Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Разделы: Внеклассная работа


  • развивать чувство прекрасного;
  • совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки;
  • воспитывать в учащихся добросовестность и ответственность в выполнении заданий;
  • формировать логическое мышление и творческие способности.

Оборудование: плакаты, разноцветные шары, сердечки, музыкальные фонограммы песен «Pretty Woman», «Et sit u n’existais pas», «Джимми», костюмы представителей разных стран, цветы, призы.


  1. Тошиба Мицумоти (Япония).
  2. Расул Хоттабыч (Турция).
  3. Майкл Смит (Англия).
  4. Келли Клинтон (США).
  5. Индира Брули (Индия).
  6. Мишель Дюбуа (Франция).
  7. Ведущие – 2 человека.
  8. Пресса – 2–3 человека.
  9. Фотограф – 1–2 человека.
  10. Декораторы – 4–5 человек.

План мероприятия:

  1. Представление участников.
  2. Вопросы. Выбор пар.
  3. Выбор идеальной пары.
  4. Супер-игра.
  5. Награждение победителей.


Ведущие (вместе): Attention! Attention! Today you have a chance to see the most popular game all over the world “Love at first sight”.

Ведущий 1: It’s the first time we invited the representatives of different countries to take part in our game.

Ведущий 2: Not long ago there were a few countries which spoke English, but now English language is the language of communication in the whole world.

Ведущий 1: But now it’s high time to start our game. I’d like to represent the guests of our programme. They came from different countries and now they are waiting for our invitation and applauses.

Ведущий 2: The first participant of our game is Toshiba Mitsumoti. He’s from Japan. (applause).

Ведущий 1: The second guest is Rasul Khottabytch. He arrived from Turkey (выходит исполнитель в сопровождении гарема).

Ведущий 2: And the third is Michael Smith. He has just arrived from England.

Ведущий 1: And now let’s meet the most beautiful part of our society. These are our ladies.

Ведущий 2: I’m glad to invite the prettiest girl of the USA Kelly Clinton!

Ведущий 1: The second and the most exotic girl from India Indira Bruli!

Ведущий 2: And at last, the most romantic girl from France, Miss Michelle Dubois.

Ведущий 1: Everybody is here and we start. (к участникам) Dear guests, say a few words about yourselves, about your life and about your countries.

Представление участников (звучит музыка).

Toshiba Mitsumoti: Well, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Toshiba Mitsumoti. I’m from Japan. Not long ago sport was the most important part of my life and I hadn’t enough time to find a girl of my dream, that is why I came here to find my ideal girl.

Rasul Khottabytch: My name is Rasul Khottabytch. I came from Turkey. I have a big harem but it’s so boring. I want someone extraordinary, one girl with best qualities.

Michael Smith: Well, what can I say about myself. I am a student of Oxford. It’s the oldest University of England, I like it very much, but I’m studying, studying, studying hard and I haven’t any possibility to get acquainted with a girl.

Bедущие: (обращаются к молодым людям) Gentlemen! Do you want to get more information about our girls?

Представление участниц (звучит музыка).

Kelly Clinton: Hi! I’m Kelly! I’m from the USA! I like shaping, hamburgers, Coca-Cola and, of course, cool guys and cool parties.

Indira Bruli: Hello! I’m from Deli. I don’t like noisy parties, but I like to sing songs and dance. I hope I’ll find the guy with the same interests.

Michelle Dubois: Bonjour! My name is Michelle. I’m from the most romantic city in the world Paris. I like traveling, visiting interesting places and communicating to different people.

Bедущие: Thank you! And now we want you to answer some questions.

(Вопрос молодым людям)  Where will you take your girl for the first date?

(Вопрос девушкам) What qualities must your boy-friend have?

Bедущие: Well, the answers were different and very interesting, but we have the representatives from the mass-media and they have their questions as well.


  1. What is love?
  2. What is your attitude to it?

Bедущие: I think our participants want to ask questions to each other. You’re welcome Indira, ask your question.

Indira Bruli: I want to ask Toshiba. When you meet a girl for the first time what will be the theme of your conversation?

Kelly Clinton: Michael, may I ask you? The most romantic thing you can do for your lovely girl.

Michelle Dubois: Rasul, what kind of girls do you like?

Bедущие: Thank you, girls. And now, gentlemen, it’s your turn to ask questions. Rasul, you’re welcome.

Rasul Khottabytch: Kelly, what do you do to keep fit?

Toshiba Mitsumoti: Michelle, where would you like to spend your romantic trip?

Michael: Indira, what special dish will you cook for the romantic dinner?

Bедущие: Thank you very much. I hope answers will help you to do the right choice. And it’s the time to do it. You must put the number of the person you liked most on the sheet of paper. (Участники делают выбор).

Bедущие: Let me name our couples (называет совпавшие пары).

Зрители выбирают идеальную пару по аплодисментам.

Супер-игра (идеальная пара выбирает сердца с призами, прикрепленные на доске).

Bедущие: Our game is over. Thank you very much for your participation. We wish you good luck but above all of this we wish you love.