Фонетический турнир по английскому языку для 4–5-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Уважаемые коллеги! Вашему вниманию предлагается сценарий Фонетического конкурса для учащихся 4-5 классов общеобразовательных школ. К этому возрасту, дети уже достаточно хорошо овладели произносительными навыками на английском языке и с удовольствием учат и читают стихи.
Данная разработка имеет лишь часть рифмовок и стихов, которые звучали на нашем конкурсе. По желанию можно включить в сценарий стихотворения на любые другие темы, соответствующие данному возрасту, а также пригласить ребят, изучающих другие иностранные языки в школе.
Буду очень рада, если данный сценарий окажет вам помощь в подготовке внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке.


Звучат фанфары. На сцену выходят ведущие.

Ведущий 1 (Dick): Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, dear ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to our Phonetic Competition!

– I love learning English,
I can read,
I can write,
I can speak English, too.
I love learning rhymes!
And what about you, Alice?

Ведущий 2 (Alice): I also like learning English rhymes! Dick, I’ve got a question to you.

Ведущий 1: What is it?

Ведущий 2: What are boys made of?

Ведущий 1:

What are boys made of?
Frogs and snails and puppy dogs’ tails,
And that’s what boys are made of!
And what about girls? What are girls made of?

Ведущий 2:

Sugar and spice and all things nice,
And that’s what girls are made of!

Ведущий 1: Alice, I think we can recite poems, but what about our boys and girls? I’m looking forward to the beginning of our competition!

Ведущий 2: Are you? Then let’s start!

Звучат фанфары.

Ведущий 2: Dick, now let us introduce our judges!

Идет представление членов жюри (в состав жюри входят учителя английского языка и ученики старших классов).

Ведущий 2: Dick, do you like autumn?

Ведущий 1: Oh, yes, I do.

Ведущий 2: And I like spring! And what about you, boys and girls?

Учащиеся по очереди читают стихи по теме «Времена года». Например, можно предложить ученикам следующие стихотворения:


Spring is here,
Summer is near,
Grass is green
So nice and clean.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like spring best of all.


The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are so good!
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like summer best of all.


Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like fall best of all.


It’s winter now, so bundle up tight!
Warm mittens and caps will be just right.
Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,
Time to ski and skate all around.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like winter best of all.

Звучит музыкальная заставка (песенка «Colour Song»).

Ведущий 2: Spring is green, summer is bright, autumn is yellow, winter is white.

Ведущий 1: Alice, you know colours very well!

Ведущий 2: Thank you, Dick! Let us listen to the poems about colours!

Учащиеся читают стихи по теме «Цвета».

What Colour Are They?

Please, tell me
What is green?
Grass is green
So long and clean.

What is red?
Asks little Fred.
The ball is red,
Says his brother Ted.
What is grey?

Can you say?
Yes, I can.
The mouse is grey.
What is white?
I want to know.
Milk is white
And so is snow.

Звучит музыкальная заставка (песенка «Down On The Farm»).

Ведущий 1: Have you guessed? We are going to speak about animals and toys.

Учащиеся читают стихи на темы «Животные», «Игрушки».

A Duck Family

Father Duck goes for a swim.
Mother Duck comes out with him
And behind them, nice and clean,
Seven yellow ducklings swim.
Seven little yellow balls.
“Quack, quack, quack,” the mother calls.
What a pretty sight they make
Swimming on the lake!

I Love My Dog

I’ve got a dog
His name is Jack.
His head is white,
His nose is black.

I take him out
Every day.
Such fun we have!
We run and play.

Such clever tricks
My dog can do.
I love my dog!
He loves me too!

Звучит музыкальная заставка (песенка «Five Fat Sausages»).

Ведущий 2: Dick, can you count?

Ведущий 1: Oh, yes I can!

Ведущий 2: How many legs have you got?

Ведущий 1: I’ve got one, two, three…

Ведущий 2: Dick, Dick! Our boys and girls can count well.

Учащиеся читают стихи по теме.

Only One Heart

I’ve got two legs
With which I walk.
I’ve got a tongue
With which I talk.
I’ve got two eyes
With which I see.
I’ve got one heart
To live and be.

Выходят ведущие. Дик ест яблоко.

Ведущий 2: Dick, are you eating the apple alone? Aren’t you my friend?

