Урок-конференция "Мир англоговорящих стран"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Развитие навыка вести этикетный диалог и заполнять бейджи.
  • Развитие навыка просмотрового чтения.
  • Организация монологического высказывания по теме.


1. Организационный момент

– Good morning, boys and girls! Where are going to have a conference “The World of English-speaking countries”. Some of you will play the parts of our guests, others will act as hosts.  

2. Фонетическая зарядка упр. 34 стр. 42

Great Britain                                   Italy upside down
New Zealand                                  an island state
Australia                                         cultural mosaic
the USA                                         a “Lucky country”
Canada                                          a real melting pot

–  Match the countries and the word combinations corresponding to them
– Read them after me in chorus
– Look through the following passage from the article  ”Multiculturalism in Canada” and find out what the word combination “cultural mosaic” means (уучащихсяна партах – карточки сотрывкомизстатьи «Multiculturalism in Canada”).
…The difference from Brighton Beach (USA) is that not only the first generation of immigrants to Canada preserve Russian traditions, but younger generations also try to stick together “hanging around”, singing Russians songs solving “eternal” Russian problems of “what to do?” and “who is to blame?”This supports the symbol of  Canadian multiculturalism known as “cultural mosaic” forming the nation of Canadians as the quilt with district design of bright patches, representing this or that particular culture (the symbol of the society in the United States is the” melting Pot” where the next generations of immigrant families try to assimilate with “native” Americans).

3. Речевая зарядка

1) Look at the badges of the participants on page34 and fill in a badge for yourself (у учащихся – одна карточка с названием страны , а другая пустая для бейджа).
2) Now meet the participants of our today’s conference, be ready to greet them and to ask where they are from (учащиеся разыгрывают этикетныйдиалог).

4. Работа по карте

1) Show  English-speaking countries on the map and tick them with their national flags (флажки-сувениры, моделирующие флаги англо-говорящих стран, готовятся учащимися заранее).

2) Now interview the participants and ask them what the capitals of their countries are. Underline the right countries.

Capitals                                                          Countries
Washington                                                     Finland

Canberra                                                        Japan   
New Zealand

London                                                           the UK    
the USA

Ottawa                                                           Spain 

New Zealand
Wellington                                                       Australia
the UK

5. Организация монологического высказывания

– Now let’s listen to the reports of guests from these countries. Please follow this outline.

– continent
– the capital
– big cities
– the population
– official language/languages
– climate


– You should answer the question. What do these countries have in common? (In these states the official language is English).

6.Организация высказывания по теме с обоснованием своего мнения

– And why do you think people choose English to communicate with each other? Give at least three reasons while discussing the item.

Example: I consider people choose English to communicate with each other because sometimes it is the only solution to their communication problems. If you’re an international journalist you have to know English, too. Well, and most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English.

– I’m sure our guests want to know why you study English.
Use this list of possible reasons for learning English. But first of all, range them in order of importance for you please.

  • want to study abroad
  • like reading English and American literature
  • would like to understand modern pop singers
  • enjoy watching American films
  • have to learn it as a school subject
  • want to go to an English-speaking countries as a tourist
  • would like to get a better job in future
  • would like to take part in different language competitions

– Let’s ask our foreign friends what the easiest way to learn English is. One of the students gives some tips of learning English.

Example: The easiest way to learn English is:

  • to have a good teacher
  • to chat on the Internet
  • to read English books and youth magazines
  • to listen to the radio and TV musical programmes
  • to have an English-speaking pen friend

7. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание

– Our meeting is coming to an end. We’ve learnt a lot of interesting facts about English-speaking countries. Our friends have given us some useful tips to learn English. Let’s thank them.
Well, and your homework is to be ready to write an essay about Russia. Don’t forget to revise the rules of writing a descriptive composition.