Урок–проект в 9-м классе по английскому языку "Welcome to Sochi-2014: XXII Olympic Winter Games"

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Формирование у школьников учебно-познавательной и коммуникативной компетенции в освещении большой и социально-значимой задачи, стоящей перед Кубанью и всей Россией, - подготовке и проведению XXII зимних Олимпийских игр в Сочи


  • Развивать поисковые навыки при работе с ресурсами сети Интернет, выполнять исследовательскую работу при решении вопросов по выбранной теме
  • Формировать гражданскую позицию и патриотические чувства в связи с проведением на Кубани международных игр, воспитывать чувство сопричастности с общественно-значимыми событиями
  • Развивать коллективно-творческие формы работы в личностно-ориентированном обучении при выполнении проектной технологии

Форма проведения проекта:

Ролевая игра - встреча молодежи с представителями местной и федеральной власти, членами оргкомитета "Сочи-2014", председателем Координационной комиссии МОК Жаном-Клодом Килли, "послами" Заявочного комитета, звездами мирового тенниса М. Шараповой и Е.Кафельниковым в Едином информационном центре (ЕИЦ) в Сочи.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация с использованием Интернет ресурсов; выставка периодической печати и буклетов по теме проекта

Дата проведения проекта (соотносится с реальным историческим событием):

23 апреля 2008 года - торжественная церемония открытия Информационного центра Сочи-2014" во время первого визита Координационной комиссии МОК.



Класс разделен на три группы:

  • Гости пресс-центра "Сочи - 2014", представители местной и федеральной власти
  • Молодежь и школьники, участвующие в торжественном открытии Единого информационного центра "Сочи-2014"
  • Группа "Эврика" школьников МОУ СОШ №21 с защитой проекта "Сочи достоин стать столицей зимних Олимпийских игр"

Каждая группа выступает с защитой в общей канве импровизированной встречи.

Учитель-координатор выступает в роли Секретаря наблюдательного Совета Оргкомитета.

  • 1 этап - приветствие гостей форума и их представление (в роли ведущих - мировые звезды тенниса Мария Шарапова и Евгений Кафельников)
  • 2 этап - о ходе подготовки к Олимпийским играм: комментарий официальных представителей
  • 3 этап - Группа "Эврика" школьников МОУ СОШ №21 с защитой проекта "Сочи достоин стать столицей зимних Олимпийских игр": история, экология, культура и индустрия развлечений
  • 4 этап - резюме защиты: 10 факторов "за" Сочи
  • 5 этап - последние новости из уст президента Оргкомитета "Сочи-2014" Дмитрия Чернышенко. Завершение официальной встречи.



  • Chief 1(ведущий 1) - ambassador of the Bid Committee, International tennis star, Maria Sharapova
  • Chief 2(ведущий 2) - ambassador of the Bid Committee, tennis Olympic Champion, Evgeny Kafelnikov

Ch.1. We greet everybody here! Nice to meet you at the opening ceremony of the Joint Informational Center "Sochi - 2014"(слайд №3)

Ch.2. This center was created as the official information resource of the Sochi 2014 Organazing Committee in order to inform Sochi residents, city guests, international partners and the media on all matters related to the 2014 Winter Games.

Ch.1. More over the Informational Center includes a Media Center that hosts regular meetings with the public, representatives from local and federal authorities, members of the International Olympic Committee, and Russian and foreign journalists.

11Ch.2. Today Sochi welcomes the first visit of IOC Coordination Commission and its Chairman Jean-Claude Killy. He is here.

(слайд №4)

IOC Coordination Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Killy, Deputy Prime-Minister Alexander Zhukov.

Ch.1. Let me introduce other guests of our meeting.

  • British Secretary for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, Peter Mandelson
  • Deputy Prime-Minister of Russia, Alexander Zhukov
  • Chairman of Commission for Physical Culture, Senator Vyacheslav Fetisov
  • President and CEO of Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko
  • Senior Vice-president, Secretary of the Supervisory Board, Tatiana Dobrokhvalova


Ch.2. The aim of today's meeting is mutual talk about how Sochi is preparing for the forthcoming white Olympiad, what have done during the year after unforgettable victory in Guatemala on 4 June 2007. Could you start our conversation, Mr. Jean-Claude Killy?

