Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Путешествие в Лондон"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Цель: обобщение изученного материала по теме “Лондон”; совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи, а также грамматики; активизация лексических и фонетических навыков; воспитание любознательности и толерантности; приобщение учащихся к культуре англоговорящих стран в рамках темы.


1. Карточки с названием достопримечательностей.

2. Картинки с изображением различных достопримечательностей Лондона (Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hyde Park, the Houses of Parliament, the British government).

3. Жетоны (за победу в том или ином конкурсе.)

4. Квадратики трех цветов

5. Карточки с заданиями


I. Организационный момент. (Дети выбирают квадрат одного из трех цветов, таким образом формируются три команды.)

- Good afternoon, boys and girls. (Good afternoon Natalya Anatolyevna)

- I’m very glad to see you and our gests and our parents.

- Today we’ll have a very interesting competition. You’ll have different tasks. Be active and friendly!

Учитель сообщает детям о проведении ролевой игры-соревнования. Учащиеся уже разделены на три группы. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает жетон. Учитель сообщает правила соревнования. Если при выполнении задания дети допускают ошибки или же не укладываются во времени, команда получает меньшее количество баллов.

II. Проведение игры-соревнования.

1. Представление команды. (Personal identification)

- Tell us about your team.

Учитель просит рассказать о своих друзьях-членах команды

Примерный рассказ учащегося:

My name is Denis. I am eleven years old. I study. I can play the violin and I go to the Music school. I like drawing and playing football. I have many friends at our school. They are kind, clever, and helpful. I think it is very important to have friends. I know: a friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. Определите цель нашего путешествия.

- I’d like to tell you about some sights. Do you know them?

It is one of the largest places in this city. Hundreds of years ago it was the forest. For centuries the Kings and the queens of England went there to hunt. It is one of the most popular places of Londoners on hot summer days. There is a lake in the middle of this place (Hyde Park)

Учитель вывешивает на доску картинку с изображением парка и карточку с надписью Hyde Park.

- You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and very tall (the Tower of London)

- It is one of the greatest English churches. It is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building. In one of its tower is one of the largest bells in the world.(St. Paul’s Cathedral)

На доске, таким образом появляются слова:

Hyde Park the Tower of London St. Paul’s Cathedral

- What is the city’s name?

- Учитель интересуется, могут ли дети определить город, зная достопримечательности.

Ребята называют цель нашего путешествия. (It is London)

- We’d like to visit London. London is the biggest city in Great Britain. It lies on the river Themes. It is famous for many things. Tourists came from all over the world to see its historic buildings, museums, parks, shops.

3. Поговорим о погоде.

- As you know the English people often talk about weather. Ask the some questions about the weather and they will answer them.

Учитель предлагает командам составить вопросы о погоде и предложить противоположным командам ответить на них.

Примерные вопросы:

- Is the weather sunny? (No, it is not sunny today)

- Is it cloudy? (Yes, it is cloudy)

- Is the weather warm today? (No it is not. It is not warm)

- Do you like the weather today? (Уes, I do. I like the weather today)

4. Расскажи о достопримечательностях.

- There are many interesting places in London

1) Divide the words into 2 categories.

Учитель предлагает командам распределить достопримечательности на 2 группы: (Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hyde Park, the Houses of Parliament, the British government).




Trafalgar Square

Tower of London

Big Ben

National Gallery

Buckingham Palace

Houses of Parliament

St. Paul’s Cathedral

British government

Hyde Park


- Can you name other places of interest? (Westminster Abby, The Bloody Tower, The Thames, Oxford Street)

2) Read the beginning of the sentences in section A and find its end in section B.

1. London is…

2. It has a population of …

3. Tourists come from all over the world…

4. The Queen of England lives…

5. The largest park is…

6. The centre of London is…

in Buckingham Palace.

Trafalgar Square.

the biggest city in Britain.

more than 7 million people.

to visit its historic buildings

such as the Tower of London.

Hyde Park.


London is the biggest city in Britain.

It has a population of more than 7 million people.

Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings such as the Tower of London.

The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.

The largest park is Hyde Park.

The centre of London is Trafalgar Square.

3) The task for you is to describe the interesting places. Who is ready to start?

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к картинкам на доске. Ученики из разных команд по очереди представляют рассказы о достопримечательностях Лондона.

Примерные рассказы детей:

  1. The center of London is Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful place in London. There are two fountains in the square. They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. In the center of the square is a big column. At the top of the column there is a statue of Admiral Nelson. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.
  2. The Tower of London is the museum now. But it was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Its walls are white and very tall. William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. There are always twelve black ravens in the Tower of London. One of the old English legends says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until 12 black ravens live in the Tower of London.
  3. After the Tower of London we went to Greenwich. There hundred years ago it was a village and now it’s a part of London. Queen Elizabeth I lived in Greenwich Palace. I can tell some words about the Greenwich Observatory. It is the center of time and space because the prime meridian of the Earth, which divides east from west, passes there. If you stand over the line, you can have one foot in each hemisphere.

5. Разговор с продавцом.

-You would buy some souvenirs for your friends.

Следующее задание для команд - разыграть мини –диалоги “В магазине”.

Один из примерных диалогов:

- Good morning! Can I help you?

- Yes, you can. I would like to buy a present for my friend.

- What is the hobby of your friend?

- He likes to sing songs and he can play the violin very well.

- He is fond of music, isn’t he?

- Yes, he is. Do you have any CD?

- Of course. This CD will be a good present for your friend.

- Thank you very much. You are very kind.

6. Потерялся турист.

- Your friend has lost. Describe him to the policeman.

Учитель объясняет условия следующего конкурса: ученики выбирают одного из членов своей команды в качестве потерявшегося туриста. Противоположные команды заслушивают и определяют, кто из учеников может быть загадан.

Примерное описание учащегося:

This pupil is very tall. He has green eyes, a round face and dark hair. This pupil likes to wear jeans. He is talented and is the best player in our school. This boy likes to play football. He is a friendly boy. He has many friends.

III. Подведение итогов.

- That’s all for today Thank you for your work. You were active. I think all of you are the winners today.

Together, together,
Together every day.
Together, together
We work and play

- Good-bye, my children! (Good-bye, teacher!)

Учитель подводит итоги и хвалит детей за активное участие.