Цели урока:
- Ознакомить с новыми терминами и лексическими единицами по теме урока.
- Ознакомить с назначением и использованием различных периферийных устройств.
- Развивать навыки аудирования, умения ответить на вопросы по прослушанному тексту и умения заполнить таблицу, выделяя необходимый материал из прослушанного.
- Развивать навыки устной речи по теме урока.
- Совершенствовать практические навыки использования различных периферийных устройств.
- Совершенствовать навыки создания компьютерных презентаций.
- Компьютер и периферийные устройства;
- Компьютерная презентация;
- Картинки по теме урока;
- Магнитофон;
- И.Л. Мостицкий «Англо-русский энциклопедический словарь по современной электронной технике и программированию»;
- Учебник «Информационные технологии», авт. Эрих Глендиннинг и Джон МакЭван.
- Starter. Identifying the peripherals.
- Reviewing. The use of computers in different areas.
- How a digital camera works.
- Different types of peripherals.
- Listening. Similarities and differences between conventional and digital cameras.
- Language work. Comparison and contrast.
Ход урока
I. Starter. Identifying the peripherals.
As computer systems become more intelligent, they are used in a wider variety of work situations where previously it was necessary to employ people.
At our lesson we’ll sum up our knowledge on “Computer Applications”. Then we’ll speak about a variety of devices known as peripherals.
- Have you got a camera?
- Do you have a conventional or a digital camera?
- Would you like to have a digital camera?
- Do you think it is better than a conventional one?
- Do you know its advantages and disadvantages?
We’ll identify the advantages and disadvantages of a digital camera at our lesson.
Your hometask will be to write down a composition “Digital cameras: advantages and disadvantages”.
II. The use of computers in different areas.
So, computers do not have a fixed purpose. They are multi-purpose tools. They can be used in a very wide variety of situations and are found in a wide range of systems including security systems, cars, phones.
- Let’s review how computers can be used in different areas:
police headquarters
(computer presentation – slide 1)
One of the uses of computer is police speed traps.
Do you know what kind of equipment was used in earlier systems?
(radar equipment)
- Work in groups. Try to complete the text with a suitable word from the list:
Text 1
One of the computer uses is police _______(1) used to catch drivers that are breaking the official _______(2). In earlier systems, _______(3) equipment was used to bounce radio waves off the moving car. A small processor, known as a _______(4), calculated the speed of the car from the changes in the radio waves and triggered an _______(5) with a flash gun to take a photograph of the car if it was speeding. The details were stored on a ________(6). When the smart card as taken back to the police station, the driver’s details were obtained from the _______(7) database, i. e. the central computerized records of all licensed drivers and vehicles.
Use the words: DVLC, microprocessor, speed traps, smart card, speed limit, radar, ordinary camera.
- speed traps
- speed limit
- radar
- microprocessor
- ordinary camera
- smart card
- Now look at the diagram. Speak about the new speed camera system.
(slide 2)
Computer systems can be used in large supermarkets. Text 2 tells us about EPOS till.
- Complete the text to find out the information about the operation of an EPOS till.
Text 2
There are many ways in which computer systems can be used in large supermarkets, particularly for _______(1) and in stock control using _____ (2). Each item on a supermarket shelf has a _____ (3) with a barcode. The barcode number system giving standard _____ (4) and item code numbers used throughout Europe is known as ______ (5). The barcodes are read by ______ (6) devices called barcode readers that are attached to the EPOS tills. When a checkout operator moves the barcode label across the scanner, the label is scanned and the barcode number for that _____ (7) is read. The scanner signals are converted to a _____ (8) form and sent to the supermarket _______ (9). The branch computer checks the digital ______ (10) against a computer database that holds a record of each type of item. In this way the item and the price of the item can be identified and the ________ (11) of the product can be recorded by the computer. The item and the price are shown on the EPOS till ______ (12) and printed on a _______ (13).
Use the words: Item, paper receipt, financial calculations, price, EAN code, barcode label, EPOS tills, digital, EAN, display, scanner, branch computer, sale.
- financial calculations
- EPOS tills
- barcode label
- price
- scanner
- item
- digital
- branch computer
- EAN code
- sale
- display
- paper receipt
- Look at the diagram and tell us about the operation of an EPOS till.
(slide 3)
III. How a digital camera works
- Open your books on page 25, read the text and answer the questions.
IV. Different types of peripherals
So computer has a variety of tools which help in computer applications. They are peripherals.
- What is a peripheral?
(slide 4)
- Look at the diagram of an EPOS till in exercise 1 on page 24 and name the peripherals. Divide them into input and output.
Input: | Output: |
elecnronic scales barcode reader swipe card reade rnumeric keypad |
- Let’s look through the presentation and identify different types of peripherals.
Peripherals. They are pieces of equipment that are connected to the central processing unit of a computer system.
Monitor. It is the main output device used to display the output from a computer on a screen.
Printer. It is a common output device used for printing the output of a computer on paper.
Scanner. It is an optical input device that uses the reflection of light to copy text or graphics into a computer.
Loudspeaker. It is an output device that converts electric impulses into audible sounds.
Microphone. It is an output device for changing sound waves into electrical waves, used to increase the volume of sound.
Digital camera. It is an input device for taking pictures.
Barcode reader. It is an optical input device that uses the reflection of a light beam to read barcode labels.
Swipe Card Reader. It is a device used for reading confidential information stored on a swipe card.
Mouse. It is a common cursor control input device used with a graphic user interface.
Headphones. They are sound output device that fits over the ears of the user.
- Open your books on page 24, ex.2. Link the inputs on the left and the outputs on the right with the appropriate peripherals in the centre.
V. Listening. Similarities and differences between conventional and digital cameras.
Before listening to the text, let’s get acquainted with the new words.
Lens, viewfinder, CCD-Charge Coupled Device, pixel, retouch, manipulate, pricey, flash card, squeeze, rechargeable cell.
- Prelistening task. Ex. 3, p.25. Study the description and answer the questions.
- Listening. Ex. 4,p. 25. Listen to Part 1 of this discussion between A and B and complete the table of similarities and differences between conventional and digital cameras. Tick or cross the boxes.
Features | Digital | Conventional |
lens | ||
viewfinder | ||
requires chemical processing | ||
film | ||
transfer images directly to PC | ||
can delete unsatisfactory images |
- Listen to Part 2 of the dialogue to list the disadvantages of digital cameras.
- Now listen to both parts again to find the answers to these questions:
- What does a CCD contain?
- What is a pixel?
- How can you view pictures before they are downloaded to a PC?
- When you have downloaded the images, what can you do with them?
- Is special software required?
- Why is the resolution important?
- What does the capacity of a digital camera depends on?
- Why is it worth getting a rechargeable battery?
VI. Language work. Comparison and contrast.
- Look at the table on page 26, note how we can compare and contrast these types of cameras.
- Speak about advantages and disadvantages of digital cameras.