Мастер-класс по технологии мастерской построения знаний "Pros and Cons of Modern Inventions" (11-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Первый этап (the 1st lesson)

Цель: формирование информационного голода, запроса.

Слово мастера

Индуктор (индукция - способ рассуждения от частных фактов к общим выводам) - первое задание, мотивирующее дальнейшую деятельность участников

Создание творческого продукта

Социализация, т.е. предъявление созданного продукта всем участникам. Социализация позволяет понять направление, способы деятельности других участников, соотнести результаты, оценить идеи и гипотезы.

Промежуточная рефлексия и самокоррекция деятельности.

(формирование информационного запроса)

Второй этап (the 2nd lesson)

Цель: Формирование новых знаний.

Обращение к новой информации и ее обработка.

Корректировка творческого продукта или создание нового варианта версии. Групповая или индивидуальная работа.


Общая рефлексия и выход на новую систему проблем.


1. To broaden pupils' outlook on the theme by providing them with additional material from different sources of information.

2. To develop mental abilities by teaching the pupils to compare, analyze, evaluate, and make up their own opinion and choice.

3. To develop language skills in listening, speaking, reading on the theme.

TASK: Students have to define

Pros and cons of modern technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern inventions.

Decide what good and bad points we have in our life with them.

Make a conclusion whether it is a necessity or a threat to our life if we are not aware of modern invention dangers.

Grammar revision: Conditional sentences.

Procedure of the workshop

I этап (формирование информационного голода, запроса)

1.Слово мастера


Wonderful inventions have been made in science and technology recently. These advances are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world.

In 1932 an English writer, Aldous Huxley, wrote a book called "Brave New World." In it, he envisaged life six hundred years into future. Later in his life, he said that if he rewrote the book, he would place the same vision only one hundred years into future, because so many of his prophecies had come already true.

This is the vision of the future that "Brave New World" describes.

Which aspects:

-have already come true?

-will come true soon?

-might come true some time?

-couldn't possibly come true ever?


"Brave New World" (Headway, Upper -Intermediate, John and Liz Soars, Oxford University Press, 1997)

What does the future hold?

WORLD. The world is controlled centrally, following a nine-year war between super powers which led to economic collapse.

There is total social stability. World population is maintained at two thousand million. English is the only language, all others are dead. There is no religion. History and literature are censored.

PEOPLE. Everyone is happy. Babies are born in test-tubes, and by careful use of chemicals and conditioning (babies are taught in their sleep), people are designed to perform certain functions in life. There are five classes of people. There is no illness or disease, but there is also no emotion or privacy. Everyone looks young until they are sixty, when they are sent to hospitals to die.

ENTERTAINMENT. People go to feelies, where they not only see pictures, but also feel and smell them. There is no love or marriage, and sex is an important form of entertainment.

Everyone takes a drug called soma, in the evenings with friends and for sleep holidays that last two weeks.

THE ECONOMY. Everybody works seven and a half hours a day, not because this is necessary but because people like their work too much and would otherwise have too much free time. It is a throwaway, consumer society.

TRAVEL. The better classes travel everywhere by helicopter, and go on weekend holidays to the other side of the world. Rockets can go from London to America in six and half hours, travelling at 1,250 kilometers per hour.

Teacher: So during our workshop we have to define pros and cons of modern technology, advantages and disadvantages of modern inventions. Decide what good and bad points we have in our life with them and make a conclusion whether it is a necessity or a threat to our life if we are not aware of their dangers.

2. Индуктор.

a. Teacher: Mass Media do a lot to promote high-tech gadgets and new products or new generation of products by advertising them.

Imagine, you are a producer of a certain thing and you want it to be sold out as quickly as possible, so your company advertises it.

Home prepared task: advertising, each group presents their ads.

Task: while watching the ads think whether you will buy the goods advertised or not. Why? (Are they for pleasure? Do they make life easier and more enjoyable? Do they save your time?)

b. Listening task1. (First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 2. Diana L. Fried-Booth. Longman.2002. Test1 part4.)

You'll hear a radio interview with a research scientist. Decide which of the statements are true and which are false.

The "smart pill" is a new drug.

