Игра-путешествие в 5-м классе "Learn to be happy"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок: Игра путешествие, 5 класс

Ведущий: Dear children! Today we got an invitation to the wonderful country “Health”. Wonderful apples have ripened [raip?nd] (созрели). Who will eat them will be healthy and will study well. You know the English proverb “An apple a day keeps a doctor away” (Яблоко каждый день, и доктор не нужен). You will get one apple for each right answer. But remember, on the way you will meet impediments (препятствия). Let’s begin.

(Появляется Toothache (ученик в костюме).

Let me introduce myself . I’m a Toothache. It’s me. You don’t know me jet. I am a terrible and strong toothache. I always appear there, where children don’t clean teeth and eat many sweets. I like children who eat pens and pencils. And now your teeth will ache, you won’t find me.

Ведущий: Just a minute, Toothache. We know how to fight with you. Children, tell her what to do in order to have strong teeth. (Дети отвечают по-английски, 5 уч-ся).

P1. To clean teeth.

P2. Not to eat many sweets.

P3. To eat vegetables and fruit, especially apples and carrots.

P4. To visit a doctor.

P5. Not to keep pens and pencils in the mouth. (Зубная боль убегает).

Ведущий: And now we’ll play a game Fairy [] – фея

Wizard [wizərd] – колдун

Фея говорит, что нужно делать, чтобы сберечь здоровье, колдун – из-за чего люди болеют. (Две команды: одна помогает фее, другая – Колдуну.)

(Учащиеся говорят предложения – по 6 каждому: 6 – фее, 6 – Колдуну.)

And now we’ll play a game Fair and Wizard. One of you will be (Фея) Fairy, the other Wizard. Fairy tells what a man must do to save his health. But Wizard tells the reasons of man’s illness, he wants people to be ill.

Класс объединяется в две команды (5–6 учеников). Одна из команд помогает Фее, вторая – Колдуну. Имеет смысл организовать выступления команд по очереди и вести учет ответов. Фея и Колдун выступают, руководствуясь собранными ответами.

Первая команда (помощники Феи).

P1. To wash and to clean teeth.

P2. To eat fruit and vegetables.

P3. To visit a doctor.

P4. To play sport games.

P5. To go for a walk.

P6. To do morning exercises every day.

Вторая команда (помощники Колдуна).

P1. Not to clean teeth.

P2. Not to visit a doctor.

P3. To keep windows in the flat shut.

P4. To watch TV for a long time.

P5. Not to play sports and games.

P6. Not to do morning exercises.

P7. To eat a lot of sweets.

Ведущий: Now proverbs about health

(6 русских пословиц, 6 англ. подобрать соответсвующие).


Здоровье дороже богатства.

Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч.

Голод – лучшая приправа.

Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он чувствует, женщине – на сколько она выглядит.

Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить.

Кошелек клиента продлевает болезнь

The purse of the patient protracts the disease.

Health is better than wealth.

Prevention is better than cure.

Hunger is the best sauce.

Gluttory kills more than the sword.

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks

Ведущий: And there are vitamins. We can’t see them, but they are in fruit and vegetables.

Выходят три ученика в красной, коричневой и желтой одежде, на которой написаны буквы A, B, C.

Vitamin A. Glad to see you, boys and girls. I’m Vitamin A. I am in a carrot, in butter and some other products.

Vitamin B. And my place is in rye-bread. It’s very useful food.

Vitamin C. Black currants, apples, lemons, onions are full of me – of vitamin C. When you are ill, you usually drink tea with lemon and it helps you to get much better.

Ведущий: Now work in pairs. You’ve got cards with names of food. Please, divide them in two groups and write what is useful for us and what is not.

E.g. Chocolate, eggs, a carrot, sweets, honey, bread, meat, soup, a cake, milk, butter.

Useful Not useful
a carrot
a cake

Ведущий: I congratulate you, children. You came to the garden. And that wonderful garden is behind this door.

But how can we open the door? There are three keys, on each the word is and only one word is right.

Ключи: первый – helth, второй – health, третий – halth. Отгадали правильное слово. And what is the Russian for health. Ответ: Здоровье.

Появляется Ангина.

Quinsy: Хо-хо-хо (кашляет).

You don’t wait for me, do you?

And I am here. You will come into the garden if you answer my questions.

If you answer “yes”, clap your hands, if – “no” – топайте ногами.

  • Can we drink cold milk?
  • Does tea with lemon help when you’re ill?
  • Can we walk with wet feet?
  • Is raspberry a medicine?
  • Can we lick an icicle?
  • Can we eat three portions of ice-cream at once?

Дети заходят в “сад”, где лежат настоящие яблоки в вазе. Их можно есть.

Учитель: Thank you, dear children. Now you understand that it is very important to save your health and not to let Headache, Toothache and Quinsy come to you. And if you are ill go to the doctor and he will cure you.

Good Luck!