Факультативный курс для 10–11-х классов "Мой родной край"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Методические рекомендации учителю

Предлагаемые учебные материалы реализуют НРК в рамках факультативного курса объёмом 18 часов. Данные материалы соотносятся с НРК и с компонентом образовательного учреждения соответственно.

Факультативный курс включает функционально организованный и специально отобранный языковый и речевой материал в рамках следующих тем:

  1. Geographical location; The Population and the border position of the Pytalovo District.
  2. History of the Pytalovo District.
  3. Flora, Fauna.
  4. Natural Resources.
  5. Famous People.
  6. Pytalovo Today.
  7. Holidays.Holidays in the Pytalovo District.
  8. The Environment.

Содержательный компонент реализуется посредством языковых и речевых упражнений направленных на формирование коммуникативной компетенции. Все упражнения снабжены ключами.

Методические рекомендации учащимся

Вы уже имеете богатый запас знаний по культуре родного края, его географическому положению, достопримечательностям. Очень важно, чтобы вы могли выражать мысли о месте, где вы живёте на ИЯ. Предлагаемый факультативный курс позволит вам осмыслить особенности культуры регионального компонента, научит вас рассказывать о своей Родине на ИЯ.

Учебно-тематический план к факультативному курсу “My native place”

№ п\п


Языковой и речевой материал


Формы контроля

Количество часов






Geographical location. Border position. Population the Pytalovo District.



Ответы на вопросы. Монологическая и диалогическая речь.

Текст Geographical location. Border position. Population Pytalovo District.

Письмо другу по переписке о Пыталове.

Перевод. Выбор правильного ответа, закончите предложения.






Ответы на вопросы с выбором ответа, рассказ об истории района своему другу.

Текст History.


Перевод. Ответы на вопросы по тексту.



Flora and Fauna.



Текст Flora and Fauna.


Работа со словарём, работа с таблицей.



Holidays in the district.



Ответы на вопросы. Монологическая и диалогическая речь

Текст Holidays in the district

Письмо другу по переписке о праздниках.

Перевод, работа со словарём.



Pytalovo Today



Монологическая и диалогическая речь

Текст Pytalovo Today


Работа со словарём



The Environment.



Ответы на вопросы. Монологическая и диалогическая речь

Текст The Environment.

Рассказ об экологии города.

Перевод, работа со словарём.



Обобщённый урок по курсу.



The Pytalovo District

Geographical Location. Border Position. Population.

Warming-up discussion.

  1. What do you know about Pytalovo?
  2. What districts does it border?
  3. What is its population?

The Teacher gives new information, shows the borders of the Pytalovo District on the map.

I. Reading.

Read the text and find new facts about your native place.

The Pytalovo District is located in the south- western part of the Pskov region. It is situated on the south- west of the Russian border- line. It borders with Latvia. There are two customs in the Pytalovo District. The area is about 1400 square km. It borders the Palkino, Ostrov, Krasnogorodsk districts. The population of Pytalovo is about 14900 people and 7 thousand people live in the villages. The population density is about 17 people per square km. The Pytalovo district is situated on the bank of the river Utroya. This is the smallest district of the Pskov region. It received the status of the town in 1933.

What is the origin of the name “Pytalovo“? There are two legends. The first legend writes about a merchant Pytalov.

He was a rich person, who had got different manors. Peasants worked on his lands. The merchant was very strict and punished his workers for their faults.

The second legends says about a gymnasium, that existed in Pytalovo.

Children of the peasants were trained to embroider, knit, darn, sew in this gymnasium.

For failures children were cruelly whipped, but later this gymnasium was destroyed. One name - two variants.

II. Tests. Match these words and words-combinations.

To be located – граничить с

It boarders with – население

The population of – быть расположенным

Density – район

Districts – плотность

Merchant – заключённые

Prisoners – купец

To embroider – вязать

To knit – шить

To sew – вышивать

To darn – штопать

Translate these sentences from Russian into English:

1. Пыталовский район расположен на юго-западе Псковской области.

2. Территория района составляет 1400 квадратных километров.

3. Население района составляет 14.900 человек.

Finish off the sentences:

  1. The Pytalovo District is located…..
  2. It borders with…..
  3. The area is….
  4. The population of Pytalovo is…..
  5. The population density is…..
  6. The Pytalovo District is situated on…..
  7. The Status of the town is received in…..
  8. The first legend writes about…..
  9. The second legend says about….
  10. One name….

III. Writing.

You have 20 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen - friend Bill. He writes:

…Holidays are coming. Have you already decided where to travel on Holidays? I`ve lived in England my whole life, but I`d really love to travel to Russia….

Write a letter to Bill (100-140 words).


