Урок – юридическая конструкция по теме "Big cat resque"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

учебный аспект:

- совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

- обучение полилогу.

развивающий аспект:

- формировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;

- учить обрабатывать полученную информацию;

- развивать способности к логическому изложению содержания.

социокультурный аспект:

- знакомство учащихся с различными видами деятельности по охране природы;

- экологическое образование;

- профессиональная ориентация на юридическую профессию.

воспитательный аспект:

- формирование ответственного отношения к природе;

- воспитание правильного экологического поведения;

- привитие любви к родному краю.

Оборудование и наглядные пособия: аудиозапись с голосами птиц, видеоролик “День тигра”, компьютерная презентация, магнитная доска, экран, опорные карточки, работы учащихся, фотографии, плакаты, учебник.

Ход урока

I. (Slide 1.2.3) Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя о дне тигра. Музыкальная заставка. Ученики читают стихи под музыку.

P1. The Earth is a garden.
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures.
For all human race.

P2. Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.

P3. The warmth of the sun
Turns water into rain
It’s nature way.


Teacher: There are a lot of special days in our country, but at the moment, I’d like to mention September, 27. On that day inhabitants are dressed up as tigers and endangered wildlife to parade in the streets.

This day is a day for people to learn about the danger facing tigers and other wild animals in the Russian Far East. This festival became an annual city holiday with over thousands of participants and is held every year. These efforts would inspire many similar public displays of affection for tigers around the world.

Today I shall speak about tigers, how to protect them.

II. (Slide 4) Warm up. Watch the “Save the Tiger Project” and make your own sentences. Use this word web to help you:


Teacher: What can you tell us about this amazing animal-the Amur Tiger?


  • What the tigers’ habitat is
  • If people can be friends with tigers
  • Which species do not exist….
  • Why the tigers are disappearing ….

P1: The Amur Tiger  - general information

The Amur Tiger is the largest living cat in the world, a real picture of power and majesty. It grows its hair very thick and long, up to 5 centimeters. This keeps the animal warm during hush winters. Tigers usually prey on guar- on ox- like beast. But they’ll also eat grass, pigs, rats, monkeys, birds, lizards, leopards, other tigers and even an occasional person.

(Slide 10) P2:Tigers are in danger.

Just a hundred years ago, more than 100 000 tigers prowled the dark, still forests of the Far East and India. From dusk to dawn, they searched for pray. But now it is tigers that are hunted. Fewer than 5000 of the cats may be left in the wild. Tigers are disappearing faster than any other large mammal besides the rhino. In the early 1900s there were eight different species of the tigers. Today only three species are left.

(Slide 11) P3. Why are so many tigers disappearing?

P.4: Poachers- illegal hunters- are killing them for money. A tiger isn’t killed just for its skin. Every part of it is for sale- even the blood. The tiger parts are usually used for medicines. For all the tigers’ powers, they are still easy pray. Many cats have died from eating poison that people sprinkle on animals that the tigers have killed and left briefly. Others have fallen victims of guns.

(Slide 12) To Live or not to Live

P4: Look at this table and learn some new facts.

Living species Do not exist
Amur (Siberia, Ussury) Tiger

Indian ( Bengaly) Tiger

Indochina Tiger

Southchina Tiger

Sumatra Tiger

Turan ( Kaspyisky)Tiger

Yava Tiger

Bali Tiger

As you see, among the 8 species only 5 are alive. Bali Tiger, Yava Tiger and Turan do not exist any more. There are only 334-417 adult individuals and 97-112 cubs inhabiting the Russian Far East / statistic data of 2003 NATURE WITHOUT BORDERS. Alexander Kulikov, Candidate of Biology. Magazine Far East. Issue 3. p.2-8/

Let’s think about it together…

IV. (Slide 13-14) The dialogue 1. (an alarm call to the police about the accident in the taiga)

T: Listen to the problem which A. has. She is calling to the police.

A. I want to report a crime.

Policeman: A theft?

A: No, a man has wounded a tiger (in the taiga). Now it is dying off. I was in the forest and suddenly heard a shooting. I ran to the place and saw the hurt tiger.

Policeman: Yeah, yeah! Not so fast I have to write all this down. Now… what else did you see?

