Урок английского языка "The Ring of the Druids"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Учебная: применение и закрепление изученного материала, совершенствование речевых умений и навыков;
  • Развивающая: развитие познавательной активности учащихся, памяти и логического мышления;
  • Воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и уважительного отношения к истории развития страны изучаемого языка; воспитание взаимопомощи у учащихся при работе в группах.

Тип урока: урок применения и закрепления знаний.

Методы обучения: словесный наглядный, практический, поисковый.

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • речевые клише;
  • интерактивная доска (презентация – приложение 7);
  • дидактический раздаточный материал (деформированный текст, диалоги, грамматический тест).

План урока:

  1. Организация урока.
  2. Введение в тему (сообщение целей урока).
  3. Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме урока.
  4. Организация деятельностных заданий по тексту учебника:
    а) контроль понимания текста;
    б) совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
  5. Развитие диалогической речи:
    а) чтение диалога;
    б) инсценировка диалога.
  6. Решение кроссворда.
  7. Аудирование:
    а) восстановление деформированного текста после прослушивания;
    б) чтение, перевод предложений.
  8. Повторение грамматического материала (грамматический тест).
  9. Подведение итогов урока. Общая оценка работы учащихся.
  10. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока

Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Sit down, please, everybody. I’m glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson.

– How are you?

– I’m fine, thanks

– Could you describe the weather today?

– The day is warm, but the sun doesn’t shine in the blue sky. The houses, the trees and the ground are white with snow.

– Do you like winter’s day?

– Yes? I do.

– Who is away today?

– Nobody is away.

– All right

Вы сегодня такие красивые. Будьте особенно внимательны и, как всегда, активны на уроке и все у вас получится.

И так, тема нашего урока «The ring of the Druids». – «Кольцо Друидов».

А цель урока: вспомнить и использовать как можно больше информации в своей речи, полученной при чтении разных текстов. Мы поговорим о людях каменного века, живших на Британских островах 55 лет до нашей эры, выполним разные упражнения.

Фонетическая зарядка. (См. презентацию).

A ballad of Stonehenge.

Three thousand years before Christ was a child
England was beautiful, young and wild.
There were people, forest and rivers there,
And the magic stones hung in the air. (Приложение 1).

– Do you know anything about Stonehenge?

P1: Stonehenge is one of the biggest stone circles. It is a holy place. Druids used Stonehenge for a Calendar.

P2: «Восьмое чудо света» Стоунхендж был возведен на рубеже каменного и бронзового веков, за несколько столетий до падения гомеровской Трои. Период ее постройки в настоящее время установлен радиоуглеродным методом из анализа сожженных при захоронении человеческих останков. Место ритуальных церемоний и погребений, храм Солнца и устрашающий символ власти доисторических жрецов, нетленный памятник творческих возможностей человеческого разума, Стоунхендж и сегодня продолжает будоражить мысль ученых как одно из удивительнейших достижений техники и науки древнего мира.

T: Right you are. And now answer my questions about the text:

Who lived on the British Isles more than two thousand years ago?

P: More than two thousand years ago Celts lived in the British Isles.

T: Who came to the British Isles?

P: Romans came to the British Isles.

T: Who was telling the story “The ring of the Druids”?

P: Patrick was telling the story “The ring of the Druids”.

T: Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts?

P: The Romans started the war against Celts.

T: I see you understand the story. Now let’s check-up our vocabulary:

Fill in the gaps with the words and complete the information.

Londinium, roads, Celts, queen, Romans, Latin, Julius Caesar, Colchester, enemies, tribes, bridges

More than two thousand years ago ... lived on the British Isles. They lived in groups. We call these groups ... Every group had its king or ... The ... first came to the British Isles in 55 BC. They came with their leader ... They won a lot of battles and left. The Romans came back in AD 43. They came with 40,000 soldiers. The Romans were great builders. They built cities, ... and ... Their capital in Britain was ... Romans built London too. They called it ... Romans spoke ... A lot of Celts learnt this language. Sometimes Celts and Romans lived together, but sometimes they were ... The Romans wanted the Iceni’s land and in 60 AD the Iceni tribe revolted.

T: And now tell me: Who said these words and in what situation?

1. “Grandpa, why do you always look so sad when you look at that big gold ring with snakes on?”

P: Little Mark asked his old Grandpa.

T: “Roman pig! Get out of our land!”

P: A girl standing on the wall said these words. It was Helori.

T: “They cursed us! Caesar had so much trouble with them that he soon went back to Rome.”

P: The old man always said these words about the Romans.