I. Reading: Read the text.

At the end of the 15-th century the fortress Vyshgorodok was built on the south-west of the Russian-Lithuanian-German border-line. In the 16-th century Vyshgorodok became the center of the uyezd. Here was the frontier detachment and near it just was a small village-Pytalovo. A railway station St.Petersburg - Varshava was founded at the beginning of the 60-s of the 19-th century not far from this villiage. It was the beginning of Pytalovo. In 1920 according to Riga`s peace treaty Pytalovo with Vyshgorodok volost became a part of Latvia Republic. And in 1925 it was renamed in Jaunlatgale. In 1938 it was renamed over again and Jaulatgale became Abrane. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) the town was a front line and was occupied by Nazis. Pytalovo was liberated on the 24 of July,1944.

II. Find answers in the text.

When was fortress Vyshgorodok built?

  1. In the 14-th century; 2. In the 15-th century; 3.In the 16-th century.

A small village Pytalovo was:

  1. In Latvia 2. On the frontier with Vyshgorodok 3. In the centre of Vyshgorodok.

Pytalovo had such names:

  1. Abrene, 2. Myrashovo, 3. Jauntlatgale.

The date of liberation of Pytalovo is…

  1. 24 July, 1944; 2. 30 July, 1944; 3. 15 July, 1944.

III. Speaking. Try to imagine that a foreign visitor would like to learn about the history of the Pytalovo District. What can you tell him\her about it?

Flora and Fauna

I. Reading.

Read the text and circle the unknown words. Find the meaning of the words below working with a good dictionary. The pictures below will also help you.

The Pytalovo district is located in the zone of mixed forests. Only 15 % of its territory is covered by forests. Most of the forestland is found on the bank of the rivers: the Kukhva and the Utroya. The most widespread tree is a pine; the second place is taken by a birch. The basic types of trees are ash, linden, maple, and elm. There is a great variety of different herbs (Ladum and sedge); berries (cranberry, bilberry, raspberry); mushrooms (boletus, orange-cap boletus, saffron milk cap); flower plants (dandelion, foal-foot). A lot of animals inhabit the Pytalovo District. You can find out a white and grey hare, wolves, foxes, elks, polecats, otters, beavers, squirrels and rabbits. There are also many kinds of birds: hazel hens, quails, white partridges. Most of the animals live in the forest, some- in meadows, marshes, steppes and different basins. They are rats, mice and beavers. There are many species of fish in the rivers and lakes. The most widespread of them are breams, pines, roaches, perches ruffs, carps. Fish resources are rather important.


Ladum, sedge.


Cranberry, bilberry, raspberry.


Boletus, orange - cap boletus, saffron milk cap.

Flower plants:

Dandelion, foal-foot.


Ash, linden, maple, and elm.

Wild animals:

White and grey hare, wolves, foxes, elks, polecats, otters, beavers, squirrels, and rabbits.


Hazel hens, quails, white partridges.

Different kinds of fish:

Breams, pines, roaches, perches ruffs, carps.

Look at the pictures and match each picture with the headings:

Wild animals                  


Holidays in the Pytalovo District

People celebrate a lot of holidays in our district. They are: Orthodox Christmas, New Year`s Day, Maslenitsa, Easter (Paskha), Victory Day, and Women`s Day.

Orthodox Christmas and New Year Day.

Warming-up: What New Year and Christmas Traditions do you know?

I. Reading. Imagine you are in the shop, trying to choose something as a New Year Present for your parents. You are at a loss feeling uncomfortable what to buy. Send SMS to your friend (sister) asking for advice. What would you write?

The first holiday of the year is New Year`s Day. People see the New Year in at midnight on the 31-st of December. They greet the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o`clock.

There are a lot of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year`s Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.

In the weeks before New Year Day people are busy. They make or buy New Year`s cards and send them to their friends, parents, and relatives. The traditional New Year meal is a roast goose.

Then comes Orthodox Christmas. The Russian Christmas is celebrated on the 7-th of January. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible.

On that day, about 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child presents - gold, frankincense and myrrh. That`s why people nowadays try to please their friends and relative giving them Christmas presents.

II. Speaking.

What kind of presents do you like to get?

Are you accustomed to make gifts for each other?

What gifts will you prepare for your friends and relatives on the coming Christmas?

III. Writing.

Write a letter to your English pen-friend. Write him/her about the traditions of seeing the New Year in your family. (100-140 words)

On the 8-th of March we celebrate Women`s Day. Men and young boys try to please their mothers, sisters, and girl-friends by giving them presents, flowers and chocolates. At school a ball “Miss Beauty” is held.