A: I saw a man. He was running away.

P: Sorry? What was he doing?

A: Running away. And he had a gun in his hands.

P: Don’t shout! Just keep calm. Did you see his face?

A: Just for a moment, but I can describe him. Oh, I was so frightened that I ran away.

P: Never mind. We’ll find this poacher. He is a criminal and should be punished.

V. The dialogue 2. At the court (За столом сидит судья, присяжные, прокурор и адвокат, чуть поодаль - обвиняемый. Судья вызывает свидетелей.)

Judge: You were in the forest last night, weren’t you?

Witness: Yes.

J: Did you see anyone there at that time?

W: Yes, I did.

J: Can you tell the court whom you saw?

W: I saw the accused.

J: Where was the accused when you saw him?

W: He was not far from the wounded tiger.

J: Could you see what he was doing?

W: He was standing.

J: How far from the place were you when you saw the accused?

W: About 50 yards.

The dialogue 3.

Advocate: Your Honour! May I put him a question?

J: Yes, you may.

A: You said it was evening. How could you see what the man was doing at that distance?

W: It was a moonlight night. There was a full moon.

A: Did the accused run away when he heard you coming?

W: He didn’t hear me coming.

A: He didn’t hear you coming? But people in the taiga wear very heavy boots, don’t they?

W: Yes, they do.

A: Were you wearing heavy boots on that occasion?

W: I was.

A: Heavy boots make a lot of noise, don’t they?

W: Yes, they do.

A: But the accused didn’t run away. Do you really believe he didn’t hear you coming? Do you expect the jury to believe that you could not be heard and that there was no time for the accused to run away?

W: He wanted to run away but I was on the bicycle at that time? Rubber tyres do not make a noise, so I caught him.

A: I have no questions. Thank you.

The dialogue 4.

Public prosecutor: Your Honour! I think this man is guilty. He went to the forest with a gun and wounded a tiger. Не works nowhere and doesn’t want to work. Why I ask you? Because he is lazy. He wanted to kill a tiger and to sell his skin. He doesn’t think that tigers are in the Red Data Book Khabarovsk Territory, they are among Rare and Endangered Species of Plants and Animals. His place is in the prison. He should be isolated from our society. I ask three years of isolation for him. Thank you.

Advocate: Your Honour! Respected Jury!

I don’t think this man is guilty. You shouldn’t be too severe to him. He doesn’t work. Yes. But is it his fault? There are many unemployed in our society. But people want to eat and that’s why they try to survive in their own way. I ask you to forgive him. Tank you.

Judge: We have heard the opinion of the public prosecutor and the advocate. What is the opinion of our respected jury?

Juror 1:Guilty.

Juror 2: Guilty

Juror 3: Guilty

Judge: Stand up! Trial is going. Mr. H. is guilty. Our verdict is: 2.5 years of the deprivation of freedom in the colony of the general regime. You may longe an appeal in ten days. The trial is over.

VI. The Discussion after the trial.

A: Have you been at the court?

B: Sure! But I don’t agree with the verdict! It’s too severe.

A: Is it? But don’t forget that tigers should be protected. They are put down into the Red Data Book. Besides there is a special Tiger’s Day on the September, 27.

B: And what can we do? There is much danger in the taiga for them: poaching, not enough food, eating poison that villagers sprinkle on animals the tigers killed and left briefly.

A: Don’t you know that many countries are getting together to come up with solutions to save the tiger. Now more tigers live in the zoos than in the wild.

B: I’m sorry but I didn’t know that. Thank you for such important and interesting information.

VII. (Slide 14-16) Conclusion.

What is done to save the tiger?

Nowadays, lots of Green Organizations decided to cooperate. Countries are getting together to come up with solutions to save the tiger, such as tougher punishments for poaching and smuggling. The organizations are raising money, fighting poaching, catching cubs for zoos and reserves. The results are promising- many zoos around the world have beautiful Amur Tigers descended from the little cubs caught in the Far East of Russia. Can the Great cats be saved?

“Yes”, Dr. Rabinowitz, a director of the Global Tiger Campaign, responds. “As long as there are people who care about tigers, there’s hope.

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