"Everything about language: what, where, why" (11-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Тема урока: «Everything about language: what, where, why»

Цели и задачи:

  1. Совершенствование умения практического владения в монологической и диалогической форме.
  2. Умение анализировать грамматические аспекты родного языка с некоторыми языками из индоевропейской группы.
  3. Формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка.
  4. Развитие познавательного интереса к культуре собственного народа, связанной с проблемами родного языка.
  5. Воспитание уважительного отношения к своей культуре через изучение английского языка как международного.

Наглядные пособия и опоры: опорные таблицы и картинки, нарисованные заготовки эмблем, карточки для выполнения индивидуальных заданий, видеосюжет о Всебурятском празднике «Алтаргана».

Ход урока

I. Beginnig

Warming – up

Teacher (T). Good morning, everybody! I'm glad to see you.
Pupils (Ps): Good morning! We are glad to see you too!
Teacher (T): As far as I know you have been studying English for almost seven years. From to time we invite some guests to our lessons. Today we have some guests: not only teachers but some students from other forms, who came to our school from Mongolia and who has studied German. Let's greet everybody! (The pupils are clapping hands) Teacher (T): Thanks, take your seats, please. Introduction of the lesson
T. Let's start our work. I'd like to say that today's lesson is special and unusual because of the serious problem. The problems concern some languages. In order to be well-rounded, proficient, efficient and fluent as graduates, you must learn much about languages: foreign and mother tongue. So the theme of our lesson is "Everything about language: what, where, why". Look at the blackboard and read the questions will be discussed at our lesson.

  1. What do all languages have in common?
  2. Why English?
  3. The problems of dying languages.

II. Follow – up

Who has any ideas on the first question? What languages can we compare? PI – All children in Russia learn foreign languages as English, Spanish, German, Chinese and etc. No doubt, everybody tries to study his mother tongue. I have been studying Russian, Buryat and English since the first grade. All languages have much in common. Look at the board! I'd like to compare 3 languages: Russian, Buryat and English. First, all three languages have rules. The rules have exceptions. More over, all three have nouns, verbs and adjectives.

P2. I'd like to tell you that there are ways of showing present, past and future time in every language. In Russian there are three tenses, in English – 12 tense forms and in Buryat – 4 tense forms. All languages have ways of making questions. For example, would you like to study any other foreign languages? Besides, there are 4 kinds of questions: general, special, alternative and tag-questions. In all languages there are ways of making negative and positive statements. And every language has cases: Russian -6, English – 2, Buryat -7. To sum up, all languages are alike but at the same time, each has its own features.

Таблица сравнения языков





























T. Now, let's listen to short speech in different languages.
(Дети слушают выступления на монгольском, немецком языках и песню на бурятском языке, исполненную приглашенными учащимися из других классов)
T. Although people of many countries speak English, this language connects countries and continents all over the world.
As you remember, the second question of our lesson is why English.
P3. Yes, I agree that the English is a global language. There 375 million second-language speakers and one billion learners of English, 90 per cent of computers linked to the Internet are based in English-speaking countries of books, newspapers, airports, air-traffic control, air space travel, international business and academic conferences, science and technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, pop music and advertising. In addition to, English has official or special status in at least 75 countries with a total population of over two billion.
T. Thank you for your information about the importance of studying English. Now all of you can pin your badges with phrases you like. You are to make them at home choosing them in your textbook.
(Учащиеся прикалывают эмблемы с выражениями, выбранными из учебника на с. 12, а в это время ученик читает стихи на английском языке)
T. Thank you . It was great! Your pronunciation is excellent.
(Затем учащиеся поворачиваются друг к другу и читают фразы на эмблемах громко, четко и выразительно)
T. At last you can see the quotation on the board. It is written in Russian that everybody can understand the meaning of these words. Don't forget about our quests!

«И если завтра мой язык исчезнет,
То я готов сегодня умереть».

Расул Гамзатов, поэт из Дагестана

Will you interpret this quotation? These brilliant lines concern a number of dying out languages: Klamath,Choctaw, Kuskokwin, Jingulu, Yuchi, Bongou, the languages of American Indians that are unlikely to survive the next century. Unfortunately, our native language Buryat is in danger.

P4. Preparing for this lesson I had to use the Internet. That's what I have found. It seems many young people living and studying in Novosibirsk have created a club of studying of the native language. About 40 persons began to study classic Buryat. On February, 21st under the initiative of UNESCO a day of the native language is annually marked. We realize that many young people aren't able to celebrate this holiday in the Buryat language. So, for example, on the site of Buryat people where the basic part of users is made by young men of Russian, Buryat and English, 47% of visitors have informed that they don't speak Buryat at all. According to official statistics for three years the quantity knowing the Buryat language has decreased on eight thousand person. Simply space speeds!
T. Who knows other facts to save today's dangerous situation with the Buryat language?
P5. I know exactly that 10 years ago the First grade had been opened in one of Moscow Schools. For Buryats living there is very important not to forget their native language. Many children were born in the capital but they have relatives in Buryatia. The educated people understand the urgent problem with language. I think that the Buryat language has a chance of preservation and development if every teenage would study, write and speak our language. (Просмотр видеосюжета о красочном и незабываемом празднике бурят со всего мира «Алтаргана».)

III. Rounding – off

T. Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. To my mind, it will be logically correct, if you would translate the following sentence into Russian, Buryat and our guests into Mongolian and German «Increase your English but don't forget your native!»
(Учащиеся озвучивают данное выражение на разных языках.)
T. Your homework is to work out the measures to preserve the dying languages. I enjoyed your work, you were very active, enthusiastic, emotional and bright.

Образец задания

Correct mistakes
About language

1. Speach is a mirror of the soul: as a man speak, so he is.
– Puplilius Syrus
2. Lanquage is a dress of thaught.
– Samuel Johnson
3. An idea do not pass from one languaqe to another withaut change.
– Miguel de Unamuno
4. «Язык народа – лучший, никогда неувядающий и вечно вновь распускающийся цвет его духовной жизни, начинающийся далеко за границами истории» (К.Ушинский).
5. Турэл хелэн турэхэн
Дайда хоероо
Туби дэгуур хагуур
Яба, мартахагуйш


1 – speech, speaks
2 – language, thought
3 – does, language, without
4 – не увядающий, вновь распускающийся, его, жизни, границами
5 – хэлэн, хаагуур