Школьный пресс-центр английского языка "Занимательные странички"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Создание единой системы урочной и внеурочной работы по предмету является одним из резервов интенсификации учебно-воспитательного процесса по иностранному языку. Изучение любой программной темы может быть продолжено во внеурочное время. Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку помогает в решении практических, общеобразовательных, и воспитательных задач, отвечает интересам учащихся, удачно сочетается со всей системой учебно-воспитательного процесса.

В нашей школе МОУ “Сарашевская средняя общеобразовательная школа им. Ш. Казанбаева” создан школьный прессцентр по английскому языку. Школьный прессцентр создан с целью придания гласности внеклассной работы по иностранному языку. В работу школьного прессцентра привлечены инициативные учащиеся, владеющих оформительскими способностями и хорошо успевающих по предмету – английский язык. Работа школьного прессцентра не регламентирована учебной программой. В связи с этим открываются неограниченные возможности работы прессцентра. В работе прессцентра иностранный язык выполняет свою естественную функцию – он служит средством общения и средством получения новой интересной информации. Отсутствие строгой программной регламентации в работе прессцентра увеличивает возможности установления межпредметных связей, способствующих углублению знаний не только по английскому языку, но и по литературе, истории, географии, математике, физике.

Целью работы школьного прессцентра является:

- расширение, углубление знаний, умений и навыков учащихся в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью;

- развитие и образование учащихся средствами английского языка;

- расширение кругозора учащихся;

- стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению предмета;

- развитие познавательных способностей учащихся;

- осознание практической значимости иностранного языка.

В задачи прессцентра входят подбор материала для выпуска стенгазет; выпуск стенгазет, бюллетеней, плакатов на английском языке о школьной жизни, о важнейших событиях у нас в стране и за рубежом; оформление выставок, стендов, объявлений. Основной задачей работы школьного прессцентра является выпуск стенгазет. Содержательная, эстетически оформленная стенгазета на английском языке повышает интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка, служит средством сообщения дополнительной информации, вносит гласность во все виды урочной и внеурочной деятельности на изучаемом языке.

В целях укрепления самостоятельности учащихся и повышения качества выпускаемых стенгазет при школьном прессцентре создана редколлегия, в которую входят ответственный редактор, ответственные за различные рубрики, художники, фотографы, переводчики. Обязанности распределены с учетом интересов, способностей, возможностей учащихся. Наличие постоянного состава школьного прессцентра не означает, что все остальные учащиеся школы являются только читателями. Работа школьного прессцентра организована таким образом, чтобы как можно больше учащихся принимало участие в выпуске стенгазет. В связи с этим особое внимание в работе школьного прессцентра уделяется сбору материалов для выпуска стенгазет. К этой работе привлечены все учащиеся школы. В кабинете иностранного языка подобран богатый материал для выпуска стенгазет из интернета, книг, журналов, газет. Целенаправленный подбор материалов общешкольной стенгазеты на английском языке и специальные задания, стимулирующие интересы учащихся, дают возможность подготовить участников турниров знатоков, конкурсов, в проведении недели иностранного языка в школе и других форм внеклассной работы путем привлечения дополнительной разнообразной и содержательной информации. Информация, представляющая интерес для всех школьников переводится и на русский язык. Учитывая то обстоятельство, что читатели стенгазеты не имеют возможности пользоваться словарем в конце каждой статьи, заметки, рассказа даются переводы некоторых слов и словосочетаний, для снятия языковых трудностей.

Содержание выпускаемых стенгазет обычно тесно связана с изучаемым по учебной программе темам. Отдельные выпуски стенгазет содержат информацию о странах изучаемого языка, обычаях, традициях и праздниках стран изучаемого языка. На страницах школьных стенгазет учащиеся знакомятся с географией, историей, политическим устройством, политикой, литературой и искусством, жизнью народов стран изучаемого языка. В стенгазетах публикуются стихи и песни. При выпуске стенгазет принимается во внимание праздничные даты. В стенгазетах предусмотрена “Занимательная страничка”, где помещаются ребусы, кроссворды, загадки и шарады, пословицы, короткие смешные рассказы, игры.

В процессе подготовки выпуска стенгазет учитываются интересы, возможности, индивидуальные способности учащихся. Учащиеся, которые хорошо рисуют, получают задание по оформлению стенгазет. Учащиеся, проявляющие интерес к углубленному изучению иностранного языка пробуют себя в роли репортеров, подбирают материалы к стенгазетам. Фоторепортеры готовят фоторепортажи. Члены клуба знатоков составляют вопросы викторин. В процессе подготовки материалов стенгазет и бюллетеней учащиеся пользуются различными источниками информации: справочниками, книгами, журналами, газетами, интернетом.