T: “Come back alive, Patrick, come back for your son.”

P: Helori said when Patrick had to move to the north. He was in the army.

T: “You must give us your money and your land.”

P: The Romans said to the Queen Boudicca when they were starting a war with the Iceni.

T: “Why didn’t your father’s ring protect you?”

P: Patrick asked Helori when she was bleeding but she smiled.

T: “My life is in the life of the Iceni.”

P: Helori replied to Patrick.

T: “Save you son and remember the Druids.”

P: An old Druid said to Patrick, gave him his son and put the ring on Patrick’s finger.

T: You are quite right. Imaging that you are Boudicca. Introduce yourself, please.

P: I was Boudicca. And I was the queen of the Iceni tribe. I was a brave leader. I fought for the freedom of my tribe. I had two daughters and I love them greatly. But when the Romans surrounded us. We had to give in. We couldn’t expect much mercy from the Romans. I decided that death would be better for me and my two daughters than the dishonor and bad treatment. I decided to give my two daughters poison and then took it myself. I was a strong woman.

T: Do you like this character? Why?

P1: As for me I like this character. Boudicca was strong, clever and brave. She really liked her tribe and fought for their freedom.

P2: ...

T: I think so. And now you are a Roman boy. Tell us about yourself.

P: I was Patrick. I was born in Rome in AD 41. It was the best place in the world. But when I was fifteen, my family moved to Britain – a dangerous island full of wild Celts. We lived near Cambridge in a small house. Not far from our house there was a big wall. Roman territory ended there. The wall was very long. A Celtic tribe, the Iceni, lived behind it. They were not enemies but they were not friends either. One day I met a beautiful Celtic girl. Her name was Helori. We became friends and met near the wall or in the forest. I felt in love. We had a secret wedding. Than a beautiful son appeared. But our happiness was short.

T: They were young and they loved each other. It was a very sad story.

But would you introduce me a Celtic girl. Did she really fall in love?

P: I was Helori. I was a young Celtic girl. I told Patrick about the trees, the birds and animals in Britain and he told me about Rome and the great Roman roads and bridges. My mother was the sister of Boudicca, the queen of the Iceni tribe. I loved my aunt. She was strong and clever. Boudicca fought for our freedom. And I loved Patrick too. We had a secret wedding. We didn’t tell our parents or our friends about it. Our happiness was short. The Romans started a war with the Iceni. They were killing our men, women and children. But I was afraid of my little son. I wanted Patrick would take care of him and save our son. I cherished hopes for my little Mark.

T: What a tragedy it was! And I want you to read the dialogue between Helori and Patrick and dramatize it.

P1–P2: (см. Приложение 2):
a) read the dialogue;
b) dramatize it.

T: You are beautiful Helori and Patrick. And who want to be an old Druid and tell us his opinion.

P: I ’m the old Druid. I don’t like you, young Roman. But I can’t hate you. You are the father of my grandson. My daughter loved you. Here is your son. Be a good father to him. Take the ring too. The magic of the Druids will protect you.” He gave Patrick his son. Then he took the ring off his finger and put it into Patrick’s hand. “Save your son,” he said. “And remember the Druids.”

T: As to my mind all people must be happy and live without wars.
Now try to do this crossword and find the key word. (См. Приложение 3).

T: Read the text and do the exercise. (См. Приложение 4).

a) Fill in the gaps with the words and complete the information.

Londinium, roads, Celts, queen, Romans, Latin, Julius Caesar, Colchester, enemies, tribes, bridges

More than two thousand years ago ... lived on the British Isles. They lived in groups. We call these groups ... Every group had its king or ... The ... first came to the British Isles in 55 BC. They came with their leader ... They won a lot of battles and left. The Romans came back in AD 43. They came with 40,000 soldiers. The Romans were great builders. They built cities, ... and ... Their capital in Britain was ... Romans built London too. They called it ... Romans spoke ... A lot of Celts learnt this language. Sometimes Celts and Romans lived together, but sometimes they were ... The Romans wanted the Iceni’s land and in 60 AD the Iceni tribe revolted.
b) Read and translate it.
T: Listen to the text and put the sentences in order: (См. Приложение 5).

а) Read and translate the sentences.

T: We’ve learned Past Simple and Past Progressive tenses. Here are some sentences from the story. Choose the right answer. Read and translate it please. (См. Приложение 6).

T: Let’s sum up the results of our lesson.

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

Домашнее задание: Нарисовать наиболее понравившуюся вам сцену из прочитанного рассказа.

The lesson is over. Good luck!