Урок "Schools in Britain" для 7–8-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Topic: Schools in Great Britain (“Window on Britain” Richard Mac Andrew, Oxford University Press) (слайд 1. См. Приложение 1)

Цель: Контроль навыков аудирования и говорения по теме “Школьное образование в Британии”


  • Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и говорении по теме “Британские школы”;
  • Активизировать и совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и письма;
  • Обучение построению монологического высказывания о британских школах по услышанному с опорой на образец, используя вводные слова и выражения. слайд 2)

Воспитательные задачи: Прививать интерес к системе образования в Великобритании.

Оснащение урока:

  • Тематические картинки по теме.
  • Опоры с вводными словами и выражениями.
  • DVD-фильм о Британских школах (текст аудирования Приложение 2)
  • Презентация в Power Point (Приложение 1) с заданиями к уроку.

План урока

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Boys and girls! The topic of our lesson is British schools. Speaking about the system of education in Great Britain we should say that it is rather complicated. Its aim is to realize the potential of all, for the good of the individual and society as a whole. And today we‘ll watch the film, work and speak through the Video about education in England and Wales.

We’ll show how we can talk with our friends, how we can discuss about education of thе UK. I wish you good luck. Your prizes will be your good marks.

T: Today we will speak according to our plan: (слайд 3)

  1. The education system in England and Wales;
  2. The school day, the subjects taught;
  3. Extra –curricular activities;
  4. State & independent schools.

Ход урока

1. Activities before you watch

T: Our vocabulary content: (слайд 4)

Science, religion, geography, history, literature, primary, independent, state, secondary, boarding, football, rugby, badminton, netball, uniform, on average, education, training, a wide choice, a break, examination, canteen.

T: Boys and girls! Before you watch the film (or listen to the text) let us do an exerсise.

Do you know anything about schools in Britain? Try to do this quiz. (слайд 7)

And express your own opinions. (Use: I agree, I disagree, to my mind, as far as I have known, etc.)

  • Most children start primary schools at the age of 8.
  • About 20% of 18 – year – olds go to universities.
  • At most schools students wear a uniform.
  • There are about 22 students in a secondary school class.
  • Students begin learning a foreign language at 15.
  • Most parents in Britain pay for their children’s education.

T: Now try to do this. Put the words below into the correct columns. (слайд 5, 6)

One word does not go. Which one? (They should use the dictionary if necessary)

Primary, football, uniform, state, boarding, netball, religion, science, secondary, rugby, history, geography, independent, literature, badminton

(key – words : subjects, schools, sports)

2. Activities while you watch

(слайд 8, 9)

T: Now you will watch the first sequence (or listen to the 1st part of the text). Try to complete the table with words and numbers from the box.

training university 17 5
70 secondary advanced
primary certificate 20 16
Age Education
-------11 100% of students go to ---- school.
11 ------ 100% of students go to ----- school.
--------- At the age of 16, in England, they take GCSE examinations (General ----- of Secondary Education)
----- 18 ----% of students continue at school. At 18 they take A – levels ( ------ level examinations)
18 ----- 20% of 18 – year – olds go to ----- .
--------- Another ---- % of 18- year- olds go on to other kinds of education and ------ .

T: Watch the sequence again and check your answers. And now is sequence 2. (слайд 10)

Look at the pictures and see if you can identify what class is taking place just from the pictures. Watch the sequence and number the pictures 1 – 7 in the order that you see them and write a subject under each one.

French, Design and Technology, Art, Science (Teacher gives students time to look at the exercises before playing the sequence 3)

T: Watch the sequence without sound and tick the activities you see.(слайд 11)


Watch again with sound. Cross out the incorrect answer in the sentences below.(слайд 11)

  1. Students have a break of /an hour/ half an hour/ for lunch.
  2. /Most /Some/ students bring sandwiches for lunch.
  3. Students also play rugby / chess.

T: And now try to put the correct information in each column on the right.(слайд 12)

independent state

Eaton is one of them
The parents pay for these.
8% of British schools.
The government pay for these.
92% British schools
Some of these are boarding schools.

3. Activities after you watch

(cлайд 13)

T: Now we are going to practice a work in groups of four or five.

Let us talk about school and education. Make sentences that everyone in the group agrees with. (We want less homework. We do not like History on Friday morning. etc.)

Role – play

(Put students in pairs to prepare for the role –play)

Pair A: You are “Window on Britain presents. You are going to interview a student about his life. Prepare your questions. Look at the box to help

Do you enjoy … ?
Do you like … ?
What is your favourite …?
What do you think about …?

Pair B: prepare your answers and use the words (Subject, School food , homework, sports, uniform, music )

Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов

T: Our time is out. The team of …… has won. Their score is…….Their opponent’s score is….. .

I think that your marks are 5-s and 4-s for today. You really were active and tried to do your best.My congratulations on your awards.

Good luck for everybody!