Разработка урока по теме "Handsome is as Handsome does"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Методическая - совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения, активизировать лексику по теме.
  • Образовательная - научить использованию лексики в различных ситуациях говорения. Развивать коммуникативные навыки и умения при работе с опорами, ОУУН (организации в работе с различными средствами обучения).
  • Воспитательная - Формировать навыки нравственного поведения, чувство ответственности за свои поступки.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:


The theme of our lesson today is the Handsome.

Your tasks are:

  1. To speak about people’s behaviour.
  2. To describe people’s character.
  3. To characterize yourselves.
  4. To discuss your relationships with other people.

2. Фонзарядка.

Целевая установка: отработать лексические единицы для дальнейшего употребления в речи:

Intelligent, gifted, tense, sensible, sociable, argumentative, easygoing, envious, bad-tempered, cheerful, frank, mean.

Фонотработка ЛЕ: (T – Cl ; T – P1, P2, P3 …)

Итог: один ученик читает все слова.

3. Повторение ранее изученного материала в речи (активизация ЛЕ на базе упражнения с ее дальнейшим употреблением в речи учащихся ).


Let’s speak about people’s behaviour. Match the words in the box with the phrases below.

For example: If you work hard you are persistent.

lazy honest bad-tempered mean determined frank selfish reliable cheerful considerate


  1. You are always happy. ………………………………………………
  2. You do what you say you will do. …………………………………..
  3. You say exactly what you think. …………………………………….
  4. You don`t think about the needs of others. ………………………….
  5. You have a strong wish to get what you want. ………………………
  6. You are unkind, or not willing to spend money. …………………….
  7. You easily become angry with others. ………………………………
  8. You think about the needs of others. ………………………………..
  9. You tell the truth and obey the law. …………………………………
  10. You try to avoid work if you can. ……………………………………


Speak about people’s behavior.

4. Формирование лексических навыков говорения на основе (нового) текста для аудирования.

1) Аудирование текста «Patric».


Learn to describe the boy’s character.

Listen to a short text about the boy and characterize him using initiative cards.

The text.

My parents think that I’m individualistic, shy and intelligent. They also have said that I’m very creative and thoughtful. My teachers think that I’m very smart, but a bit lazy. They don’t think I work as hard as I’m capable of. My friends think I’m smart as well, but also think I’m shy. Because of my ideals, my ambitions to see these ideals in society, and even to help put these ideals into play sometime in the future, I believe myself to be an idealistic person.

2) Контроль понимания основного содержания текста.


What does our behaviour depend on? (our character).

What is “the character”?

These initiative cards will help you to answer my question in a proper way.

Look through the cards.

Pronounce some words after me? Translate them.

(фонетическая отработка ЛЕ корточек)

  1. Intellectual ability: intelligent, bright, clever, gifted, talented, half-witted.
  2. Attitudes towards life: pessimistic, optimistic, tense, sensible.
  3. Attitudes towards other people ( positive or negative )
  • enjoying other’s company: sociable
  • disagreeing with others: argumentive
  • taking pleasure in other’s pain: cruel
  • relaxed in attitude to self and others: easygoing
  • not polite to others: ill mannered, rude
  • telling the truth to others: honest, reliable

3) Teacher:

Make up a story using your initiative cards and Speech Patten.

Speech Patten

  1. He is …..because ……
  2. His attitude towards life is ……..
  3. His attitude towards other people is ……. , because ……

4) Примерный ответ ученика.


He is clever, intelligent, talented, sociable, reliable because his surroundings think so. His attitude towards life is tense.

His attitude towards other people is positive, because he is respected by his parents, teachers and friends.

5. Развитие умений и навыков говорения (монологическое высказывание) на основе работы с анкетой-опросником.


Characterize yourself using questionnaire.

  1. You always tell the truth.
  2. You respect your parents.
  3. You trust other people.
  4. You hurt somebody in your life.
  5. You are a reliable person.
  6. You always do what promise.
  7. You keep secrets.
  8. Your friends believe you.
  9. You put up with hardships or stand up to them.
  10. You are offended if your friend tells you the truth.
  11. You always keep fit.


Do you know yourself well?

Let’s have a talk about your character.

- Work with the questionnaire, give Yes or No or full answers first.

- Characterize your character according to this questionnaire.


Hi, my name is Diana. I respect my parents. I think I’m a reliable person. I keep secrets. My friends believe me. I put up with hardships. I’m offended if my friend tells me the truth.

6. Зарядка для глаз.

Close your eyes, open your eyes. Look to the left, look to the right (2 times)

7. Контроль домашнего задания.


«What the other people think of us».

Целевая установка: Be ready with your home task. (Контроль: фронтальная беседа с классом).


  1. Read what American teenagers wrote about their characters.
  2. Read the expressions you’ve written from the text and translate them.
  3. Answer the questions to the text:
  4. What is the only way to be for Brian?
  5. Why does Patrick consider himself to be idealistic?
  6. Why do parents consider all of them to be lazy?
  7. What do you think their friends value in them?
  8. Are the teens satisfied with themselves? Why?
  9. Who of the teens do you like most of all?
  10. Do the tasks:
  11. How can you explain that the same people can make such different impressions on those who they communicate with?
  12. Say what you think of yourself , using the material of the text.
  13. Say what the others think of you and why?

8. Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения на основе учебного текста и ЛЕ по теме (мини-проект “The best Friend”).

1) Teacher:

Let’s discuss what we think about our classmates. You know each other very well. Your friends could have positive or negative traits of character, but I suggest that you should speak of their best traits.

2) Work in groups.

- There is the nomination – “The Best Pupil”.

- Discuss the names of the winners of nomination.

- Give arguments for your choice.

- Present the winner with his Award Personal Card and make a speech in his honor.

- Using the material of the text you’ve already discussed and the material of the lesson in general.


These options for discussions in The Nomination of “The Best Pupil” will help you to make your projects.

  1. intelligent abilities
  2. the way he/she works at school subjects
  3. the achievements in studies
  4. the teachers` opinions about him/her
  5. whether he/she shares his/her knowledge with his/her classmates. In what way?
  6. his attitude to lifestyle

3) Presentation.

Personal Award Card
is presented to _________
in the nomination of_______
Date ______
The pupils of the 8thA Form.


This Personal Award Card is presented to Lena in the nomination of “The Best Pupil”. She is intelligent, clever, gifted, optimistic and tense. She has positive attitude towards other people. She is good at school subjects. She takes part in different intellectual contents and Olympiads. Teachers consider her the best pupil in our class. She thinks about the needs of others and her friends believe her. She puts up with hardships. She is respected among our classmates. She keeps fit.

9. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.


Your home task will be to write the composition about your best friend using the material of the lesson.