Учебная дисциплина "Английский язык". Тема: "Books and Reading" ("Книги и чтение")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вид учебного занятия – дискуссия.

Участники дискуссии – американские и российские студенты.

Предварительная работа:

– самостоятельное обдумывание студентами формы проведения дискуссии и выбор ведущего;

– подготовка видеосюжета с вопросами американских студентов и интервью с ними о роли чтения в жизни американских и российских студентов;

– сбор статистических данных о литературных предпочтениях в России и зарубежных странах: литературные жанры, возрастные особенности, содержание обязательных школьных программ по литературе;

– подготовка отрывков из сонетов и стихотворений В. Шекспира, Дж. Байрона, а также студенческих переводов этих поэтов;

– подготовка проблемных вопросов для проведения дискуссии.

Форма проведения дискуссии – телемост.

Цель телемоста: Способствовать совершенствованию умения рассуждать на иностранном языке в неподготовленной речи, включающей весь пройденный лексико-грамматический материал по теме.


  1. Развивать умение постановки проблемных вопросов и их разрешения в ходе дискуссии.
  2. Совершенствовать умение аргументированно доказывать свою точку зрения в ходе обсуждения поднимаемых проблем.
  3. Совершенствовать умение дискутировать, привлекая свой собственный социальный опыт.

Оборудование: мультимедиа, телевизор, видеомагнитофон.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Вводное слово ведущей.
  3. Дискуссия о важности чтения в современной жизни.
  4. Подведение итогов дискуссии.

Ход урока


Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the importance of reading books in our life. When discussing this problem, I think, we’ll come across many things that will interest not only you. students, but our guests too. The students themselves have prepared for our class and we’ll see now what problems they’ll touch upon and how they’ll discuss these problems.


The more we read, the more we learn,
The more we learn, the more we understand what we learn,
The more we understand what we learn, the more we like to read,
The more we like to read, the more we read.

First, we’ll see the presentation about the role of books in our life (prepared by Nadya) – Презентация с элементами анимации “ Books and Reading (Книги и чтение)” – Приложение 4.

So, as you can understand, the topic of our discussion is "Books and Reading", and the main problem is: " to read or not to read, and if to read than what and when to start?"

It's high time we discussed some questions, but from the first let me introduce my colleagues. They are all students of our College and they are expected to be teachers, that's why I wish the questions were discussed by them thoroughly, because they are of great importance for them.

And now I feel as if it were high time to begin. So, the questions which have to be discussed are:

  1. Is reading necessary both for an adult and for a child?
  2. Is the compulsory literature programme necessary for every child or not?
  3. What kinds of books people have to read so that to be permeated with the accumulated wisdom of the generations

I wish we talked upon this problem taking into consideration the whole world. But, of course, it's impossible. So, today we are going to speak about people in the USA and in Russia.

But from the first let my colleague Natalie show you the statistics.


The countries where people read a lot are:

  1. Sweden
  2. the Netherlands
  3. Russia
  4. Great Britain
  5. Finland
  6. France
  7. Switzerland
  8. Italy
  9. the USA
  10. Canada

Teens usually spend their money on

in Russia in the USA
clothes 40%

cosmetics 20%

CD, video, DVD 15%

magazines 10%

sweets 8%

entertaining 7%

CD, video 50%

cosmetics 30%

sweet/ fast food 13%

clothes 5%

magazines 2%

For the last three months American teens have read

38% magazines about sports, fashion, etc.

32% nothing except books for studies

30% comic strips

So, we see the third place among the reading countries can be our glory and pride because the USA takes only the ninth place

But the tastes of our teens leave much to be desired. It seems they don't read at all. What's the reason? Why do these two nations having priceless volumes in the libraries read magazines or something for light reading?

The students of the English Department are discussing the problems.


Thank you very much. We see the reasons are different. May be if they were not so young they would read more books and not magazines. But now let us watch the interview. Our correspondent Lena has asked some American students what kinds of books they prefer.

There is the TV Bridge with the American students who are also taking part in this discussion Приложение 3.


It's in my view and I’d like to emphasize it books for light reading are not useful for children. Do you share the tastes of these young Americans? Because you know that a famous English author once wrote that some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some to be chewed and digested. Will you, please, tell us about your tastes, if the books you read help you and how?

The students of the English Department are discussing the problems. When discussing these problems, some students recite the poems of outstanding English poets and their own translations of them. Приложение 1, Приложение 2.


Thank you. You see, the variety is great; the genres of authors which you favour are different. Sometimes it seems to me that the whole life is not enough so as to be able to read hundreds of amusing, gripping, informative books.

Now let us listen to the Americans again and learn when children have to begin reading.

There is the TV Bridge with the American students who are also taking part in this discussion Приложение 3.


And what about you? Do you think the smaller the child is the easier for him to read?

The students of the English Department are discussing the problems.


And now just imagine. The child is small and he reads, because his parents want him to read. Then he goes to school and again every teacher wants him to read. And as a result we have a child who hates not only his school and teachers, but even reading. Because the school is compulsory and the programme is compulsory too. If it were not compulsory, would the children read more? Will you, please, express your opinion concerning the programmes at Russian schools, if it's wise to have a course of compulsory literature?

The students of the English Department are discussing the problems.


Thank you, but as we can understand there are such problems not only in our country. Though being different, the teenagers in the world have something in common. And we, as their teachers, have to find some ways to solve the problems of the compulsory education. Let us listen to the Americans' point of view.

There is the TV Bridge with the American students who are also taking part in this discussion Приложение 3.


And what about you? Can you give the example of new, modern educational system or don't you want to criticize the old one?

The students of the English Department are discussing the problems.


Thank you for your opinions.

To sum our discussion up, I can say that the question "to read or not to read" can be solved only in one way- to read. But what to read and when to begin reading can't be solved at once, because every child develops in his own unique, individual way. But still the accumulated wisdom mustn't simply lie on our bookshelves, but all the possible value must be taken from books.


In conclusion, I want, first of all, to say thank you to Lena Kolesnikova, our leader, who made her best to make our students solve the problems concerning the necessity of reading for children and adults. Secondly, I want to appreciate our students who took an active part in this discussion and expressed their own opinions concerning the kinds of books; the age- to begin reading: compulsory school programmes and so on. And thirdly, I want to say thank you to our guests who listened to this discussion with great interest.