“Miss Beauty”

At the beginning of March we celebrate Maslenitsa. This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of Spring and Lent. During this festival people make pancakes (blinis), sing traditional songs, or go visiting each other.

Come for pancakes:

  1. What kind of pancake do you like best?
  2. When do you eat pancakes?

I. Reading.

Read and answer the questions then read the text again and check your answers.

  1. What are pancakes made of?
  2. What do you need to make pancakes?
  3. What toppings are pancakes served with?


4 cups of flour 1 teaspoon salt

4 cups of milk 25g yeast

2 eggs 25g butter

2 teaspoons sugar 100g cream

Food glorious food

  1. Mix the flour, the milk and the yeast to make batter. Set the mixture aside and let it rise.
  2. Separate the eggs yolks from the egg whites. And sugar to the egg yolk and whisk up the egg whites with cream.
  3. Then add the egg whites and the egg yolks to the batter. Stir the batter, then put it aside to rise again.
  4. Now you`re ready to start cooking- heat up a little oil in a big pan; when the oil is hot, add the batter mix.
  5. Fry the pancakes until it`s brown on one side, then turn it over to brown the other side. When the pancakes are brown on both sides, put them on a warm plate. Spread a little butter on each pancake and add a topping of your choice (chocolate, whipped cream, caviar or yoghurt). Pancakes are also good with herring or salted salmon. Enjoy your pancakes.

Paschal Quiz

I. What do you know about this holiday?

Try and answer the questions.

  1. Is Easter a Christian religious holiday or not?
  2. Why is this holiday called Easter?
  3. What is the exact date of this holiday?
  4. What is the origin of the custom of decorating Easter eggs?
  5. How do you celebrate Easter in your family?

II. Reading.

Read the text and see if your answers were wrong. Look up the unknown words at the end of the text.

Christianity is one of the great, most enduring religins of the world. Our calendar system begins with the traditional date of Christ`s birth. Many societies have patterned their legal system on the moral teaching of Christ his followers.

The English name for this Paschal festival comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “Eastre”, a prechristian festival celebrated in honor Teutonic goddess of dawn, Bede Eastre. It`s exact date varies from year to year because it depends on the moon`s cycle, but the earlist possible date in March 22 and the latest is April 25.

The custom of decorating Easter eggs and exchanging them as gifts was begun by th ancient Egyptians. This custom is very popular among the Slavs of Eastern Europe.

Another symbol of Ester is a white lily, or Ester lily. Easter colours are the pastel colours and purple.

In Russia in many families the mistress bakes Kulich, a tasty Easter loaf flavoured with sweets, and raisins. Paskha is a ritual dish made from sour cream, sugar, eggs, raisins and butter. The Kulich is round in shape and the Paskha – square. In the morning the Kulich and Paskha are consecrated in Church.

The joyous Easter feast continues for a whole week. People congratulate and kiss one another, go to each other and exchange gifts, including painted eggs. On meeting each other, people exclaim “Christ has risen “ and the expected answer is - “He has risen indeed”.

Eggs are exchanged so that only good is to stay in people`s souls and that all that was evil, like the eggshell is to disappear. Since time immemorial the egg was unslumbering as a symbol of life and fertility.

The favourite past time at Easter is egg rolling. The Tuesday of the next week is marked as a day of remembrance. It is called Radunitsa, from a Russian verb meaning “to take care of”.

It means remembrance of near ones, of one`s own family, so that the souls of ancestors ascend and the earth quietly and lightly, and invisibly touch the offerings brought to them. Slices of Easter pie and Kulich are taken to the cemetery. This tradition is alive today.


Enduring  – значимый

Patterned  – сформированный

Followers  – последователи, ученики

Teutonic goddess of dawn  – богиня зари

ancient Egyptians  – древние Египтяне

the Slavs  – славяне

are consecrated  – освящать в церкви

“Christ has risen”  – Христос воскрес!

“ He has risen indeed”  – Воистину воскрес!

immemorial  – вечный, незапамятный

near ones  – родные и близкие

ancestors  – предки

Victory Day

Warming-up discussion: How do you celebrate Victory Day in your school? What do people in your region do on this day?

I. Reading.

The greatest national holiday in Russia is Victory Day - 9-th May. The Great Patriotic War ended on this day in 1945. On this day, we celebrate the end of the war and remember the people who died for liberation of our district.

The war lasted for four years. Soldiers fought all over the district. There are a lot of monuments to the heroes of this war in Pytalovo District. Every year on 9-th May, veterans who fought in the war take part in a parade. People give them flowers and then they all go to the monuments. There is a minute`s silence all over the country at 7 pm. This is when people pay tribute to those who had died in this war. Victory Day is a holiday that unites all Russian people.