Ведущий 1: Oh, yes, I am your friend, but you see…

Ведущий 2: Dick, do you know anything about friends and friendship? Let’s listen to the children.

Учащиеся читают стихи по теме «Друзья, семья».

My Friend

I’ve got a friend
We like to play,
We play together
Every day.
He always helps me
When I’m in need
For he’s my friend,
Good friend indeed.

Do You Know Mary?

(Читают 2 ученика)

Do you know Mary?
Mary who?
Mary McDonald.
Of course, I do.
Do you know her parents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her mother
And her father, too.
Do you know her grandparents?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her Granny
And her Grandpa, too.
Do you know her cousins?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know her nieces
And nephews, too.

Звучит музыкальная заставка (песенка «He Likes Chicken»).

Ведущий 2: Dick, what do you…Dick, where are you?

(Выходит Дик, у него под рубашкой подушка.)

Ведущий 2: Dick, you look like Robin Bobin!
Ведущий 1: I’ve eaten ten chickens, ten eggs… (садится на стул).

Учащиеся читают стихи по теме «Еда».


Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of meat, he ate a lot of fish,
He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet.
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs
And all the cookies Mother had.
He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake
Then said: “I have a stomach-ache”.

Who Likes What?

Some of us like brown bread,
Some of us like white,
Some of us eat a lot of meat,
Some don’t think it’s right.
Some of us like apples,
Some drink juice at night,
Some of us eat a lot of sweets,
Some don’t think it’s right.

What Do I Like?

I like ice-cream,
She likes sweets.
I like cookies.
He likes cheese.
I like coffee.
She likes tea.
I love you.
Do you love me?

Ведущий 2: Dick, what are you going to do after school?

Ведущий 1: I’d like to be a sailor. I want to cross seas.

Ведущий 2: Yeah, the most beautiful sea hasn’t be crossed yet!

Ведущий 1: And what are you going to do after school, Alice?

Ведущий 2: I don’t know yet.

Ведущий 1: And our children do know!

Учащиеся читают стихотворение «Что ты собираешься делать?».

What Are You Going To Do?

What are you going to do
When you are twenty-two?
I’ll write a story,
I’ll make a plane,
I’ll teach children,
I’ll make rain.
What are you going to be
When you are twenty-three?
I’ll be a pilot,
I’ll be a doctor,
I’ll be a teacher,
I’ll be a worker.
Where are you going to be
When you are twenty-three?
I’ll be in London,
I’ll be in Rome,
I’ll be in Africa,
I’ll be home.
What are you going to do
When you are one hundred and two?
I don’t know.
Do you?

Ведущий 2: Dick, what will happen in 102 years?

Ведущий 1: I don’t know. But I guess that very soon we’ll learn the winner of our competition.

Ведущий 2: And while our judges are solving this problem, let us enjoy a tale.

Учащиеся разыгрывают сказку «The Little Red Hen» (Приложение)

Ведущий 2: What you sow you shall mow.

Ведущий 1: Да, что посеешь, то и пожнёшь.

Ведущий 2: Well, our judges are not ready yet. Let’s play a little! I’ll tell you words, and you’ll give me some rhyming twins, will you? For example, “hair”…?

Ведущий 1: Fair, chair.

Ведущие по очереди называют слова, а учащиеся подбирают к ним рифмы. Ведущие могут предложить следующие слова:

Fine, eight, sun, see, cow, bye, tag, day, toy, you, fast, Peg, street, eat, dish, carrot, silk, etc.

Ведущий 1: Now the judges are ready to announce the results of our contest!

Звучат фанфары. На сцену выходят представители жюри и объявляют результаты. Проводится награждение победителей.

Ведущий 2: Thank you very much dear judges! Thank you very much dear boys and girls for taking part in our competition! We hope you have had a good time here!

Ведущий 1: And we do hope very much to see you at our contest next year! Good luck!

Список использованной литературы:

  1. И.Н.Верещагина, Т.А.Притыкина «Английский язык: Учеб. для 3 кл. шк. с углубл. изуч. англ. яз. – 3-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 1996».
  2. «Английские народные сказки / Составление, адаптация текса и комментарий В.А.Верхогляд. – 2-е изд.– М.: Айрис-пресс, 2003».