Mr. Jean-Claude Killy. I really liked what I see in Sochi. The city is radically changing. During our inspection we are greatly impressed by visiting several sports facilities in Sochi. I had talks with the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who told that this year the Russian Government would spend 127 billion roubles on the development of the Olympic project as against 113 billion roubles last year.

Ch.1. Now we'd like to touch upon the development of British-Russian relationship. Moscow and London plans to expand cooperation during the preparation to the Olympic Games 2014. How can Mr. Mandelson comment on this question? (слайд №5)

Mr. Mandelson. Not long ago I had talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who said that existing disagreements couldn't influence on business cooperation between two countries. I fully agreed. Earlier this year, British specialists taught their Russian colleagues how to organize Olympic Games at a seminar held in Moscow. In February, a British delegation visited Moscow and Krasnodar to meet with representatives of the Sochi-2014 organizing committee, the corporation "Olympstroi", the officials from the administrations of the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi. The seminar was held as part of a visit by British businessman working in the field of designing and operating sport facilities.

Ch.2. Russian athletes have every potential to grab 14 gold medals in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. This optimistic forecast was made by the Russian Minister of Sports Viacheslav Fetisov, who said the government will use every effort to guarantee quality training of the athletes. What can you add to your opinion? (слайд №6)

Vyacheslav Fetisov. Even though the Olympic Games are still 6 years from now, time is running low, for to prepare high-class athletes normally takes more than to build modern stadiums, road interchanges and hotels. Right now there's an acute need for more competitions among the young, so that the juniors will pick up valuable experience.

The calendar of regional events drawn for 5 years ahead, provides for 5 thousand competitions per year. The forthcoming event in Sochi has pushed the government into promoting sports and physical culture.
Last year we built 200 facilities, including swimming-pools, gyms and stadiums. Under the government's program 4 thousand more facilities, including 300 skating rinks, will be built in the next few years. And all stadiums will have the conditions for the disabled.

Sport is crucial in health-building, so every Russian should have a chance to do sports. So, nobody has any doubts, from ministers to ordinary citizens, that Russia is bound to demonstrate brilliant results in Sochi.

Ch.1. Press Center today is full of schoolchildren. They are the participants of our dialogue. They have prepared their defence of a project "Sochi - the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympics". So we listen attentively to you. You can begin doing it. (слайд №7)

Our History (group I)

Sochi is situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. It has a rich history dating back to the Byzantine Era. The city has welcomed visitors for thousands of years, from travelers and merchants on the famed Silk Road to Russian Czars.

Sochi has increasingly become a choice vacation spot which has an ideal climate. First becoming a resort destination in 1909, Sochi has remained a popular resort throughout Russia. Later the city has been the main destination of summer and re11creation tourism in Russia.

Visitors are attracted by Sochi's unique climate and environment. 300 spas stretch along Sochi's Mediterranean-style coastline, and are hidden in the surrounding mountains. The alpine peaks, which frame Sochi, are home to Krasnaya Polyana, one of Russia's leading snow sport destinations. Situated 40km from the Black Sea coast? It became a very popular winter destination, as well.
The combinations of Sochi's spectacular environment and location is a gateway to Eurasia. The city's most famous celebrities today include international tennis star Maria Sharapova, who lived and trained in the city and tennis Olympic Champion Evgeny Kafelnikov who was born in Sochi. In addition, President Putin has a second home here and has welcomed numerous President for unofficial visits to Sochi.
Sochi is steeped in history. However, hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games would be one of the greatest historic milestones for the city, inspiring generations in Sochi and all over Russia.

Our Environment (group II) (слайд №8)

Sochi is called the "Russian Riviera", because of it spectacular combination of Mediterranean-like temperatures and vegetation with favorable winter sport conditions. Sochi is a unique combination of snowy alpine peaks and beautiful beaches on the Black Sea coast...

Its temperate climate rarely exceeding 30 degrees Celsius in summer.

