Обобщающий урок "Моя школа"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развитие навыков коммуникативной компетенции учащихся путём вовлечения их в активную речевую деятельность, способствующую развитию их восприятия, внимания, языковой памяти, воображения, интуитивного и логического мышления, умения творческого использования приобретённых ЗУН.


  • Общеобразовательные: проверить сформированность общеучебных навыков и умений по теме, а также качества усвоения учебного материала.
  • Развивающие: развивать механизм языковой догадки, формировать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности.
  • Воспитательные: формировать потребность пользоваться английским языком как средством общения.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент, приветствие.

Т: Hello, children!

P: Hello, Teacher!

T: Are you ready for the lesson?

P: Don't worry, dear!

All our things are here,
Nothing's missing,
Nothing's lost!
Don't worry! Count first!

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Now - our tongue – twisters. (Проговаривание скороговорок) Приложение 1 Let’s remember our funny dialogue of the lesson. (Чтение диалога по ролям) . Приложение 2

  1. Речевая зарядка.

T: Children, look out of the window: - Lovely weather, isn't it? (or Nasty weather, isn't it?)

P: The weather is fine. The sun is shining. (or The weather is nasty. The sun isn't shining).

T: Mr. Sun always tries to shine.( or . Sometimes Mr. Sun doesn't try to shine). Let's help him and sing the song about Mr. Sun. (singing of the song) Приложение 3

  1. Речевая ситуация “Описание”. (Монологическая речь)

T: Look at the blackboard. This is the photo of our school. Tell me, please, about the school! These verbs can help you. (Ученики описывают школу, при необходимости опираясь на предложенные глаголы и структуры).

  1. Речевая ситуация “Отвечаем на вопрос”. (Диалогическая речь) Simple Present Tense

T: Children, today we shall continue our work on the lexical theme "School" and grammar theme Simple Tense - Present and Past. We'll speak, answer the questions and listen to each other a lot. Listen to my questions and answer them:

  • What school do you go to?
  • Is it in Tomsk or in Mogochino?
  • Is your school far from your flat?
  • Do you like to go to school? Etc.
  1. Речевая ситуация “My favourite subjects” (Монологическая речь) Simple Past Tense

T: Children, but what did you do at school yesterday? These verbs can help you.

Pupils speak what they did at school last day.

T: Children, what school subjects did you study this year? And why?

Pupils name their favourite subjects and explain their attention to different subjects.

  1. Речевая ситуация “Maths” (Чтение, монологическая речь)

T: I know that some of you like Maths very much. They like to do sums. I want you open your Maths and do the sum №58.

Open your notebooks, write down the date and let's do this sum. Irishka, go to the blackboard, read the condition of this sum and try to do it. All of you will help Irishka. Be careful.

(Ученица читает задание, решает пример, объясняет решение. Ученики при необходимости дополняют или исправляют). Приложение 4

  1. Речевая ситуация “ Music” (Пение, монологическая речь)

T: But Anaya likes Music very much. She likes to sing songs. Let's sing her favourite song "MyBonnie" (Pupils sing the song) Приложение 5

  1. Речевая ситуация “Рoem” (Монологическая речь, диалогическая речь)

T: Good of you! And Denis likes literature very much. He likes to recite poems. Now Denis will recipe little poem to us and then you will answer the questions, which we have on the blackboard. Pupils listen to the poem(Приложение6)-and answer the questions:

  • Who jumped on the bed?
  • How many monkeys were on the bed?
  • Who called the doctor?
  • What did the doctor say? Etc.
  1. Домашнее задание:

T: Children, it's time to give you your home task. Open your dairies and write down the hometask. It will be: to write the composition about your school. (Pupils write down their home task).

  1. Итоги урока.

T: Children, you work hardly today and your marks are...

  • You are good today. I give you "Four".
  • Your work is excellent. I give you "Five" and etc.