princess.

Queen: It’s fantastic! How happy we are to have such a lovely daughter!

King: It’s great! Now I’m quite happy and I want to give a sausage feast for her.

Queen: What a splendid idea!

Herald: The King and the Queen give the feast in honour of their daughter Princess Pirlipate.

The Queen of Mice: Oh, a sausage feast! That’s great! I hope you invite me.

Queen: Oh, my dear, we won’t give a big feast at all and you have never been in our society.

The Queen of Mice: That’s not true. I have been living in the royal palace for many years. I’m sure of my royal origin. Besides, I was at your last feast.

The Queen: Yes, you were at our last feast and there were a few sausages, because you had eaten them. The fact you managed to eat all fat from sausages when our sausage-maker cooked them.

The Queen of Mice: How rancorous you are! I have never been so insulted. I’ll give you a lesson! I’ll spoil your feast. I’ll revenge you. (She leaves.)

Звучит музыка (“Вальс цветов”) из балета П.И. Чайковского “Щелкунчик”.

Princess: It’s wonderful to be a princess! I’m having a good time here. I’m enjoying myself.

Prince: Dear Princess, you are so beautiful and kind!

Princess: Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say so.

Prince: My dearest Princess! I must say I have fallen in love with you at first sight.

You are so beautiful. I can address you only in poem.

I’m sure my love is warmer than the warmest sunshine,
softer than a sigh,
my love is deeper than the deepest ocean,
wider than the sky.
my love is brighter than the brightest star
that shines every night above,
and there is nothing in this world that can ever
change my love.

Princess: Oh, dear Prince, you are so kind and polite, but I’m not ready to answer your feeling yet. First let’s have fun, play and dance. The music is so nice. (They dance.)

Act 3

The Queen of Mice: They didn’t invite me to a sausage feast! Well! They will have a lot of trouble. Oh! I’ll revenge them!

The Queen and the King have got a daughter. They are happy. Why can’t I have a son? Why can’t he be like the Prince? Well… My magic wand, help me!

Wiggly, woggly, wuggly, wee.
My son, appear, when I count to three.
One, two, three.

The son of Queen of Mice: Pi-pi-pi! I’m hungry! I’m hungry! I’m hungry! I’m thirsty and hungry. I’m very hungry. I’m very, very hungry!

The Queen of Mice: My dear son!

The son of Queen of Mice: Who are you?

The Queen of Mice: I’m your mummy.

The son of Queen of Mice: What is mummy?

The Queen of Mice: Mummy is a person who loves and feeds.

The son of Queen of Mice: Feed! I’m hungry. What have you in the way of food?

The Queen of Mice: I’m sorry. I have nothing to eat.

The son of Queen of Mice: Nothing? Then I’ll eat you. (They are running)

The Queen of Mice: You can’t eat me. I’m your mummy. I’m a Queen and you’re a King, a King of Mice!

The son of Queen of Mice: Really? Am I a King? If I’m a King give me some food! I’m hungry!

The Queen of Mice: Wait for a moment!

The Son of Queen of Mice: I don’t want to wait. I’m hungry! I’m very hungry! I’m very, very hungry! I’m very, very, very hungry!

My! Something smells delicious here.

Sausage-maker: Sausages, black pudding, liver sausage, smoked sausage, boiled sausage!

The Son of Queen of Mice: Sausages! Excellent! That’s good food! I’ll eat them.

The Queen of Mice: Stop! You mustn’t do it. You can steal them when nobody sees you.

The Son of Queen of Mice: Ha! I’m hungry. You can’t stop me!

Sausage-maker: He is stealing my sausages. Stop! It doesn’t belong to you. Help me, please! Help!

(The Queen of Mice and her son run away)

General: Stop thief! Stop thief!

Sausage-maker: Impudent fellow! How angry I am! Oh! My sausages! I didn’t sleep. I didn’t dream. I was making sausages all night long. I made sausages for the King and the Queen but not for mice.

(The King and the Queen and their courtiers appear.)

King: What is happening here?

Sausage-maker: Oh, my Majesty! Just suppose the Son of the Queen of Mice has eaten all sausages.

King: What! He has eaten all sausages! I have no patience any more. I order to drive all the mice away.

Herald: The King orders to drive all the mice away!  

General: We have been always too patient to mice. It is high time to declare war to them!

Queen: All sausages have been eaten! I can’t believe it!

Princess: What a pity! We have no feast now, but I am waiting for it with all my heart.

(The Son of Queen of Mice and the Queen of Mice appear)

The Son of Queen of Mice: What a charming girl!

You are so pretty. What a nice nose! What nice eyes you have got. I want you to be my wife.

Princess: You are an impudent fellow! I don’t like you. Go away!

The Son of Queen of Mice: What? Mum! Did you hear what she says?

The Queen of Mice: Don’t worry! I’ll punish her.

