Вечер английского языка "Английский с удовольствием"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Мотивировать изучение иностранного языка.
  2. Дать представление о значимости английского языка в повседневной жизни.
  3. Побудить учащихся к активному языковому общению во время мероприятия.
  4. Совершенствовать навыки устной речи.


  1. Ориентировать на нравственные качества становления личности.
  2. Показать нравственную ценность произведений отечественных детских писателей на английском языке.
  3. Воспитывать милосердие по отношению к окружающим людям.
  4. Прививать навыки личной гигиены.


  1. Развивать творческие способности учащихся, навыки выразительного чтения, повествования и декламации.
  2. Развивать навыки аудирования.

Компьютер, мультимедиа, картинки: солнце, ночь, изречения, игрушки.

The English Party
“Enjoy English All Day Long”

Student1: Good afternoon our dear friends! We are grateful to meet you, English lovers, here in our assembly hall! And now we invite you to take a day trip together with our common friend – help us to say its name – well, all together – English!!!   So, let’s start!

S2: This is the morning. We are getting up. The first thing we should do in the morning is…? Right you are - of course, washing.

(the students of the 3rd form are singing the song “This is the way we wash our face”)

This is the way we wash our hands,
Wash our hands, wash our hands,
This is the way we wash our hands,
On a fine and sunny morning.
(Face – wet and rainy; brush our teeth – dry and cloudy)

S1: We wish you every morning and every evening to keep in your mind the verse lines from the book “Wash’em Clean” by Kornei Chukovsky. Listen to us!

P1: Every morning, every evening,
We must play the washing game,
P2: And to those,
Who’s always dirty –
Lasting shame!
Lasting shame!
P3: Hurray for soap and sponges!
P4: Hurray for towels and lots of foam!
P5: Hurray for tooth-paste, white and tasty!
P6: Hurray for my own brush and comb!
P7: Let us all wash every day,
P8: Let us splash in water and play
P9: In bath-tubs, in wash-tubs, in basins and bowls,
P10: In oceans, in rivers, with boats and with balls.
P1: Washing is healthy for young and for old,
So hurray for water, whether steaming or cold!

1. Надо, надо умываться
По утрам и вечерам,
2. А нечистым трубочистам –
Стыд и срам! Стыд и срам!
3. Да здравствует мыло душистое,
4. И полотенце пушистое,
5. И зубной порошок,
6. И густой гребешок!
7. Давайте же мыться, плескаться,
8. Купаться, нырять, кувыркаться
9. В ушате, в корыте, в лохани,
10. В реке, в ручейке, в океане,
И в ванне, и в бане,
11. Всегда и везде – Вечная слава воде!

S1: Thank you dear boys and girls! Now let us play together like this. So, you have already washed yourselves and now let us look through the window! What is the weather like today? Is it windy (wet, cloudy, dry, sunny, rainy)?
(The pupils do the necessary motions and replies like this: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.)

S2: So, the weather is fine. You feel happy and ready to sing a song with our friend Teddy Bear.

(A Song)

John Jacob Jingleheimer Shmid.
That’s my name too.
Whenever I go out, the people always shout:
John Jacob Jingleheimer Shmid. Tra-la-la…

S1: Oh, dear friends! Look! This is the girl Zhenya from the fairy-tale “Rainbow-Flower” by Valentin Katayev. I hope you’ve read this story. So look and listen!

(the play of the pupils of the 7th and 8th forms)

Story-teller: “…There was once a girl named Zhenya. One day her mother sent her to the bakery for some bread-rings. Zhenya bought seven bread-rings. The bread-rings were on a string, just like beads. Zhenya started back for home with the string of bread-rings. She waked along, looking up and down, reading the signs on the way and just passing the time of the day. Meanwhile, a strange dog came up to her from behind and began eating the bred-rings.
Zenya suddenly felt that the string of bread-rings was very light. She turned around, but it was too late.
Zhenya: Oh, you horrid dog!
Story-teller: Zhenya cried and ran after the dog. But she couldn’t catch it. Zhenya began to cry. Suddenly, an old woman appeared.
An old woman: Why are you crying, little girl?
Story-teller: Zhenya told the old woman what had happened.
An old woman: Don’t cry! I will help you. I don’t have any bread-rings, and I don’t have any money, but there is a very special flower growing in my garden. It is a rainbow-flower. I will give you the rainbow-flower and it will help you. It is not an ordinary flower. It can make any wish come true. All you have to do is tear off a petal, throw it up in the air and say:

Fly, petal, oh –
East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Then you say what you wish is. And it will come true.

