Урок в 5-м классе по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" по УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English-3"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развитие умений изучающего чтения.


  1. Использовать текст для развития следующих умений:
  • принять или опровергнуть утверждение;
  • соединить логические части предложения;
  • ответить на вопросы.
  1. Познакомить учащихся с историей и традициями страны изучаемого языка.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, объявление темы, задач.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Read the words after the teacher:
The Yeoman Warder [j?um?n`wo:d?] страж лондонского Тауэра
guard [g?:d] охранять
Beefeaters бифитеры; прозвище стражников лондонского Тауэра
the Ceremony of the Keys [serim?ni?v??`ki:z] церемония передачи ключей
gates ворота
ravens вороны
loud [laud] bell -громкий колокол

III. Центральная часть урока

Работа с текстами.

The Traditions in the Tower of London

The Yeomen Warders guard the Tower of London. They began to guard it in 1485. Today there are 35 Yeomen Warders. The Yeomen Warders and their families live in the houses inside the fortress. People also call them Beefeaters. The legend says that people call them Beefeaters because many years ago they were given (им давали) much meat. They take part in the Ceremony of the Keys every night.

The Ceremony of the Keys began in the 14th century (век). The Chief Yeoman Warder (старший страж) closes the gates of the Tower and takes the keys into the fortress. It takes place every day at 10 o`clock in the evening.

Sentry (стражник у ворот): Who comes there?
CW: The keys.
S: Whose keys?
CW: Queen Elizabeth’s keys.
S: Pass Queen Elizabeth’s Keys. All’s well.

Ravens are also a tradition. There are nine ravens. The Ravenmaster (he is one of the Yeomen Warders) takes care of them. He gives them food. The tradition says that the Tower and Britain will fall if the ravens leave.

I. True, false or don`t know? Correct the false ones.

  1. Yeomen Warders live in the Tower of London.
  2. Yeomen Warders are 35 years old.
  3. A Beefeater closes the gates of the Tower of London.
  4. The Ceremony of the Keys takes place on special days.
  5. The Ceremony of the Keys began in the 14th century.
  6. The ravens are important for the Tower of London.

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The Yeomen Warders ………………. a) at 10.
2. The sentry asks….. b) ravens.
3. The Ceremony of the Keys is ……… c) don`t live in the Tower of London.
4. A Yeoman Warder takes care of ……. d) take part in the Ceremony of the Keys.
5. The Chief Yeoman Warder ……… e) “Who comes here?”
  f) closes the gates.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament is a very large building. It stands on the Thames. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building and one of them is the Clock Tower.

The English people built the clock in 1875. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The man who was responsible for the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. He was very tall and the workers called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too.

Londoners hear the sound of the bell every hour. They can also hear it on the radio. On New Year’s Eve night people come to the Clock Tower to see the New Year in.

I. Answer the questions, please.

  1. The Houses of Parliament stands on the Thames, doesn`t it?
  2. What is the building like?
  3. How many towers are there at the corners of the building?
  4. When did people build the clock?
  5. What is the clock like?
  6. Who was the man responsible for the building?
  7. Why did the workers call Sir Benjamin Hall Big Ben?
  8. Whom did people call the bell Big Ben after?
  9. Where do the English come on New Year’s night? Why do you think people come there?

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The Houses of Parliament … a) responsible for the building.
2. People come to Big Ben … b) four faces.
3. Sir Benjamin Hall was … c) on the radio
4. The clock has … d) stands on the Thames.
5. You can hear the bell… e) very large.
  f) on New Year`s night.

IV. Заключительная часть

V. Подведение итогов