Открытый урок по внеклассному чтению в 4-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • развитие устной речи учащихся с выходом за рамки прочитанного;

  • контроль понимания прочитанного


  • введение и закрепление нового лексического материала;

  • совершенствование навыка устной моно- и диалогической речи;

  • развитие навыка чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного


Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Are you ready for the lesson? Prepare everything you need. What shall we do today?

  • We are going to discuss the story of the boy called Dick from your Readers and to speak about his cat and about other cats too.
  • We’ll learn some new words,
  • Do some exercises on the text,
  • Write a short test,
  • Listen to short poems in English and Russian and
  • If you are quick and work well, I’ll have a surprise for you and show you a very strange and funny cat.

So let’s begin.

(b/b: The Story of Dick)

Open your Readers at p.86.

- Are you fond of reading?

Ps: Yes, I am.

- Did you enjoy reading the story? Why?

Ps: Yes, I did.

- because it’s interesting (unusual);

- it’s about a cat;

- it has a happy end etc.

- Who are the main characters (heroes) of the story?

Ps: Dick, his cat, Captain…

- What is the main idea of the story?

Ps: - The cat helped Dick to be happy

- A friend in need is a friend indeed etc

There are some new words for you in the text.

The first one is poor. (card) (Приложение 2)

Don’t translate it, try to understand:

“When smb is poor, he has no or very little money or gold or friends”.

Why was Dick poor? Ps: he had no parents (friends, money…)

But poor can also mean bad: His English is poor = He speaks English badly.

Be poor at (b/b)

He is poor at English, Maths, Russian, Reading, playing computer.

Ps give their examples.

Poor has an antonym. Do you know what an antonym is? It’s a word with a different meaning. E.g: day-night, hot-cold,

poor-rich (card)

“If smb is rich he has a lot of smth: money, friends…”

Dick was poor at the beginning of the story, at the end of it he was rich.

We can say to be rich in (b/b)

“Our country is rich in forests (oil and gas).”

What else is Russia rich in?

Ps: in rivers, lakes, mountains, gold…

The next word is easy (card)

It means “not difficult”.

Find the sentence with the word easy in the text.

”life was easy in London”

What else can be easy?

Ps: an easy text, an easy exercise, easy work

What is easy for you to do?

It’s easy for me to… (b/b)

Ps make up their own sentences

Some words are synonyms, they have one meaning.

What is the synonym of “work”?

_ work - a job (card)

Read the sentence with “job” from the text.

“At last Dick found a job on one of the ships”.

What is strange? (странный, незнакомый).

What was strange in the story? (countries, people, plants, animals)

Be pleased (b/b)

Find and translate the sentence (p.88)

Why are you, your parents, friends pleased?

Ps make up their own sentences

Repeat the new words after me (on cards)

Write down the word-combinations from the blackboard. (4)

Now help me to give out sheets of paper with exercises.

Let’s do ex.1. Find the correct word:

Answers: 1) strange; 2) job; 3) pleased; 4) rich; 5) easy; 6) poor

Now let’s come to the text.

- What do we know about Dick? (the first lines of the text)

- And about his cat? (it is clever, a good friend ….)

- What did the cat look like? Show me your pictures, please.

Ps show pictures drawn at home

- What colour was it? (I think, it was…)

- What was its name?

- What is a good name for a cat?

- What else do you know about cats?

(cards: four-legged,

long-tailed short-haired long-haired)

Do you know that there are cats without any tails?

They live in Great Britain on the Isle of Man. (show on the map)

Let’s come back to Dick and his cat.

-Why did Dick go to London? (3 reasons)

Let’s do ex. 2-6.

(see: a sheet with exercises)

Ex.2. Find the correct ending

1) b; 2) c; 3) b; 4) a; 5) a

Ex.3. Agree-disagree

1) - 2) + 3) + 4) - 5) - 6) + 7) –

Ex.4. Who could say or think this

  1. captain 2) cat 3) K & Q or Dick 4) Dick or captain 5)K & Q 6) captain or rats 7) cat

Cards with dialogues – to 4 pupils

(after ex.4)

Ex.5. Correct wrong statements

1) day 2) ate the rats 3) rich 4) took the cat with him 5) the cat ate the rats

Ex.6. Put the sentences in the logical order


Now we’ll listen to 2 dialogues:

Dick and Captain (Tim & Anton)

Captain and Queen (Andrew & Kate)


DICK: Hello. My … is Dick. Can I get a … on your ship?

CAPTAIN: How old … you?

D.: I’m ….

C.: You are too small. What …. you do?

D.: I can … anything you like: clean the ship, …. meals. Please, take

me to your ….. .

C: OK. Come tomorrow. If the weather is ….., we’ll sail off (отплывать)

D: Thanks, Captain. You won’t be sorry.

C: We’ll see. The work isn’t ………. (легкая).

D: May I take my …. with me?

C: Certainly.

D: She is very nice. She is my best friend.

C: Can your cat catch (ловить) mice and rats on the ship?

D: Of course, she can. She enjoys it.

C: Fine. See you later.


CAPTAIN: Happy to see you, Your Majesty! (Ваше Величество)

I’m Captain of the … that was driven into your … by the storm.

QUEEN: Welcome to our country, Captain. ……… are you from?

C: From Great Br….

Q: I never heard of it. Is it far from here?

C: It is in … Atlantic …… We sailed (плыли) for …. weeks.

Q: How interesting!

C: I sent …….. presents to you.

Q: We like them very much. We invite you to our p………

C: What a ………… palace!

Q: Have dinner with us!

C: What ………… food! Thank you. Oh! Rats! What are they doing here?

Q: Eating our food! It happens …….. day. We don’t …… what to do. Nobody can help us.