В школе оформлен специальный уголок пресс-центра, в котором есть место для общешкольной газеты на иностранном языке, а также место для размещения бюллетеней, плакатов, объявлений на иностранном языке. Материалы школьных стенгазет используются на уроках иностранного языка, а также в ходе проведения недели иностранного языка в школе, помогают учащимся в организации самостоятельной работы по иностранному языку.

Большое значение в привлечении читателей и в усилении воспитательного значения стенгазет имеет художественное оформление стенгазет. Перед учащимися ставится задача не просто украсить стенгазету, а продуманно расположить материал, подобрать удачную композицию и найти цветовое решение. В стенгазетах рисунки, иллюстрирующие статьи и заметки содействуют лучшему пониманию содержания текстов, по возможности снимают некоторые языковые трудности. Школьные стенгазеты украшают, как правило, фотографии, рисунки и иллюстрации, репродукции из газет, журналов, интернета. Все это повышает интерес, как членов прессцентра, так и читателей стенгазет, развивает творческие способности и фантазию учащихся. Разнообразие материалов, представленных в стенгазетах и их доступность в любое время для учащихся делают стенгазеты на английском языке неоценимым средством сообщения дополнительной информации, формирования познавательных интересов учащихся.

Опыт выпуска школьных стенгазет свидетельствует о том, что наибольшей популярностью среди учащихся пользуется рубрика “Занимательная страничка”. Приведенные ниже материалы “Занимательных страничек” могут быть использованы учителями английского языка и учащимися не только для выпуска стенгазет, но и для проведения различных конкурсов, викторин, “Недели иностранного языка в школе”.



Tell a friend that you can stand him beside the wall of the room so that he will not be able to move his right leg. Your astonished friend will not believe you, of course. Then tell him to stand near the wall of the room so that his left foot touches the wall, and his left shoulder touches the wall. Now tell him to try to move his right leg. You may be sure that while his left foot, hip and shoulder touch the wall, he won't be able to do it.


A man went to the Zoo with a bag of nuts. At the Zoo he stopped near three cages of monkeys and decided to give the monkeys all his nuts. "If I divide all the nuts equally among the eleven monkeys in the first cage," thought the man, "one nut will remain. If I divide them equally among the thirteen monkeys in the second cage, eight nuts will remain. If I divide them among the seventeen monkeys in the third cage, three nuts will remain. And if I divide the nuts equally among the forty-one monkeys in all three cages or among the monkeys in any two cages, some nuts will remain, too." What is the smallest number of nuts that the man could have in his bag?


Alfred had a very long walk to school every morning. When he got to the church, he had walked one quarter of the way, and it was usually half past eight on the church clock when he passed it.

When he got to the railway station, he had walked one-third of the way, and it was usually twenty-five minutes to nine on the station clock when he passed it. At what time did he usually reach school?


"How old are you, Mr. Brown?" Mr. Smith asked his friend. "I forgot exactly," was the answer. "But my brother is two years older than I, my aunt is four years older than he, my mother was twenty when I was born, and she told me yesterday that the average age of each of the four members of our family (my brother, my sister, my mother and me) is thirty-nine years."

How old is Mr. Brown?


One day a bookkeeper noticed that the word balloon had in it two double letters, one after the other. "Is there a word that has three double letters one after the other?" the bookkeeper thought.

There is, and the word is on this page. Can you find it?


Take one letter away from the word zebra and rearrange the remaining letters so as to get another animal.


Twelve men had to get to a neighbouring town, which was 20 miles away, as fast as possible, and they had to arrive there at exactly the samе time. А man with a small car agreed to help them. "I can do twenty miles an hour," he said, "but I can't carry more than four men at a time. How fast can you walk?" "All of us can walk four miles an hour," they answered.

"Very well," said the driver, "I'll go ahead with four men, drop somewhere on the road, and they will walk. Then I'll return and take four more men (who will be somewhere on the road), drop them also, and return for the last four. So you must go on walking, and I'll do the rest."

As they started at noon, at what time did they all arrive?


