Урок для 4-го класса "America (the USA)"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок формирования лексических навыков.

Практическая задача урока:

  • ознакомить учащихся с новыми лексическими единицами по теме America (the USA) и тренировать их в употреблении до уровня репродукции;
  • совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки на основе текста.

Воспитательная задача: способствовать воспитанию культуры общения (на основе текста).

Образовательная задача: способствовать расширению филологического кругозора.

Развивающая задача: способствовать развитию внимания.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап

1. Организационный момент

T: Good morning, children. Glad to see you! How are you today, Lisa?

P1: I am fine, thank you.

T: And you, Denis, how is life?

P2: I’m fine too, thanks.

T: That’s great. Glad to hear that. Let’s see what we will do today. Today we will learn some new words.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

а) Установка на чтение

T: Well, today I have a nice poem for you. Let’s have a look at it. Will you read it, please?

б) Чтение про себя

в учебнике: упр. 14 стр. 154


  • Where were you born?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where are you from?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • How tall are you?
  • How old are you?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where were you last night?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Why weren’t you home?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Did you stay out late?
  • Did you have a good time?
  • Did you see a good play?
  • I’d rather not say.

в) Проверка понимания и решение КЗ

T: Do you like asking such questions? Can you translate the poem into Russian?

г) Диагностирующее чтение

T: Will you read the poem, please, Lisa?


  • Where were you born?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where are you from?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • How tall are you?
  • How old are you?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where were you last night?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Why weren’t you home?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Did you stay out late?
  • Did you have a good time?
  • Did you see a good play?
  • I’d rather not say.

T: Ok, it was very good, but you should mind some sounds.

д) Модельное чтение

T: Now, please, listen to my reading.


  • Where were you born?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where are you from?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • How tall are you?
  • How old are you?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Where were you last night?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Why weren’t you home?
  • I’d rather not say.
  • Did you stay out late?
  • Did you have a good time?
  • Did you see a good play?
  • I’d rather not say.

е) Отработка звуков[ ][ ]

T: Look, we have a word “born” in this poem. It has the sound [ ]. Is it a long sound or a short one?

P: It is a long sound.

T: Excellent. [ ] born (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-Cl-P1, T-Cl-P2, T-P1, P2, P3)

T: Great. In the word “weigh” we have the sound [ ]. [ ] weigh (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-Cl-P1, T-Cl-P2, T-P1, P2, P3)

T: Excellent.

ж) Обучающее чтение

  • По предложениям (Режимы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-Cl-P1, T-Cl-P2, T-P1, P2, P3)
  • Все стихотворение (T-Cl)

з) Контролирующее чтение

T: Now, who would like to read it? – P1, P2

3. Речевая зарядка

T: So, we’ve read some questions. Vika, tell me, please, what you did yesterday.

P1: Yesterday I went to the zoo with my parents.

T: Good. Natasha, what did you do yesterday?

P2: I went for a walk with my friends.

T: Thank you.

II. Основной этап

1. Ознакомление с новыми л. е.

(новые слова записаны на доске с транскрипцией)

T: Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can some new words. Repeat after me: to advise. (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2)

T: Good. Who can tell me what this word means?

P1: советовать

T: That’s right. To advise means советовать. Next word is advice. Repeat after me: advice. (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2) Who can translate it?

P2: совет

T: Good. Of course it is совет. This word is uncountable so we don’t use the indefinite article with it. Is it clear?

Cl: Yes, it is.

T: Next word is person. Repeat after me: person (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). It means человек.

T: Next word is personal. Repeat after me: personal (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Good. It means личный.

T: Next word is host. Repeat after me: host (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Great. It means хозяин.

T: Next word is hostess. Repeat after me: hostess (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Who can guess what it means?

P1: I think it is хозяйка.

T: Yes, of course, it means хозяйка. Next word is move. Repeat after me: move (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). It means двигаться, двигать.

T: Next word is rule. Repeat after me: rule (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Good. It means правило.

T: Next word is to relax. Repeat after me: to relax (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Excellent. It means расслабляться.

T: Next word is maybe. Repeat after me: maybe (переводной способ семантизации) (режим работы: T-Cl, T-Gr, T-P1, P2). Great. It means может быть.