It's easy for some people to take the wrong medicine.

People don't mind about making mistakes.

Most people are impressed with the new system for reading labels.

People can hear personal information with the new system.

The labels are designed to speak aloud.

Most people are afraid of new technology.

c. P1-P2, P3. Discussion.

Teacher: So, inventions in technology make our life easy, enjoyable and relaxing. Inventions in medicine make our life longer, don't they?

3. Создание творческого продукта .

a. The task for work in groups: Make up a list of pros of modern inventions.

b. Listening task2. (First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 2. Diana L. Fried-Booth. Longman.2002. Test1 part3.)You will here three different people talking about the importance of modern inventions. Choose from the list A-D the reason each speaker gives for the importance of the modern invention to him personally. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. It entertains me. Speaker 1-

B. It guarantees contact. Speaker 2 -

C. It helps my memory. Speaker 3 -

D. It provides an escape. Speaker 4 -

E. It's removed a pressure. Speaker 5 -

F. It's always with me.

c. Teacher: So, answer the question, please: What can't you live without? Why?

4. Социализация.

Students present their ideas about what things they can't live without.

5. Промежуточная рефлексия и самокоррекция.

Do you really think our life is impossible without all these inventions? What if we refuse using them? Do you know there has been done some research into finding out what our life would be if we didn't use modern inventions? What do you think are the results? Would you like to know them?

II этап - формирование новых знаний.

1. Обращение к новой информации и ее переработка.

a. Imagine life in your family fifty years ago. How did your parents and grandparents live? How was their daily life different from today?

b. If you lived then, what would you miss about your life today? What wouldn't you miss? Make up two lists.

Eg. I would miss an iron:

Eg. I wouldn't miss a TV:

What grammar structure is used in the questions? Do you think we have to revise this grammar structure?

Grammar revision: the Subjunctives. (Cards on the grammar structure are distributed, students work in pairs, the verbs in black is missed, and students have to fill in the gaps). For example:

If you are busy, I shall leave you alone. (to be, to leave)

If you were busy, I should leave you alone.

If you had been busy, I should have left you alone.

If my mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea party. (To buy, to have)

If my mother bought a cake, we would have a very nice tea party.

If my mother had bought a cake, we would have had a very nice tea party.

c. Read the text "The family who turned back the clock" (Upper- Intermediate, New Headway, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press)

d. Find the answers to the questions in the article, describing the experiment.

Teacher: You are going to read the text about Jones family. Read the text quickly, discuss the questions:

What was the experiment that they agreed to?

What was the first thing the children usually do when they wake up in the morning?

What does the family own more than the average family owns?

What were the rules for each member of the family?

Who refused to join the experiment? Why?

Who enjoyed it most? Why?

Who enjoyed it least? Why?

Who had the mixed feelings? Why?

2. Корректировка творческого продукта.

a. What are the drawbacks of modern inventions? (T-Cl)

T. I have brought something for you. These are the "smart pills" that make everyone very clever. Just drink it with water and you are the cleverest students. Will you? Why not? Express your view point. (The teacher tries to make students take some tablets.)

Should you be so naive as to trust my words? Shouldn't you read the instructions and warnings first? Yes, but the same is with all those modern gadgets and inventions that are advertised.

b. Reading Task. Each group receives a different article.

What is wrong with the inventions described in the articles? Texts: "Television exposure damages child speech", "Experiments on animals", "Leave your car at home', "Computer addicts" - (Ideas and issues, Intermediate, O. Johnston, Chancel International Publishers Ltd 1998).

Groups of students study texts and make up a list of "Cons" of modern inventions.

3. Discussion. Students discuss cons of the modern inventions given in the articles.

4. Cоциализация.

The students present their ideas to the class.

The class make up the conclusion.

5. Рефлексия.

Teacher: We have the right to know the truth (advantages and disadvantages, weak and strong points) of what we consume. And if the producers present only pros they deprive us of the right to make our own choice. Do you think our workshop has been useful? Why? Will you be able to write a composition now on the theme "Pros and cons of modern inventions"?

This is your home task. Thank you for being active and creative. I hope you enjoyed the work.