Fred and Albert, with their father and the village postman, were standing near the river. They had to cross it, because their village was on other side of the river. Fred and Albert each weighed 112 pounds. Their father and the postman each weighed 224 pounds. But the boat could carry only 224 pounds at a time. How did they cross?


At noon on Monday Alfred asked his father what time it was. His father told him that it was noon, and said that his watch was two minutes fast. (In Wednesday morning, Alfred again asked the time, and his father answered that the exact time was eight o'clock, but said that his watch was one minute slow.


Harry walked 117 miles, beginning on Sunday morning and finishing on Monday evening of the following week. He walked each day one mile farther than the day before. How many miles did he walk each day?


An electric train is travelling at a speed of 60 miles per hour. If there is a wind of 30 miles per hour which is following it, which way is its smoke blowing?


A man weighs 60 kilograms plus one-third of his weight. How much does he weigh?


When a little boy asked his father: "How old are you?" he got the following answer:

"I was twice as old as you are the day that you were born; You will be just what I was then when fourteen years are gone." How old was the boy's father?


2) The smallest number of nuts is 2,179. The best way to solve this is to deal with the first two cases and find that 34 will satisfy the case for 11 and 13 monkeys. Then you have to find the smallest number which will satisfy the condition for the 17 monkeys. 3) By 8.30 Alfred has walked one-fourth of the way, and in five minutes more he has walked one-third of the way. The difference between one-third and one-fourth is one-twelfth. So Alfred walks one-twelfth of the distance in 5 minutes. At 8.30 he has still nine-twelfths of the distance to go, and for this he will need 9 times 5 minutes, or three-fourths of an hour. So he reaches school at 9.15. 4) Mr. Brown is 32, his brother is 34, his aunt is 38, and his mother is 52 years old. 5) Bookkeeper. 6) Bear.

7) The car must take four men twelve miles, and drop them eight miles from the town to which they were going. Then the car must return eight miles and take four men from the eight men who have walked to that point. Then the car must go twelve miles and drop them four miles from the town. Then the car must return eight miles and take the last four men, who will be eight miles from the starting point. Then the car must go twelve miles to the neighbouring town, where all twelve men will arrive at the same time. So the car has gone 52 miles, or two hours and three-fifths. All the twelve men arrived at thirty-six minutes past two. 8) Fred and Albert crossed the river first, and Fred brought back the boat. Then the father crossed alone, and Albert returned with the boat. Then the boys again crossed together; and Fred brought back the boat. Then the postman crossed alone. Albert then returned with the boat and brought back his brother. 9) From noon on Monday to 8 o'clock Wednesday morning is 44 hours. Therefore, the watch of Alfred's father lost 3 minutes in 44 hours. But it was right when it had lost only 2 minutes. The watch lost two minutes in two-thirds of 44 hours, or in 29 hours 20 minutes. So the watch was exactly right at twenty minutes past five on Tuesday afternoon. 10) Harry walked for 9 days. As he walked 117 miles altogether, his average was 13 miles a day. As each day he walked one mile farther he had to walk the exact average on the middle day, the 5th day. So, on the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th days he walked 14, 15, 16 and 17 miles, and on the 4th, 3d, 2nd and 1st days he walked 12, 11, 10, and 9 miles. 11) If you add one-quarter to one-third, you will have seven-twelfths. The difference between seven-twelfths and one half is one-twelfth of the whole. This difference was 10 marbles. So the number of marbles is 120. 12) The man weighs 90 kg. 13) On the day the boy was born, the father was twice as old as the boy is today–that is what the puzzle says. In 14 years the boy will be as old as his father was then. So the boy is 14 today, his father was 28 when his son was born. In 14 years the boy will be 28, so the father today must be 42.


1. In my house there is a smaller house with windows and doors and only one person in it - Knowledge.

2. What word of three syllables contains twenty-six letters?

3. What tells you the answers, but gets you bad marks and is not a pesron?

4. What is it that gives light to the world although it is black?

5. What is it that can carry a message to anybody in any town?

6. It takes off a piece of its clothing each day. By the end of the year it has nothing left to wear.

7. Why is snow like New Year's Day?

8. A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

What is it?