C: I know who can …….. you. Let me send for my little friend.

- Who can tell the story of Dick in short? (Sasha, …)

It’s time for a short test. (Приложение 1 ) (3 variants) (give out tests)

Do the tasks in the paper you get.

Ps mark the correct answers in the given tests

Time is up. Hand in your tests.

Cats are full of wonders, aren’t they?

Many people keep them as pets. They are cat-lovers. Who is a cat-lover here?

Cats help us when we are ill or unhappy. (smiles – b/b)

I know that Dasha has got a cat at home. (to show D’s composition)

Will you ask her questions how she teaches, feeds her cat or plays with it?

Ps ask Dasha questions about her cat.

Cats are very clever, aren’t they?

Do you know any stories, tales, cartoons about them?

(Tom & Jerry, Cat-in-Boots, Leopold, Basilio-the-cat …….)

There are interesting phrases with “cats”. (b/b – open)

Try to understand or translate them:

  • like cat and dog - not friends
  • a game of cat and mouse
  • to let the cat out of the bag - to tell a secret
  • like the cat that got the cream - very pleased
  • when the cat is away, the mice can play -

when the teacher is out, pupils can play, not work

Now let’s listen to funny poems about cats.

Where are you going, my little kittens?

We are going to town to buy us some mittens.

What? Mittens for kittens? Who ever saw kittens with mittens?

Dame Trot and her cat
Sat down for a chat
The Dame sat on this side
And puss sat on that.
Puss, says the Dame,
Can you catch a rat?
Or a mouse in the dark?
Purr, says the cat.

Тетя Трот и кошка
Сели у окошка
Сели рядом вечерком
Поболтать немножко.
Трот спросила: “Кис-кис-кис,
Ты ловить умеешь крыс?”
“Муррр!” - сказала кошка,
Помолчав немножко.
- Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
- I’ve been to London to look at the Queen.
- Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there?
-I frightened a mouse under her chair.

- Где ты была сегодня, киска?
- У королевы у английской.
- А что видала при дворе?
- Видала мышку на ковре.

A little bit later I’ll show you a surprise.

But now let’s have a look at some more cats.

They are big and wild: (cards and pictures)

A lion- lioness, a tiger, a puma, a jaguar, a leopard, a cheetah, a panther, a lynx.

Some of them are in the Red Book (to show) because they are very rare (редкие).

A lion is a King of animals. A cheetah is the fastest animal.

Now, children, write down your hometask:

  • to tell a story or a tale about a cat;
  • to write 4 sentences with word-combinations from the b/b

This is a surprise. I’ll show you a funny cat with a smile.

First we see the smile, then the cat. Have a look.

It’s a Cheshire cat from the book “Alice in Wonderland” (a cartoon strip)

To read a passage from the Russian book: p.74

“В нескольких шагах от нее сидел на ветке Чеширский Кот….” р.76

“Вы можете исчезать и появляться не так внезапно? А то у меня голова идет кругом. – Хорошо, - сказал Кот и исчез – на этот раз очень медленно. Первым исчез кончик его хвоста, а последней – улыбка. Она долго парила в воздухе, когда все остальное уже пропало.

- Да, - подумала Алиса. – Видала я котов без улыбок, но улыбка без кота! Такого я в жизни не встречала.”

* ( if time is left):

The man who wrote the book wasn’t a real writer, he was a teacher.

He had a little friend, a girl called Alice.

He told her his interesting stories and then he made a book of them.

A Sheet with Exercises

Ex. 1 Find the correct word

1) What ……. people! (easy / strange)

2) Did he find a ……… (work / job)?

3) Mother is ………. (rich / pleased) when I help her about the house.

4) Russia is ….. (rich / easy) in forests.

5) It’s ….. (strange / easy) for Kate to be good at English.

6) Why are you so …. (poor / rich) at playing computer games?

Ex. 2 Find the correct ending

1) When Dick came to London

a) he found streets full of gold

b) he saw nobody who wanted to help him

c) he found a lot of new friends

2) Dick found a job

a) of a captain on a ship

b) in London

c) on the ship

3) The ship came to the strange country

a) because the captain wanted to see people with red skins

b) because it was driven there after a storm

c) because Dick wanted to see new countries

4) The King and the Queen invited the captain to their palace because

a) he sent them beautiful presents

b) he wanted to get rich presents

c) they wanted to give him presents

5) Rats ate all the tasty things

a) every day

b) when they were hungry

c) when the King and the Queen invited them to dinner

Ex. 3. Agree or disagree

  1. The captain didn’t like cats.
  2. Dick took his cat on the ship with him.
  3. The captain told Dick stories about strange countries.
  4. The King and the Queen didn’t give the captain any tasty things.
  5. The captain ate all the tasty things.
  6. The King and the Queen were very pleased when the cat killed the rats.
  7. Dick got a lot of gold when he gave his cat to the King and the Queen.

Ex. 4. Who could say or think this?

  1. What a beautiful palace!
  2. What fat rats!
  3. What nice presents!
  4. How many bags of gold!
  5. What a strange animal!

  6. What tasty food!
  7. What an easy job!

Ex. 5. Correct the wrong statements

  1. This happens every year.
  2. The cat ran away when she saw so many rats.
  3. The King and the Queen were very poor.
  4. Dick gave his cat to the King and the Queen of the strange country.
  5. Rats tried to eat the cat.

Ex. 6. Put the sentences in the logical order

  • Dick found a job on the ship
  • Dick married a beautiful girl
  • Dick got a lot of presents
  • Dick was a little poor boy
  • The captain told Dick many stories
  • The King and the Queen invited the captain to their palace
  • The ship was driven to a strange country
  • The rats ate all the tasty things
  • The cat jumped and all the rats were dead