Конспект урока по теме "Обучение чтению как средству формирования смежных языковых и речевых навыков и умений"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вниманию читателей представляется урок, целью которого стало формирование навыка говорения на основе чтения про себя. Чтение выступает и как самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности, и как средство формирования смежных речевых и языковых навыков.

В качестве речевой разминки использованы изученные тексты из учебника Верещагиной И.Н. и Афанасьвой О.В. “ Вильгельм – завоеватель”, “ Пожар в Лондоне”. За основу взят текст из учебника Старкова А.П. “ What is my address?”.Текст был адаптирован и включен в канву урока. На послетекстовом этапе состоялась обсуждение текста и было предложено развить ситуацию, разыграв диалоги “ Asking the way”.

Таким образом, были активизированы знания основных достопримечательностей Лондона и знания изученных ранее клише “Asking the way”.

Данный урок явился 11-м уроком по теме “Жизнь в городе. Лондон”. Всего в данной теме 21 урок.

Задачи урока: обучающая, воспитательная, образовательная.

Цель урока: Формирование навыков говорения на основе чтения про себя.

Учебные пособия: Учебник 4 класса Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

Наглядные пособия – карта Лондона.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.

Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Let’s greet our guests.

What day is it today? Who is away?

Объяснение задач урока.

Today we are going to review the Present Perfect Tense, then we are going to review some facts about the history of London and finally we are going to read a funny story and discuss it.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Let’s practice our sounds.

[r] read – read – read, drink- drank- drunk, write-wrote-written


Для проведения фонетической зарядки класс делится на две группы по рядам. Текст стихотворения раздается детям. Реплики каждого говорящего подчеркнуты разными цветами. Дети разыгрывают это стихотворение по ролям.

Стихотворение для фонетической зарядки:

-I am bored today.

- Well, read a book.

- I’ve already read it.

- Have a shower.

-I’ve already had it.

- Eat a cake.

I’ve already eaten it.

Write a letter.

I’ve already written it.

-Drink some juice.

-I’ve already drunk it.

-Sing a song.

-I’ve already sung it.

3. Речевая разминка.

Do you like to visit interesting places? Have you ever been to the Kremlin ( Red square, the Bolshoi Theatre) When were you there?

Have you ever been to America (Great Britain, London)? Have you seen Trafalgar Square, (St.Paul’s Cathedral )? Have you been to the Tower of London? Would you like to go there? Have you read the text about the Tower of London? Let’s review the most difficult words from the text.

4. Работа с тестом “ Вильгельм –завоеватель”

На доске выписаны слова:

William the Conqueror, Normandy, France.

Беседа по тексту проходит в режиме T –P1.

When did England become a great country?

When did William the Conqueror come to England?

Where did he come from?

What did he build? Why?

Is the White Tower one of the most beautiful buildings of the Tower of London?

Do many tourists visit the Tower every year?

5.Работа с текстом “Большой пожар в Лондоне”

Now let’s review one more fact of the history of London. It’s the Great Fire of London.

Работа со второй частью текста проводится в режиме T –Cl.

How did people build their houses?

When did the fire start?

Who woke up at night?

What was the weather like on that day?

What did the Fire destroy?

Did people build a new city after the Fire?

You have learnt a lot about the history of London. You have worked hard and you must be tired. Let’s do exercises.

6. Физкультминутка.

Let’s continue our talk about London. Was London a dirty and dark city in old times? And now? Look at the pictures .And now? Look at the pictures. ( На доске вывешены виды современного Лондона). Is London a beautiful city now? Do many tourists visit it?

7. Чтение теста про себя с контролем понимания.

Now we are going to read a story about one of the tourists who visited London.

First I’ll explain the new words to you.

На доске слова: stay, a play, a post office, at once, to promise, smart.

Read the story and be ready to discuss it.

What is my address?

Dick lived in America, in New York. In January he said to his wife: ”I am going to fly to London next week because I’ve got some work there.”

“Where are you going to stay?” his wife asked.

“I don’t know yet,” Dick answered.

“Please send me your address from there in a telegram,” his wife said.

“All right,” was Dick’s answer.

He came to London on the 31-st of January and found a nice hotel in the centre of the city. He put his things in his room and went to the post office. There he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

As it was his first visit to London he wanted to see everything. There were many beautiful buildings, parks, gardens and churches. He went to Trafalgar Square and visited St. Paul’s Cathedral, he saw Hyde park and the Tower of London. In the evening he went to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late when the play was over. It was time to go back to the hotel. But at that moment Dick understood that he couldn’t get to the hotel. He didn’t remember the name of his hotel and its address. Dick didn’t know what to do. Suddenly he had an idea. Where do you think he went? He went to the post office. So late at night his wife got a very strange telegram: “ Please send me my address at once.”

Stay – останавливаться

The post office – почта

A play – пьеса

Strange – странный

At once - немедленно

You have read the story, haven’t you? Now I’ll give you cards with some sentences. But I was very absent minded and made many mistakes in them. Your task is to correct these mistakes.

Find the mistake and correct sentences.

1.Dick left New York for London in February.

2. In London he stayed with his friends.

3. His wife went with him.

4. Dick didn’t see anything in London.

5. In the evening he went to the cinema.

6. He remembered the name of his hotel and its address.

7. He had a good idea. He went to the park and wanted to sleep on the bench.

8. His wife got a telegram: “Come to London at once.”

Well done. You’ve corrected all the mistakes. Now answer my questions, please.

Работа проводится в режиме T –Cl.

Where did Dick live?

What did he say to his wife one day?

Where was he going to stay in London?

What did he promise his wife to do?

Where did he stay in London?

What places did he visit?

Where did he go in the evening?

When was the play over?

Could he get to his hotel? Why?

Where did he go?

What telegram did his wife get?

Was the man smart?

Was must you do when you come to another city or country?

Right you are. You must write down your address.

Now one of you is Dick. He will tell his friend what happened to him in London.

Here are the key words.

Ученик рассказывает историю от лица Дика.

8. Тренировка диалогической речи по теме “ Asking the way”.

Dick has got his address at last. But how can he get into his hotel? Now he knows the name of the hotel but he doesn’t know how to get there. He asks a Londoner to help him.

So one of you is Dick, the other is a Londoner. Act out a conversation ‘Asking the way”.

Дети разыгрывают диалог.

-Excuse me! Can you help me?

-Yes, sure. What do you want?

-How can I get to the Hotel?

- Go 2 blocks to the traffic lights, turn to the right.

Then go past the church and turn round the corner.

The hotel is just opposite the park.

-Thank you.

-Not at all.

9.Our lesson is over today.

You have worked very well. Your marks are…..

Your homework for the next lesson is to retell the text and write down 8 questions to it.

Good bye.