Английское слово «a game» имеет несколько значений. Одно из значений – это деятельность с целью развлечения. Непреложный факт, что дети любят играть.
Каково предназначение языковых игр при изучении иностранного языка? По мнению Е.А.Маслыко,П.К.Бабинской,А.Ф.Будько,С.И.Петровой, «языковые игры предназначаются для формирования произносительных, лексических и грамматических навыков и тренировки употребления языковых явлений на подготовительном, предкоммуникативном этапе овладения иностранным языком».[5]. К этому высказыванию я бы добавила, что языковые игры одинаково интересны не только для учащихся начальной школы, но и для ребят средней школы. Дети начальной школы очень подвижны, быстро устают, поэтому на уроках требуются физкультминутки, динамические паузы и деятельность, снимающая усталость. В этом могут помочь языковые игры, особенно подвижные(action games). Кроме подвижных игр на уроках английского языка часто используются и так называемые «стационарные» игры (non-action games).
Приводя примеры различных языковых игр, постараемся отразить как подвижные, так и «стационарные» языковые игры.
Action Song.
Children put left arms on the right arms, their right legs on their left legs. While singing this song after the word “switch” change the position of their arms and legs. Children start singing the song slowly and repeat the song several times faster and faster doing these movements.
I am slowly going crazy,
One, two, three, four, five, six, switch.
Crazy going slowly am I,
Six, five, four, three, two, one, switch.
Children can touch their right ears with their left hands and their left ears with their right hands.
Cree Indian Song (Action Song)
Oki toki unga
Oki toki unga
Hey missa day missa doh missa day.Oki toki unga
Oki toki unga
Hey missa day missa doh missa day.Hexa cola misha wani
Hexa cola misha waniOki toki unga
Oki toki unga
Hey missa day missa doh missa day.
Pupils do the definite actions telling the story of a prince who falls in love with a princess.
Singing these words the pupils show that the young man sails in his kayak, sees a seal and throws his harpoon.
Singing the same words the pupils show that the prince sees a very beautiful princess on the sea shore. He falls in love. He waves to her.
A teacher can ask a question: What is the end of this story?
Actions Song “The Wheels of the Bus” [1]
Singing this song children show the actions.
1. The wheels of the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels of the bus go round and round,
All around the town.Pupils imitate the movements of the wheels with their arms bent.
2. The people on the bus stand up, sit down,
Stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down.
The people on the bus stand up, sit down,
All around the town.Pupils stand up and sit down.
3. The engine of the bus goes broom-broom-broom,
Broom-broom-broom, broom-broom-broom.
The engine of the bus goes broom-broom-broom,
All around the town.Pupils imitate the sounds of the engine of the bus.
4. The driver of the bus goes pee-pee-pee,
Pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.
The driver of the bus goes pee-pee-pee,
All around the town.Pupils show how the driver signals.
Hands up!
This game is popular in Zerkalny. Children stand in a circle. The leader comes to one of the participants of the game and gives a command. For example, “Hands up!” This person shouldn’t react to the command. But the two participants next to him on the left and on the right should react to the command raising one hand which is nearer to the person who was given a command. A participant who loses is out of the game.
Possible commands are: Run! Walk! Swim! Fly! Hop! Participants should show the actions. The last two participants are winners.
Find the object
One student goes out of the classroom. Other students hide an object somewhere in the classroom. Then the student is invited to come into the classroom.
The student starts moving and as soon as he/she is approaching the place where the object is hidden the students sing the song louder and vice versa they sing the song in a soft voice when the student is moving away from the object.SONG:
Lucy Locket lost her pocket,
Kitty Fisher found it.
Not a penny was there in it,
Only ribbon ‘round it.“Bingo”
Pupils sing this song eliminating letters of Bingo on each succeeding verse and clap their hands instead of each letter of Bingo.
1. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o[əu].
And Bingo was his name – o.
2. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o.
And Bingo was his name – o.
3. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o.
And Bingo was his name – o.
4. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o.
And Bingo was his name – o.
5. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o.
And Bingo was his name – o.
6. There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name – o.
And Bingo was his name – o.Who Has the Biggest Number?
There are cards with figures from 0 to 10 on them. The leader takes a card and reads a number aloud. Pupils write the number in any place out of the three places indicated by short lines. It is obligatory to write the number before the leader reads out the next number.
Leader: Zero.
Player 1 writes: _ 0 _.
Player 2 writes: 0 _ _.
Player 3 writes: _ _ 0.
Other players can have the same variants.Leader: Four.
Player 1 writes: 4 0 _.
Player 2 writes: 0 _ 4.
Player 3 writes: _ 4 0.
Player 4 writes: 4 _ 0.
Player 5 writes: _ 0 4.
Player 6 writes: 0 4 _.
Other players can have the same variants.Leader: Eight.
Player 1 writes: 4 0 8.
Player 2 writes: 0 8 4.
Player 3 writes: 8 4 0.
Player 4 writes: 4 8 0.
Player 5 writes: 8 0 4.
Player 6 writes: 0 4 8.
Other players can have the same variants.Leader: Who has the biggest number?
Player 3: Eight hundred and forty.
Player 3 is a winner.Variant.
Leader: Who has the smallest number?
Player 6: Forty-eight.
Player 6 is the winner.
Guess!Two children sit on the chairs with their backs next to each other. They can’t see each other. In front of each participant there are same objects: a jar of coffee, a carton of juice, a packet of tea, a carton of milk, a bar of chocolate, a box of sweets, and a packet of nuts. The first player takes one object. The second player should ask questions to know what the first player would like to eat or drink.
Example: Player one takes a carton of juice.
Player 2: Would you like some coffee?
Player 1: No.
Player 2: Would you like some milk?
Player 1: No.
Player 2: Would you like some juice?
Player 1: Yes.
Player 2 has guessed and player 1 is out of the game. If player two has lost he is out of the game. The next participant takes his place next to the winner and player 1 starts asking his questions.
ColoursA leader makes a picture of any colour but doesn’t show the picture to players. Other players ask questions about the colour of the fish, “Is it grey?”, “Is it red?”. A player, who can guess the colour, becomes a leader. A player who guesses the colour most times is a winner.
Find the words and circle them:
U F H B T A P F M N E B G I A E R Y O E H B D E H D N I T O N O A C G Y M N A S T I C S Y O K I I N C B R K K C H E N S U H A S E E L W I T M V E L M Y T I V E O X A S L S E B N O H N A B S C D F A G U D I Q R X B O O L K I L G O H J M E X L Hockey
CyclingThe Missing Word
Find the words and circle them:
N F T H R E E E M I O W S I X I L T N U O N E U G E W E R F I V E H V E H S E V E N T E N T W E L V E O N T R A B C D F G H Y One Eight
Two Nine
Three Ten
Four Eleven
Five Twelve
Six Twenty
SevenЯзыковые игры являются неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса при изучении иностранного языка. Они повышают мотивацию к изучению этого языка, способствуют снятию усталости, так как могут использоваться для динамических пауз, и лучшему усвоению учебного материала на уроке.
Список литературы
1. Журнал «Ready», № 4, январь 1994, стр.13.
2. Сборник песен «Go Russia with Love from Canada». Christian Summer Institute, June, 1993.
3. Паон М., Грет К. Давайте поиграем! Playing with Words in English for Everybody.- Издательство «Каро», Санкт-Петербург, 2007.
4. Лекции по страноведению Канады. Летние курсы с участием носителей языка при университете повышения мастерства учителей, Санкт-Петербург, июнь, 1993.
5. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Справ. Пособие / Е.А.Маслыко, П.К.Бабинская, А.Ф.Будько, С.И.Петрова.-3-е изд., Минск: Высшая школа, 1997.