Урок английского языка по теме "Экологические проблемы Республики Коми". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цель: Активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности учащихся.


1) Учить обучающихся воспринимать текст, извлекая основную информацию, обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических высказываниях, применять на практике изученную лексику по теме;
2) Развивать у обучающихся навыки монологической речи, познавательную активность на уроке;
3) Прививать обучающимся чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за место, где они живут, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, раздаточный материал, листы бумаги для работы.

Ход урока

1. Орг. момент.

T.: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! Sit down, please. How are you today?

P.: Fine, thanks. And you?

T.: I feel fine today, too, especially, when I see such beautiful pictures.

2. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

T.: Look at the board. Приложение 1

Do you like the pictures?
What do you see in them?
Is the nature beautiful?
Where can we find such landscapes?

P.: In the Komi Republic (in Ust-Kulom region)

T.: Fully agree with you. What are we going to speak about? P.: About nature.

T.: Quite right. What is the other word for nature? P.: Environment.

T.: That`s good. And now let`s look at some other pictures of our Republic and our region. Look at the board.

Do you like these pictures?

Do you see any problems of the environment on these photos?

Do you agree that people spoil the environment?

So, what are we going to speak about today? P.: About ecological problems.

T.: Right. We shall speak about environmental problems in the world and in our Republic. But, first, look at the blackboard. Read and translate the poem. Note that it has no ending.

The poem: If you`d like the world be fool

Of life and colourful adventure,

Keep in mind one golden rule


You`ll find the ending at the end of the lesson.

3. Вызов.

T.: Nowadays the global situation in ecology is very serious, you see. There are a lot of environmental problems in the world and in our republic, as well. First of all, let`s recall some of these problems. Match the pictures and the ecological problems on the cards you`ve got on your desks. (You`ve got one minute)

Приложение 2

T.: Now look at the picture on the board and name the problem.

4. Осмысление.

T.: Do any of these problems take place in the Komi Republic?

- Do people spoil the environment?

- Do they care for animals?

- Is the Nature polluted?

Now let`s read a text about ecological problems in Komi and do some tasks. Read the text and when I say STOP, agree or disagree with the statements.

Ecological problems of Komi

About two hundred years ago Komi people lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed and people were careful about the environment. But progress never stops. The industrial development in the Komi Republic has become so great recently and its influence on the ecology is so harmful that the problem of protecting nature is becoming vital.

The Komi Republic is rich in coal, oil and gas but they are not unlimited. And people extract the natural resources and don`t think about what may happen in future. There are great damaged areas already in Vorkuta, Uchta, Sosnogorsk, Syktyvkar and Usinskiy district. In 1994 there was a great oil spill to the south of Usinskiy district. This disaster damaged wildlife greatly. One more important industry of the Komi Republic is Syktyvkar timber industrial complex. Every year it pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful substances. The industrial and transport wastes pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow vegetables on.

The Komi Forest is a real treasury of taiga. This area is the home of more than 40 mammal species, 204 bird species and 16 fish species. But in present days these huge virgin forests of the Komi taiga are cut down and burnt in fire. The destruction of this green forestland changes climate greatly. People also kill animals, birds and fish, damage plants. Some species are in the Russian Red Data Book already. As a result, wildlife is destroyed.

A lot of litter is thrown away. Towns and settlements of the Komi republic are surrounded by waste piles. The Vychegda, the Pechora and other big rivers are extremely polluted with industrial and communal wastes.

All these environmental problems cause great danger to every living being not only in our republic but on the Earth in future. Some steps have been made already to protect our environment. Plants and factories install cleaning systems. Some attempts have been made to control litter. A lot of wastes are being recycled. People try hard to grow new forests. Rare and dying out animals, birds, fish and plants are protected by different ecological programs. Nationally protected areas: Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve (created in 1930) and Yugyd Va National Park (created in 1994) exist in Komi. Many environmental groups and programs such as “Ecologist”, “Cedar-region”, “Lungs of the planet” and others try to improve the ecological situation in the Komi Republic. But still, much more measures must be taken to save our nature.

T.: Agree or disagree with the statements.

T.: And now let`s think over the ecological situation in our republic. I`ve prepared for you these magic coloured thinking hats that will help you to speak about the problem. Read the text by yourself again and prepare the following answers.

  • The White Hat will tell us only facts and figures from the text.
  • The group of the Black Hat will point out only negative sides of the ecological situation in our republic.
  • The Yellow Hat will name only positive moments in the ecological situation in Komi.
  • The group of the Red Hat will express their feelings and emotions about the ecological situation in Komi.
  • The Green Hat will tell us what can be done to improve the situation.
  • The members of the Blue Hat will draw a conclusion about the ecological situation in the Komi Republic.

5. Рефлексия.

So, it`s clear that there are quite serious problems with the Komi environment. And it is possible to solve them, people just should be careful with nature. Now let`s recall the poem from the beginning of the lesson. What is the last line of the poem? What must we all do to save nature?

P.: - Be careful with nature

- Take care of our nature

- Protect our nature

- Don`t spoil the nature

T.: Did you like our today`s talk? Are you interested about the problem now? You all worked very hard today. You all deserve good and excellent marks. Thank you very much. Good bye.