Story-teller: Zhenya thanked the old woman. Then she tore off the yellow petal, threw it up and said:

Fly, petal, oh –
East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make me back home again with the bread-rings!

Story-teller: At home Zhenya broke her mummy’s favourite vase. So she tore off the red petal, threw it up and whispered:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make Mummie’s best vase whole again!

Story-teller: Then Zhenya went outside to play. In the yard the boys were playing as Arctic explorers. They didn’t take her to play together and Zhenya offended them. So she tore off the blue petal, threw it up and said:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make me be at the North Pole this minute!

Story-teller: But it was too cold at the North Pole. Zhenya was scared to death. With frozen fingers she tore off the green petal, threw it up and shouted at the top of her voice:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make me be back in our yard right now!

Story-teller: Zhenya went to the next yard and there she saw that the girls had a lot of toys.
So she tore the orange petal, threw it up and said:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make all the toys in the world mine!

Story-teller: Lots of toys! Zhenya didn’t know what to do. So she hurriedly tore off the violet petal, threw it up and quickly said:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make all the toys go back to the toy shops!

Story-teller: Zhenya walked along the street, thinking.
Oh dear! I’ve used up six petals already and I’ve had no fun from any of them. Well, I’ll be smarter next time.”
Story-teller: Suddenly she saw a very nice boy sitting quietly on a bench. He had big bright eyes that looked very merry. Zhenya decided to make friends with him.
Zhenya: Hello. What’s your name?
Vitya: Vitya. What’s your name?
Zhenya: Zhenya. Let’s play tag.
Vitya: I can’t. I’m lame.
Zhenya: Oh, that’s too bad! I like you and it would have been a lot of fun to play tag.
Vitya: I like you too, and I know it would have been a lot of fun to play tag with you. But I can’t. I’ll never be able to. I’m crippled for life.
Znenya: Don’t be silly, Vitya! Look!
Zhenya carefully tore off the last petal, the light-blue one, and held it up to her eyes for a second. Then she sang in a high, happy voice:

East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.
Make Vitya well again!

Story-teller: Zhenya felt happy.

S2: Dear friends, can you answer our question: Why did Zhenya feel happy?
(the students’ answers:
Zhenya helped Vitya to recover and it was good.)

S1: Thank you for your answers. You are wonderful!
We should create good and kind things.
Long live friendship! Long live kindness!
Let’s wish everybody well!

S2: Our party is going on as well as the day time is coming to the evening. Now we offer you a short trip around our village land – our native village of Nurlaty.

(the multimedia presentation of the 11th form:
1) Liza Rachkovskaya reads some extracts of her exposition “The Magic Place of My Home Land”
2) Il’sina Zinnatullina recites her verse “My Village Land”)

S1: How happy I am to live and enjoy my home land!

S1: While we were wandering around our native place, look, the evening has already come.

(The junior pupils sing a song “Teddy Bear”)
The Song / the rhyme.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good-night.

 S2: Before you are going to bed, let us sum up the day we have spent and think of the day’s results.
Let us make a conclusion of our English party.
So, who is the first? Don’t be afraid! Share your opinions! Come on!!!
S1: Well, dear friends, we help you.
We should take care of our health!
We should create only good things!
We should love and enjoy our native land!

S2: Believe us and agree with us, please,
S1: To know English is a great pleasure!
S2: It is a pleasure to join in singing an English song.
S1: It is a pleasure to read a funny English inscription on the T-shirt.
S2: It is a pleasure to repeat the film-actor’s cue in English.
S1: And what a great pleasure is to read Shakespeare in original!!!
S2: Study English!
S1: Enjoy English Every Day!
S1 and S2: Enjoy English All Day Long!!!
S1: Thanks a lot for your attention!
S2: Good-bye!

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