The Sochi Resort Region includes over 200,000 hectares of forest. In fact, Krasnaya Polyana has increased from 70% forested area to 95% in the last 30 years. Forests account for more than 4,000 hectares within the city districts of Sochi and form a "green necklace".

In the city's suburban region, palm, banana and citrus trees grow among forever-blooming flowers. The black sand and pebble beaches stretch for 147km along the coast of the Black Sea. Sochi's Black Sea is a spectacular sight, changing color depending on the weather, from blue-green to silver-grey to azure.

Sochi's unique environment has been well-safeguarded due to the absence of large industrial factors , construction, transport and agricultural enterprises. City's high air and water quality are considered among the very best in the world.

The Caucasus Mountains, which form a backdrop to Sochi, are one of the few large mountain areas in the world that have escaped significant human impact. Extensive tracts of undisturbed forests, from the lowlands to the sub-alpine zone, are unique to Europe. The mountain scenery of high peaks, wide valleys, mountain lakes contains 60 remnant glaciers and will be an unforgettable backdrop to the most celebrated winter sporting event in the world.

Krasnaya Polyana

Ch.2. As soon as Sochi was elected the host city for the 2014 Winter Olympics, everybody started speaking about its suburb - Krasnaya Polyana. The village of Krasnaya Polyana will be the centre of the Olympic Alpine skiing cluster. It would be good to mention here that there're neither stadiums nor Alpine slopes in the Krasnaya Polyana Village - only hotels. Both the Kasnaya Polyana residents and tourists, who will fail to buy tickets for the events in 2014, will watch ski jumps, looking through binoculars. Our correspondent Svetlana Andreyeva has made a report from this place.

Krasnaya Polyana

7 stadiums for various ski disciplines will be built in the Krasnaya Polyana suburbs by the beginning of the Olympics. Some of them will be part of the infrastructure that is currently operational; there're well-equipped skiing slopes, elevators, and hotels there. All the rest are being constructed on a zero basis. Now the builders are waiting for Alpine skiers to end their season. There's still snow high in the mountains, and those who like skiing do not want to miss their chance.
In a week, racing tracks in Krasnaya Polyana will be closed, and snow will begin to melt. But construction equipment has already been brought to the construction site in Krasnaya Polyana, and the construction of new elevators, hotels, and administrative buildings, and also racing track construction will shortly begin. Builders should be in a hurry. All sports facilities must be ready by 2012, so that it will be possible to use new ski jumps and slopes for test competitions.

Ch.1. Sochi as a resort city offers a number of cultural events and entertainments. How can you prove this?

Culture and Entertainment (group III) (слайд №9)

Every year Sochi welcomes over 3 million tourists. In under an hour, visitors can go from the beaches on the Black Sea coast to the alpine peaks in Krasnaya Polyana. In between lays a world of culture, which the people of Sochi are keen to unveil to the world if the city is selected to host the 2014 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games. Accounting for over 117 different nationalities, Sochi has a dynamic and eclectic culture. The city offers a number of cultural events, museums, attractions and entertainment for residents and visitors alike.
For those seeking adventure, there are cave tours, White water river rafting, canoeing, parasailing and jet skiing. Other activities include sailing, horseback riding, hiking and sightseeing trips to one of the area's many waterfalls. Visitors can discover many hectares of the Riviera Park, visit art galleries, cafes, games and amusement. Sochi is proud of its four main museums, including the art museum, which offers a display of works by local, national and international artists.

Throughout the year, Sochi offers many cultural events such as international children's art festival "Kinotavrik" and Annual Fashion Festival "Velvet Seasons in Sochi", which was attended by Russian fashion designers and leading academics from Japan, Italy, Germany and France. During the summer, Sochi plays host to many of Russia's best known singers, performers and theatre companies, which tour through the country.

Sochi also offers to his city residents and visitors a different nightlife with a variety of restaurants and nightclubs throughout the city. The region's unique history, cultural diversity and people will form the basis of the Cultural Programme of the Games in Sochi in 2014.