II. Speaking.

  1. Imagine you are a TV reporter talking live to the viewers. Describe the parade.
  2. What are the monuments in the pictures? Who are they for?


Pytalovo today

Wish you were here

Warming-up Discussion: Read the saying of Buddha without giving the name of the author and the time: when do you think it was written? The answers will vary. Why is the saying seems up-to date?

Religions are many;
Reason is one.
Prisons are locked day and night
But they are always full
Temples are always open
But there is no one there.


The town of Pytalovo – the administrative centre of the district- is placed on the bank of the river Utroya. The district encapsulates 305 settlements and 10 municipalities. The economy of the Pytalovo district is influenced by the railway transportation. The main branches of industry are light production and food production (especially milk). Vegetables are also cultivated. There is a saw - mill in Pytalovo. A lot of people work there.

12 agricultural enterprises and around 20 farms operate in the district.

The educational system is represented by 24 educational facilities. There is the central district hospital and a policlinic in the district. There are two museums in Pytalovo. They are: “Museum of “Friendship“, and “Cosmonautics` Museum”.

There are three main churches in the Pytalovo District. They are: “St. Nicolas Church”, “Boris and Gleb Church” and “Korovskaya Church”.

“Educate men without religion and you will make them but clever devils” Lord Wellington.

The Environment

Warming-up Discussion: The protection of our environment is an important problem in our district, isn`t it?

I. Reading: Group work. Answer the questions.

What does the word “ecology” mean? Ecology is a science nature and about relations of man with it.
What pollutes water basins, lakes, rivers in your district? They are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical and other wastes.
What are the names of the environmental problems of today in your district? Air pollution, smog, water pollution, destruction of natural resources. The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere protects the world from the sun`s harmful rays.
How long does litter last? What happens to garbage when we leave it outside? Never throw glass bottles on the ground. You damage the land. Aluminium cans and plastic bottles last up to 500 years. If you throw an aluminium can on the ground, it will still litter the Earth up to 500 years later. Tin cans last 100 years.
How can we keep our district clean? We must not throw litter on the ground. We must always throw garbage in the garbage can. Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wild life. Small animals can get hurt on sharps cans or broken bottles.
Do you ever throw litter on the ground? No, I never do/Yes, sometimes do.
How can we save electricity? Turn off the lights when you leave the room and turn off lights in the room that you really do not need. Turn off the TV or the stereo when you not watching or listening.
Should we save water? We should always turn off taps when we do not need water any more.

II. Speaking.

Try to imagine that you are at a conference on ecological problems in your town. Discuss ecological problems in your district.

Rounding-off Lesson:

Be very active and attentive.

Translate these sentences from Russian into England:

1. Пыталовский район расположен на юго-западе Псковской области.

2. Население района составляет 14.900 человек.

3. Территория района не богата минеральными ресурсами.

4. Район расположен в зоне смешанных лесов.

5. Большинство диких животных живут в лесах.

6. Лёгкая промышленность это главная ветвь индустрии.

7. Различные виды птиц обитают в районе.

8. Волки, лисы, зайцы и медведи живут в лесах района.

Complete the passage using an appropriate word-combination from the box to replace the blanks:

Density, loamy, animal, cultivate, district, decidious, deposits, bird, river, lakes, influence, transportation, locate, settlement.

Pytalovo District (1__________) in the south-western part of the Pskov region. The territory of the (2________) is about 1400 sq km. There are284 (3______). The population (4________) is about 17 people per sq km. The district is situated in the zone of mixed and (5_________) forests. The soil is (6_______) natural. The area is not very rich in (7__________) of natural resources. The flora and fauna are various. The majority of (8__________) and (9__________) live in the forests. The main (10_________) is the Utroya. It flows over 80 km from south to north. There are 24 (11_________) in the district. The economy of Pytalovo is (12___________) by the railway (13____________). The main branches of industry are light and food production. Flax and vegetables are also (14______________).


1. What do you know about the location of the Pytalovo District?

2. How many people live in the district?

3. In what forest zone is the district situated?

4. What are the most-widely spread animals, birds, fish?

5. Name the main branches of industry.

6. What are the main rivers?

7. Does it have many forests? Which?

Look at the pictures. Which places do they show? How do you know?



What do you know about your native place in general? Discuss with your partner and then say about it in class. You may choose any topic which you like the best!

Keys to the Rounding-off Lesson:

  1. The Railway Station.
  2. The river Kuhva.
  3. The Belorusskoe Lake.
  4. The swans on the lake in the district.
  5. The Korovskaya Church.
  6. The Book-shop in the town.
  7. The Library.
  8. The hotel - Rus`.
  9. The restaurant.
  10. The train station