Wiggly, woggly, wuggly, woo.
Here’s a special ugly face for you!

Princess: What’s happened with me? They are laughing at me.

The Queen: Dreadful distress! I have lost my daughter.

King: Don’t weep, my dear.

Princess: My father! Can you answer? What’s wrong with me?

King: Terrible misfortune! Don’t ask me! I can’t… Oh!

My General, you may tell her.

General: You are ugly. Really ugly!

Princess: Ugly? Really?

General: It isn’t my way to deceive.

Lady1: You are ugly as a toad!

Lady2: You are loathsome as an adder!

Lady1, Lady2: We are filled with loathing.

(The Princess is crying)

Prince: It is no use of crying! It doesn’t matter that you are not beautiful any more. I love you and get ready to marry you.

General: Pay attention, he is an absolute man.

Lady1: He really has a good heart.

Lady2: And he is an unselfish young man.

The King: I agree. You may marry her.

Astrologer: Oh! Dear Prince, if you marry her evil spell will never disappear.

The King: I order to find the way to return the Princess her face.

Herald: The King orders to find the way to return the Princess her face!

General: I know nothing about it.

The King: My Astrologer! Can you tell us the way to return the Princess her face?

Astrologer: I don’t know exactly. I should think a little, watch the stars and cast a horoscope for the Princess.

The King: We have no time to wait. I want to know now. I’ll give you only 3 minutes.

Astrologer: I can’t do it so quickly.

The King: Well, you have 2 minutes. Hurry up!

Astrologer: I don’t know what to say.

The King: Be quick! You have only 20 seconds.

Astrologer: Found! I have found. In order to get rid of the evil spell the Princess has to eat the kernel of the nut.

The King: There are a lot of nuts around us.

Astrologer: It isn’t a simple nut. Its name is Cracknut. Besides a handsome young man has to crack the nut and to present it to Princess with his eyes closed, and then to step back seven steps without stumbling.

The King: Where is this Cracknut? Give it to me!

Astrologer: I haven’t got it. And I don’t know where the Cracknut grows. I don’t know even where we must look for it.

Prince: Let me try to look for the Cracknut. I must find it and save the Princess.

Princess: Dear Prince, I’ll wait for you. Good luck!

Prince: I will do all I can.

Act 4.

Звучит музыка (“Кода”) из балета П.И. Чайковского “Щелкунчик”.

Narrator: The Prince had been wandering for several years all over the world and hadn’t seen any signs of the Cracknut.

Prince: I was in America and Australia, in Europe and Asia and even in Africa. There wasn’t the Cracknut. Nobody knows about it. Well, if I am to wander all over the world, why shouldn’t I try the luck at home? I return home!

The Son of Queen of Mice: Mummy, look! The Prince has come back.

The Queen of Mice: We mustn’t permit him to get rid of the evil spell. If he does it we’ll never come back to the castle. We must stop him!

The Son of Queen of Mice: Go away! Go away! Go away! (He throws nuts at Prince and Prince catches one.)

Prince: What’s this? Isn’t it the Cracknut? I can hardly believe my eyes. It is the Cracknut. What a wonderful piece of luck!

The Son of Queen of Mice: Give me this nut! I must crack it! Oh! I’ve broken my tooth! Mummy, I can’t crush the Cracknut!

The Queen of Mice: It is not known yet, if the Prince cracks the nut.

(The King and the Queen and their courtiers appear.)

General: Look! Prince has crushed the nut.

Prince: Here is the kernel for you, my dear. (He gives a kernel to Princess.)

Princess: I’m very grateful to you indeed. (She eats the kernel.)

Queen: It’s a wonder, the ugly creature disappeared!

My daughter, how happy I am!

Lady2: Miraculous escape!

Astrologer: Now, dear Prince, you have to step back seven steps.

All: One, two, three, four, five, six…(The Queen of Mice appears. She screeches. Prince steps on her with his heel, stumbles over and falls down and becomes so ugly as the princess was before.)

General: He becomes as ugly as the princess has been before.

Lady2: Oh! His head with goggled eyes is awful.

Lady1: His mouth is enormous and ugly.

Princess: How ugly he is! I can’t look at him without horror. Get him out! The ugly Nutcracker! Get him out!

Act 5

Звучит музыка(“Па де де”) из балета П.И. Чайковского “Щелкунчик”.

Mary: What have I done? Why did I become so wicked and heartless?

Drosselmeier: I’ve given a notice to you: if you come in the fairy tale, something unexpected can take place.

(Mary takes her toy’s Nutcracker)

Mary: Now I realize why Nutcracker is so ugly. With all my heart I wish him to become the most handsome Prince in the world.

My dear Drosselmeier, can I correct this story and help my dear Nutcracker?

Drosselmeier: Yes. You can try. But it is a different story.

Narrator: Our fairy tale hasn’t ended. Don’t be upset. It will have a happy end.