Урок по английскому языку для 5-го класса "Интервью. Знакомство с глаголами, не употребляемыми в настоящем продолженном времени"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Введение глаголов, неупотребляемых в настоящем продолженном времени, первичное закрепление.
  2. развитие навыков аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи, чтения, письма.
  3. Воспитывать волевые и нравственные качества.

Оборудование: микрофон, игрушки, рисунки (for seasons, reporters), сюжетные картинки, рисунки мистеров-времен, пиктограммы (профессии, о себе и своей семье), карточки со словами.

Ход урока

I. Meeting.

- Are you ready? - Yes, we are ready!

- Good morning!

- Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
morning, good morning,
I’m glad
to see you!

- I'm glad to see you too. How are you? - I'm fine, thank you. And how are you? - I'm fine too, thank you. Sit down on the chairs. Who is absent today?

II. Phonetic drill.

I am going.

She is reading.

We are doing.

They are building.

III. Speech drill.

1. Well, now let's play a game. Let's play "Reporters".

About myself. Рисунок 1.

Рисунок 1

- What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do every day in the morning? Can you swim? Dance? Fly? Jump? Drive a car?

Weather and seasons. Рисунок 2.

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Рисунок 2

- Look out of the window. Is the weather fine (nasty)? - No, it isn't. It is nasty (fine). - How many seasons are in a year? - Four. There are four seasons in a year. - What are they? - They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

- And what season is it now? - It is autumn.

Jobs. Рисунок 3.

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Рисунок 3

- What do you want to be? - I want to be a... (teacher, dancer, singer, spaceman, farmer, businessman, cook, shop-assistant, driver, magician...). That'll do. And now who wants to be a reporter? (one pupil asks different questions his classmates).

IV. The main part.

- Ok. Today guests have come to us. Let's describe them.

1. "Misters". Рисунок 4, 5.

Рисунок 4

Рисунок 5

Look at the blackboard, please. You can see here two Misters: Mr. Present Simple and Mr. Present Continuous. Tell me, please, what the difference is between them. (описание человечков).

2. "Reporters".

Well done. Now we continue playing the game "Reporters". I'll give you cards and you should give an answer from these cards. Is it clear? So, let's begin working. (to sleep at the lesson, to fly in space, to eat stars, to drink rainbows, to count sweets, to ride a crocodile, to play football with cats, to jump on the table, to speak with mice, to read a fairy-tale).

3. "Shops".

- Let's play shops. Firstly I'm a shop-assistant. Come up to me. - Hello! - Hello! What do you want? - Would you give me a ...? - Here you are. - Thank you. - It's a pleasure, good bye! - Good bye! - Come again. - What do you have? - I have...

4. New theme.

- And why do we say "I have..."? Почему "I have", если сейчас: может сказать "I'm having..."? (вывод правила и чтение в учебниках).

Упражнение на закрепление: упр.12 (составить предложения со словами-исключениями по картинкам).

5. Физминутка.

Let's have a rest. Stand up.

  1. Walking, walking, walking, walking,

Hop-hop-hop, hop-hop-hop,

Running, running, running, running, running, running,

Now let's stop, now let's stop.

2) 1,2, I'm sitting and you? - 1,2, we are sitting too.

1,2, I'm jumping and you? - 1,2, we are jumping too.

1,2, I'm dancing and you? - 1,2, we are dancing too.

1,2, I'm flying and you? - 1,2, we are flying too.

Sit down on your chairs. Let's continue our work.

6. Work in copybooks.

Exercise 13 you must do in written form (one pupil is doing on the blackboard).

7. Game "Reporters".

Making up sentences describing the pictures (общие вопросы и краткие ответы на них).

- Is he dancing? - No, he isn't. He is building.

- Are they playing football? - No, they are not. They are singing a song.

- Is she skiing? - No, she isn't. She is skating.

- Are they running? - No, they are not. They are jumping.

- Is a doctor eating? - No, he isn't. He is swimming.

- Are children sleeping? - No, they aren't. They are smiling.

- Is a dancer singing? - No, she isn't. She is cooking.

V. The final part.

- Thank you for your work. (подведение итогов, выставление отметок).