St. Valentine's Day

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:
  • разнообразить урок английского языка;
  • повысить значение игры на уроке в среднем звене;
  • увеличить активный языковой запас учащихся;
  • развивать лингвистические способности учащихся;
  • совершенствовать навыки монологической речи.
Воспитательные задачи:
  • повысить интерес и активность в изучении иностранного языка;
  • расширить диапазон знаний учащихся о праздниках в мире.

T: Dear friends! Today we celebrate St.Valentine's Day. What do you know about this holiday?
P1: A legend says that a long time ago, in Rome, there was a priest named Valentine. Claudius II, who was Emperor at the time, made a law that no one could become engaged or get married. He was afraid if men had sweethearts or wives, they would not want to fight in wars. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love, so he married them secretly. When Emperor Claudius found out, he had Valentine put to death. Some say this happened on February 14.
P2: Another story is about a man named Valentine. He also lived in Rome when Claudius II was Emperor. He was put in jail because he was helping Christians, people whom Claudius did not like. Valentine became very friendly with the jailer's blind daughter. When he was beheaded on February 14, she got a message that said "From your Valentine."

Now I invite you to our theatre and want you to watch a very interesting and funny play.

Be my Valentine.
after Betty J. Belanus

Characters: Tom Jones, Betty Fair, Valentine Fairy, Jack Smith, a Cat, a Pig, a Monkey.

(The classroom is decorated with ribbons, hearts, flowers and balloons. Betty is combing her hair in front of the mirror. Tom is standing nearby watching her with love)

Tom: (turns to the audience) There is Betty. She's so beautiful! (sighs) She's the most beautiful girl in the world! (sighs again)
Betty (looking at herself in the mirror and fixing her hair): There, that's better!
Tom: Today is Valentine's Day! Oh, how I wish Betty would be my Valentine! (a loud "poof" and the Valentine Fairy appears)
Who are you?
V.F.: Why, I'm the Valentine Fairy, of course. Didn't you call me?
Tom: Did I?
V.F.: You said “ I wish someone be my Valentine”. Those are the magic words.
Tom: Wait a minute. I've never heard of the Valentine Fairy before! (turns to the audience) Have you ever heard of the Valentine Fairy before? (waits for an answer)
V.F.: So, if you don't know me doesn't mean I'm not real. Do you want this girl to be your Valentine, or what?
Tom: Yes, yes! What do I have to do?
V.F.: First, you have to be near the girl. Then, you have to say this magic poem:

Be my Valentine,
Wallee, wallee, woo,
Now and all the time
Tippy, tippy, too.

Do you think you can remember that?
Tom: Sure, it's easy.
V.F.: Good luck, then! (smaller poof and the Fairy disappears)
Tom: (to himself):

Be my Valentine,
Zippee, dippy, do.
Now and all the time
Boppy, sloppy, sloo.

Was that it? No, wait. (Betty comes)
Tom: Oh, here comes Betty! Let's see if it works. Hi, Betty!
Betty: Oh, uh, hi, Tom! (looks at her watch) Sorry, Tom, but I must go. I don't want to be late for my music class.
Tom: Wait a minute! I have something to tell you! (clears his throat)

Be my Valentine,
Lippee, loppy, loo,
Now and all the time
Knockee, knockee, nu.

(poof! And Betty turns into a cat)
Cat: Meow!!!
Tom: Oh, my gosh! I think I've used wrong words! I will try again!

Be my Valentine,
Crippy, crippy, crue...

Wait, that's wrong. What are those words? (turning to the audience) Can you remember the magic words? (waits until the audience says something) OK, I'll try these.
(poof! Betty turns into a pig)
Pig: Grunt, grunt!!!
Tom: Oh, no! That's not right too. Let's try again. Dippy, wippy, woo... (Betty turns into a monkey)
Monkey: (makes monkey sounds and jumps around)
Tom: Oh, man- that's getting worse and worse.
(Tom's friend Jack comes)
Jack: Cool! A monkey! I need it for my show! Thanks, Tom! (Grabs Monkey and starts jumping and dancing)
Tom: Jack, that's not really a monkey!
Jack: Are you mad? Look (pointing to the monkey) – That's a monkey! (to the audience) Isn't that a monkey?
Tom ( coming up to the monkey): Monkey, I mean Betty. Oh, what shall I do?

Be my Valentine,
Wallee, wallee, woo,
Now and all the time
Tippy, tippy, too.

(suddenly, Monkey turns into Betty. She starts falling and Tom catches her.)
Betty: Oh, Tom! Thank you! You saved my life!
Jack: What's going on here?
Betty: I had this awful dream that I turned into a monkey. And then I was falling off the tree. Then I woke and I was falling! And you caught me! Tom, you are my hero! Can I be your Valentine?
Tom: Sure! (he takes her hand and they walk together. Valentine Fairy appears.)
V.F.: All is well that ends well.

(The whole class comes to the blackboard and they sing "Love me, tender..." by E. Priestley)

T: I think you loved the play, didn't you?
And now let's do two tasks. They are interesting.

Task 1. Вы должны были приготовить дома открытки-валентинки, и обязательно в каждой валентинке вы должны были написать красивое стихотворение. Что же у вас получилось? (творческая работа)

P 1: My pen is blue,P 2: Roses are red,
My ink is pale,Violets are blue,
My love for youI don't know the rest,
Will never fail.But I know I love you.
P 3: The sky is high, the sea is deep,P 4: Honeysuckle's yellow,
Thinking of you I cannot sleep.And leaves are green,
If you love me like I love youYou are the sweetest thing
Nothing but death will part us too.I've ever seen.
P 5: I dream about youP 6: Roses are red,
Every nightMy world is blue,
Be my ValentineIf you love me
And hold me tight.I love you too.
P 7: My love is like a cabbageP 8: Roses are red,
Divided into two,Violets are blue,
The leaves I give to others,Honey's sweet,
The heart I give to you.And so are you.
P 9: I have a little Valentine,P 10: You are my rainbow, you are my star,
That someone sent to me.You are my funny cookie jar,
It's pink and white,You are my rose, you are my vine,
And red and blue,You are my lovely Valentine!
As pretty as can be.
Forget-me-notsP 11: From me to you
Are round the edge,Guess who?
And tiny roses too,
And such a lovely piece of laceP 12: You stepped into my heart,
The very palest blue.Turning it from stone,
And in the centreAnd I will always love you
There's a heartI will never be alone.
As red as it can be
And on it's written
All in gold, "To you,
With love from me".

Task 2. Valentine's Day Surprise.
Colour the following circles red and you'll get a surprise.

Рисунок 1

Thanks for your participation. Unfortunately we have no time left. Good bye.

Используемая литература:

  1. Jane Myles. Holidays and special days in the USA.
  2. Speak Out.