Residents of Sochi look forward to the opportunity to share their passion for sport and culture, and the unique attributes of their region with the Olympic Family.

Сh.1. Finally, we may say that Sochi has all the necessary conditions to be the capital of Winter Olympic Games - 2014.

10 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT SOCHI (слайд №10-11)

  1. Sochi is the largest resort region of the Russian Federation. It stretches for 147 km along the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region and includes the Krasnaya Polyana mountain resort area.
  2. Sochi is divided into four administrative districts: Adler, Khosta, Central and Lazarevsky, and it borders the Georgian Republic in the south.
  3. On the map, Sochi can be found on the same latitude with Toronto, Nice and the Gobi desert. As its charming landscapes and scenery are so reminiscent of the Mediterranean, Sochi is often referred to as the "Russian Riviera".
  4. As Sochi is situated between the Caucasian Mountains and the Black Sea, it enjoys the most northern subtropical climate on earth. As a result, its Krasnaya Polyana mountains have great snow conditions and are largely protected from the wind. These unique conditions cannot be found anywhere else in Europe.
  5. Mount Elbrus (more than 5,000 m) in the Russian Caucasus is considered the highest mountain in Europe. Mont Blanc in comparison is 4,800 m. The average height of the Caucasus mountains around Sochi is 2,000m.
  6. The climate in Sochi is subtropical and the city usually has 200 sunny days a year. The average summer temperature is +26° C and -3° C in the winter. You can swim in the sea from April until October, and go skiing from October through May.
  7. There are no large industrial facilities in the Sochi area, so the air quality, especially in Sochi's Krasnaya Polyana area, is considered among the very best in the world.
  8. Sochi is a city with more than 400,000 inhabitants representing over 100 nationalities. Over two million tourists visit Sochi every year and with over 250 spa facilities in the area, health and leisure tourism are the city's leading sources of economy.
  9. Sochi has over 200,000 hectares of forests, 4,000 of which are within Sochi Centre. Sochi includes several specially protected natural zones: the Caucasian National Biosphere Reserve, Sochi National Park and over 30 botanical gardens and parks.
  10. The Sochi tennis school became the launching pad for the careers of many Russian tennis stars, including Maria Sharapova and Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Ch.2. Our meeting comes to an end. And we'd like to ask President and CEO of Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshenko about the latest news concerning the preparation for white Olympiad-2014 (слайд №12)

Dmitry Chernyshenko. First of all I'd like to say that the global financial crisis won't prevent the Russian Black Sea resort city of Sochi from hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics. Recently the city commissioned a bypass road aimed to relieve traffic in the city center and provide regular deliveries of building materials to the future Olympic facilities.

The Dzhubga-Sochi bypass road is a 4-kilometer highway with two tunnels, seven bridges and a 873-meter flyover.

Secondly, in the next three years Russia will sink an estimated 80 billion rubles into the construction of Olympic sports facilities in Sochi. Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov mentioned the figure when meeting with the members of a state commission overseeing the city's preparations for host the 2014 Winter Olympics. Nearly 250 sports facilities are to be built before the 2014 Games where Russian athletes hope to win 14 gold medals.

And the last one, Russia's state-controlled savings bank Sberbank has become a sponsor of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi. Sberbank joined other sponsors of the Olympics such as Russian oil major Rosneft, national telecommunications operator Rostelecom and mobile operator Megafon. Alongside with financing of the construction projects Sberbank plans to offer special Olympic deposits and lotteries (слайд № 13-14)

Ch.1. Thanks greatly everybody for such important work, especially our foreign guests and schoolchildren who took an active part in our meeting. We are sure we'll meet in a year here, in a Media Center of the Joint Informational Center "Sochi - 2014".

The Sochi 2014 Joint

Information Centre


  1. http://sochi2014.com
  2. http://www.olympic.org
  3. http://www.olympism.ru
  4. http://www.yuga.ru/news/print
  5. http://www.infosport.ru
  6. http://www.kubansport.ru
  7. http://www.rg.ru
  8. http://Olympic.ru
  9. http://www.kp.ru
  10. http://news.mail.ru
  11. http://www.finmarket.ru