9. There are twelve brothers,
Who march in single file,
But can never overtake one another.

10. Which month of the year is the shortest?

11. Which is the strongest day of the week?

12. What is that was tomorrow and will be yesterday

13. What is it that everybody has seen,
But can never see again?

14. When is an old hat like a deposed king?

15. Two deep wells full by day, empty at night?

16. What is it that never uses its teeth for eating?

17. Five cupboards, but only one door.

18 What goes without moving from its place?

19. I go at night and all the day,
And yet I never go away.

20. When I go, I do not speak;
But when I stop, I lie. What am I?

21. Four legs, but not a beast.
Full of feathers, but not a bird.

22. They look at one another all the time, but never meet. What are they?

23. We are four brothers living under one roof. Do you know us?

24. What is it that doesn't ask questions but must be answered?

25. A flower planted in the hand,
That blossoms when it rains.

26. It dresses other people, but goes naked itself.
What is it?

27. A steel horse with a cotton tail.

28. He's a little round fellow.
However hard you pull his tail,
You'll not catch him.

29. I bought a new one and it was full of holes. What was it?


1.A bookcase. 2. ABC–Alphabet. 3. A crib. 4. Ink. 5. A letter. 6. A calendar. 7.Because it can fall on any day of the week. 8. A year. 9. 12 months. 10. May. 11. Sunday, because the rest are week days (a pun: week – weak). 12. Today. 13. Yesterday. 14. When it has lost its crown. 15. High boots. 16. A comb. 17. A glove. 18. A clock. 19. A clock. 20. A clock or a watch. 21. A bed. 22. The ceiling and the floor. 23. The legs of a table. 24. A telephone. 25. An umbrella. 26. A needle. 27. A needle and a thread. 28. A ball of wool. 29. A sieve.


... that the orange, the lemon and the peach originated in China?

... that the apple-tree is one of the oldest fruit-trees? It is more than four thousand years old.

... that there are more than five thousand different kinds of the pear?

... that the grape is one of the oldest plants?

... that the orange tree is twenty feet high, and it gives from 3 to 4 hundred oranges a year? The orange tree lives about a hundred years. The older trees give better fruit than the younger ones.

that the animal that lives the longest life is the tortoise? It sometimes lived between 300 and 400 years. The crocodile can live for 300 years, the elephant and the eagle – for 100 years.

... that elephants are very good swimmers?

... that the elephant can pick up a coin with his trunk? The trunk is everything for the elephant. The elephant can do with his trunk much of what we do with our hands. It can pick up a man and put him on his back; then it can pick up and give him a coin which fell from his pocket.

... that in the old, old days, many, many years ago crocodiles lived in Europe?

... that if you feed a bear too much it will starve to death? When you feed a bear too much it will not eat roots and berries which are necessary for its long winter sleep.

... that mice can sing? Some kinds of mice make sounds that resemble the sounds which birds make.

... that the squirrel can climb a tree faster than it can run on the ground?

…why our hands become warm after we play with snow? It is very interesting that our hands become warm after we play with snow. The cold must take heat away very quickly, but this time the cold does not really take heat away because when we play with snow, our hands are- getting more warm blood which circulates quicker, and so our hands become warm.

... that the shortest men in the world and the tallest men in the world live in Africa? The shortest men are Pygmies; they live in the Jungle. The tallest men are of the Watusi tribe. They are giants, more than seven feet tall.

...that the planet nearest to the Sun is Mercury?

…that basket-ball was first played in 1891 in the town of Spring-field in America?

...that ice hockey was first played in the 80th of the nineteenth century in Canada?

...that tennis as we know it now was first played in 1874 in Eng-land?

...that tabletennis was first played about 1880?

... that the only bird that can walk upright, like a man, is the penguin? But the penguin not only walks like a man, it looks like a man in a suit, with a black coat, white shirt, and black bow tie. When it wants to move quickly on land it lies down and slides along on the ice.

... that the clam, crab, snail and worm all have blue blood?

... that every word we speak requires the use of 72 muscles?

.. that the narrowest street in Britain is Nelson Street in King's Lynn, near Norfolk? Here you can shake hands through the window with your neighbour across the street.

... that the oldest working clock in the world is in Salisbury Cathedral, England? It dates from at least 1386.


  1. Триста загадок на английском языке. Сост. Соловьева Т.А. М., 1963 г.
  2. Островский Б.С. Английский язык. Факультативный курс для 10 класса. М., 1977 г.
  3. По земному шару. Книга для чтения в 10 классе средней школы. Сост. Островкий Б.С. Москва, 1970 г.
  4. Пособие по английскому языку для внеаудиторных занятий. Сост. Цесарский Л.Д. Москва. “Высшая школа”. 1979.
  5. Книга для ежедневного чтения на английском языке. Сост. Дубровин М.И. Москва, 1971 г.