- Привитие интереса к чтению;
- Развивать неподготовленную монологическую речь на основе прослушанного, прочитанного текста, на основе фоновых знаний по теме.
- Формировать лексические навыки по теме «Компьютер»;
- Совершенствовать навыки чтения;
- Упражнять в ответах на вопросы по теме;
- Развивать грамматические умения (время Present Simple Future Simple)
- Развивать память, внимание;
- Развивать умение учиться, развивать целеустремленность, активность;
- Развивать умение работать в группе;
- Воспитывать внимательное отношение к сверстникам.
Оборудование: части компьютера: монитор, клавиатура, мышка, коврик для мышки, колонки, принтер, джойстик, дисковод; магнитофон.
Ход урока
1. Приветствие. Цель.
Учитель: Hello! Sit down, please!
Look at the blackboard, at the equipment of our lesson and try to guess the theme of our lesson.
Учитель: Today we are going to know new words, read the text and talk about computers.
2. Фонетическая разминка:
At the beginning of our lesson we are going to practice our pronunciation. Listen and repeat, please:
[ju] |
[ә:] |
[θ] |
[i:] |
future |
expert |
healthy |
screen |
computer |
research |
things |
speakers |
pupil |
purpose |
think |
keyboard |
рersonal |
3. Речевая разминка:
Have you got a computer?
Has he got a computer?
Do you like to play computer games?
Do you like to play computer games or read books?
Did you play computer games yesterday?
Computers help us to study, don`t they?
How often do you use a computer?
4. Введение и отработка новой лексики.
Учитель:1) I have a computer too. I don`t like to play computer games. It helps me to work.
My computer consists of: a keyboard, a DVD-drive, a mouse, a mouse mat, a screen, speakers, a printer, a joystick. Учитель показывает детали компьютера и называет их.
2) They are our new words. Repeat after me, please. (Слова написаны на доске, дети повторяют за учителем, читают в парах, затем следует фронтальный опрос чтения).
3) Complete the text with new words.
Card 1 My parents bought me a new computer for my birthday last week. It’s fantastic! The 1).……… is very big and looks like a TV. The computer has got a 2)…………., so I can watch films, and it’s got a 3)…………, so I can play a lot of computer games. I use my new computer every day of the week. I use the 4)…………..to write e-mails. I use the 5)………….to print my homework, and, of course, I use the 6)…….to listen to music. Computers are great, and I think mine is the best! |
- screen
- DVD-drive
- joystick
- keyboard
- printer
- speakers
Вопросы после текста на закрепление слов:
- What do we use to print our homework?
- What do we use to write e-mails?
- What looks like TV?
- What do we use to listen to music?
4) Параллельно с выполнением задания 3), два ученика получают индивидуальные задания.
Pupil 1: Match the words with the pictures. (Соотнести картинки с изображенными частями компьютера с английскими словами.)
Pupil 2: Match the words with the parts of the computer. (Расположить карточки с английскими словами на частях компьютера).
5) Работа в группах. Из множества напечатанных слов выбрать слова по теме «Computers».
Choose the words which belong to the topic «Computers».
5. Физкультминутка.
6. Чтение. Работа с текстом.
It`s time for reading.
Сard 3 The Future Of Computers. Computer technology is getting better every day and experts say computers are going to control our lives. How? Let’s look at some examples. A Have you got a personal computer? In the future we’ll have computers in our clothes and in watches and jewellery. They’ll help us learn, give us directions to places and pay for things. We’ll even have a computer inside us. When we’re ill, it will send messages to a “computer doctor”. The “doctor” will find out the problem, and help us to become healthy again! B Do you play computer games? Well, research shows that games are going to become much more exciting! In the future, you won’t use a joystick. You’ll talk to the computer, and the characters in the game will do what you say. Your computer will film you, too. So you’ll be in the game! C Would you like a robot at home? Some lucky children have got robot pets now and there are a lot of other robots. But there is one problem, they can’t think! In the future we’ll have clever robots. They’ll look like us, talk like us and do things like us. That’s fantastic! … Or is it scary? |
1) There are some unknown words:
expert |
research |
personal |
characters |
tiny |
direction |
jewellery |
scary |
messages |
control |
Работа в режиме: T→PP, P↔P
2) Прослушать I часть текста (А), чтение детьми в парах, чтение вслух.
* What will we have in the future?
Where will we have computers? How will they help us?
Will we have a computer inside us?
* True/False (Учитель читает предложения, дети показывают красную карточку, если не согласны с утверждением; зеленую - если согласны).
+In the future people will have a lot of tiny computers.
-We’ll have computers only in our clothes.
+We’ll even have a computer inside us.
-When we are ill, computer will send messages to school.
+We won’t visit the doctors.
* Translate into English: крошечные компьютеры, в часах и украшениях, внутри нас, отправлять сообщения, обнаружит проблему, поможет снова стать здоровым.
3) Слушаем, читаем по цепочке, переводим II часть текста (В).
4) Слушаем и читаем III часть (С).
После прочтения всех частей текста ученики работают в трех группах.
Fill in the words: exciting, tiny, robots, future, jewellery, messages, experts.
Card 4 Computer technology is getting better every day and 1)…………..say computers are going to control our lives. In the 2)………..we’ll have a lot of 3)……………computers. We’ll have computers in our clothes and in watches and 4) ……….. . We’ll even have a computer inside us. When we are ill, it will send5)…………to a “computer doctor”. Games are going to become much more 6)…………. In the future we’ll have clever 7)…………. |
Keys: 1) experts; 2) future; 3) tiny; 4) jewellery; 5) messages; 6) exciting; 7) robots
7. Do you agree with the title of the text? Is it about the future of computers? Prove it, please.
We use Future Simple. (Устно вспомнить, когда используем и как образуем Future Simple)
8. Now your task is to make up a text about the future of computers. You should choose sentences about computers in the future. Выбранные предложения прикрепить на доску.
Card 5 We’ll have a computer inside us. I have a robot. I don’t have a tiny computer. Computer games will be exciting. We’ll have clever robots. We’ll have computers in our clothes and in watches and jewellery. They bought computers yesterday. In the future we’ll have a lot of tiny computers. I like to play computer games. They look like us, talk like us and do things like us. |
9. Now we’ll retell this text. Read and remember.
Дети читают текст, затем учитель постепенно закрывает отдельные слова в тексте; задача учеников правильно повторить предложения.
Например: In the future we`ll have a lot of………computers. We`ll have computers in our…….. and in watches and……….. We`ll have a computer ………..us. Computer games will be……………
We`ll have clever………..They`ll look………us, talk like…….. and do ………like us.
10. Домашнее задание: Your home task is to retell the text and to learn the words.
11. Подведение итогов урока.