Копилка заданий по теме "Зима"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Я отвожу 7–10 минут урока на знакомство и первичное закрепление лексики ; выполнение заданий и игр, работу с раздаточным материалом; контроля и т.д.

What Happens In Winter?

(См. Приложение 1, слайд 2)

Complete the sentences.

  1. Snow falls to the ground in winter.
  2. ……………………………………………………. the windows.
  3. ……………………………………………………..from the roof.
  4. ……………………………………………………..the pond.

What do kids make in winter when it snows?

(слайд 3)

Карточка для заполнения во время урока (вклеиваем в словарик или тетрадь)

Words to remember: Winter

snow – ……………………………...
fall – ………………………………...
frost – ……………………………….
cover – ……………………………...
icicles – ……………………………...
hang – ……………………………….
ice – ………………………………....
freezing – …………………………….
snowflake – ………………………….
sled – …………………………………………....
skate – …………………………………………...
ski – ……………………………………………...
Make snowballs – ……………………………..
snowmen – ……………………………...
snow forts ……………………………….
snow angels – ……………………………

Have snow fights – ………………………………….

Flashcards (слайд 4)

Make a title for each group of words and then find all of the words in the grid below. (слайд 11)

snow angel

hot chocolate


Questions to discuss at the lessons:

Do you prefer winter or summer? Why?
What are your favorite winter activities?
Can you tell me about a time you went skiing or skating?
What do you usually wear in winter?
When does your winter vacation usually start and end?
Can you think of three holidays in winter?
How do you make a snow angel?
How do you make a snowman?
Is your house cold?
Do you have a fireplace in your house?
What do you usually do to keep warm in the winter?
Can you think of any animals that hibernate for the winter?
Can you think of any animals that migrate for the winter?
Have you ever gone hiking in the snow?
Tell me about a snowball fight you had.
In winter, we see a lot of frozen water. Can you tell me the difference between frost, snow, hail, and slush?
Have you ever looked at a snowflake carefully?
Do you know what packing snow is?
Do you have a sled? Have you been sledding?
What do you usually do after a big snowfall?
What’s the best thing about the winter?
What’s the worst thing about winter?
Have you ever been in a blizzard?
What are the dangers of winter?
Can you describe ice for me?
Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself?
How do people keep safe on the roads in winter?
Can you tell me how people prevent avalanches in mountains?
Have you ever had to shovel snow?

Try to think of as many verbs as you can that could fit in the blanks.

(1) Snowflakes ___________________ from the sky.
(2) Snow _________________ the ground.
(3) Icicles ___________________ from your roof.
(4) Frost __________________ your windows.
(5) Ponds and lakes ____________________.
(6) People __________________ on the ice.
(7) People __________________ down the slopes.
(8) Children _________________ snowball fights.
(9) People _________________ skating or skiing in the wintertime.
(10) People ________________ warm clothing,
(11) Parents _______________ hot chocolate for their kids.
(12) Kids ________________ hot chocolate.
13) Kids _____________ snowmen and snow angels.
(14) Bears _______________ for the winter.
(15) People _______________ their driveways after it snows.
(16) Ice ______________ in the warm sun

 Winter Crossword


3. This hangs from your roof.
5. This covers your window.
7. This covers the ground.
8. These keep your hands warm and dry.
10. A winter activity on ice
12. First month of winter.


1. ______ degrees Celsius: Freezing.
2. Wear this to keep warm.
4. These keep your feet dry.
6. You can ride this.
9. Winter weather.
11. This covers ponds and lakes.

(слайд 12)

Winter Weather:

Winter is the _________________ when temperatures ________________, snow _____________ the ground, ________________ covers windows and ________________ hang from roofs. When the temperature is _______________ zero, water ___________________ and ice ________________ on puddles, ponds and lakes. Children have great fun _________________ the ice in puddles on their way to school.

Winter Fun:

After a heavy __________________, children play in the snow. They _____________ snow forts, make _______________ and ______________, and have _________________ fights. People also ________________ skiing, skating, and sled

ding in the winter. Another popular winter sport is _______________.

Winter Dangers:

The cold weather can also be dangerous; people ______________ on the ice and cars ______________ down hills crashing into each other. As well, heavy snowstorms called _________________ can knock down power lines and cause _________________. Some people also _________________ a cold when they stay out in the cold.

Keeping Warm:

Because winter is so cold, people have to find ways to ________________ warm. People wear ___________ coats, ______________ for their necks, _______________ for their hands, and ______________ on their feet. Children drink __________________ when they come in from the cold. And families sit around the _________________ at night and talk about what they did during the day.

Вариант работы со стихотворением

Step 1. Find the rhyming words:

Snow tree go all know be wall

Step 2. Read the key words and say what this poem is about.

Fields of snow; no grass at all; as white as white can be; mothers know; by our footprints.

Step 3. Read the poem and try to complete it.

White Fields
(by J. Stephens)

In winter time we ……. (go)
Walking in the fields of………….; (snow)
Where there is no grass at……….; (all)
Where the top of every…………, (wall)
Every house and every ………… (tree)
Is as white, as white can……….. (be)
And our mothers always ………. (know)
By our footprints in the ……….. (snow)
Where the children ……………. (go)

Step 4. Read the poem aloud.

Flashcards and additional activities you can also find on:

1) www.booglesworldesl.com
2) www.kaboose.com
3) httpwww.english – 4kids.com