2. Тренировка (УРУ)

а) Имитация

T: Excellent. Now let’s practice a bit. I will tell you some sentences and if they are true you will agree with me. (Режим работы: T-P1, P2, P3)

T: My mother always gives me clever advice.

T1: Yes, my mother always gives me clever advice.

T: She is fond of asking personal questions.

P2: Yes, she is fond of asking personal questions.

T: A host is a man who invites people to come to his home as guests.

P3: Yes, a host is a man who invites people to come to his home as guests.

T: A hostess is a woman who invites people to come to her home as guests.

P4: Yes, a hostess is a woman who invites people to come to her home as guests.

T: They moved into a new flat last month.

P5: Yes, they moved into a new flat last month.

T: Rules tell you what to do and what not to do.

P6: Yes, rules tell you what to do and what not to do.

T: A hot Bath helped me to relax.

P7: Yes, a hot Bath helped me to relax.

T: Maybe she’ll send you a letter.

P8: Yes, maybe she’ll send you a letter.

б) Подстановка

T: Now, please, have a look at the shits of paper. Your task is to fill in the gaps using our new words in the box above in the correct form.

advise advice person personal host hostess move rule relax maybe
  • May I ask you for _______?
  • A ________ is a woman who invites people to come to her home as guests.
  • It is a difficult grammar ______.
  • We thanked our _______ for the wonderful party.
  • His doctor ________ him not to eat so many sweets.
  • ______ “yes”, ______ “no”, ______ rain, ______ snow.
  • Please, don’t ask me __________ questions.
  • ______ the chair nearer to the fire.
  • Who is this________?
  • My father likes to _______ by reading a newspaper.

в) Трансформация

T: Very good. But you know not all pupils study well. On the sheets of paper we have some statements of a pupil. But they are not correct. Your task is to disagree and correct them.

  • We moves into a new flat.
  • He gave me a lot of advices.
  • A hostess is a man who invites people.

T: I see you are tired! Let’s have a break! Stand up, please! Lisa, come to the blackboard and show this exercise for the whole class. Imagine, that you are a teacher.

P1 is doing the exercise, all the others repeat after her. They have already known this exercise.

P1: Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

T: Thank you very much! Sit down, please! Let’s commence.

III. Основной этап (чтение)

T: Would you like to know some facts about life in America? Read the text and say why America is a friendly county. First of all let’s translate some words from this text. “waiter” is официант, cheek is щека, “pot luck” dinner is обед вскладчину, wedding is свадьба. Now let’s read the text. Lisa, start, please.

P1: EVERYDAY LIFE IN AMERICA. America is a friendly country with friendly people. In small American towns you hear “hello” from friends and also from people who have just arrived. Waiters in restaurants will often tell you their names and talk to you. When you leave they will tell you to “Take care” or “Have a nice day!” Often people you have just met begin to ask you personal questions or start telling you all about themselves.

T: Stop here. Good, thank you. Denis, continue, please.

P2: When Americans meet people for the first time they usually shake hands. When they meet friends or relatives they haven’t seen for a long time they sometimes kiss them on the cheek. “Pot luck” dinners are very popular with Americans. At a “pot luck” dinner all the guests bring something to eat and usually ask the host or hostess what they would like. Often you bring salad, some vegetables, or something sweet. Usually guests will arrive 10 or 15 minutes late – this gives your host time to finish their preparations.

T: Stop here. Good, thank you. Kristina, continue, please.

P3: Americans love to get together and to have parties. Traditional parties are birthdays, moving to a new house, a wedding, New Year’s Eve and Forth of July – Independence Day. These parties are often informal and there are not many rules for them. Americans like to relax and enjoy themselves. So, maybe the best advice is to relax, smile, and enjoy yourself too!

T: Good, thank you. So, did you like the text?

P1, P2: Yes, we did.

T: Good. And now answer some questions. Is America a friendly country?

P1: Yes, it is.

T: You are right. Do Americans ask personal questions?

P2: Yes, they do.

T: Good.

IV. Завершающий этап урока

1. Подведение итогов

T: So, who can tell me: what did you learn today?

P1: We learnt some new words that are very important.

T: Great. Thank you very much. I like the way you worked today. You were very active.

T: выставление отметок + устное оценивание

2. Домашнее задание

T: At home you will do exercise 20. Refer the sentences to the past and to the future. Also you will learn the words that we’ve learnt today. The lesson is over. Thank you very much.