Элективный курс для учащихся 9-х классов "Зарубежная литература XIX—XX вв."

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: развить у школьников способности использовать английский язык как инструмент общения в диалоге культур через знакомство с творчеством английских и американских писателей XIX –XX веков.


  1. развитие интеллектуального потенциала, творческих способностей учащихся;
  2. развитие и совершенствования коммуникативных навыков учащихся;
  3. научить выражать свое критическое отношение, аргументировать его, сопоставлять и оценивать факты;
  4. расширение языкового кругозора и улучшение языковой компетенции учащихся;
  5. развитие воображения и умения мыслить;
  6. научить учащихся обсуждать прочитанное;

Результат: предполагает формирование умений устной речи на английском языке и приобщение к культурным ценностям народов – носителей изучаемого языка.

Тематическое планирование:

  Автор Произведение Кол-во часов Вопросы для осуждения
№1 Дж. Лондон Биография 1 час
  1. Say a few words about J. London’s family and school years.
  2. Speak about his different professions.
  3. How did London try to educate himself?
  4. How did his work in Alaska help him in his writing?

What years were most successful for the writer and why? What novels were published at that period?

    Рассказ “Spot”

(I –VII части)

3 часа
  1. How does the story begin?
  2. What was Spot?
  3. Why was he called so?
  4. What kind of dog was he?
  5. What was the principal thing about Spot?
  6. Why did two men want to finish with him?
  7. Why couldn’t they kill him?
  8. How did they try to get rid of him?
  9. Were their attempts successful?
  10. Why did the author hate his friend?
  11. Do you like the story? What kind of story is it?
  12. Which character do you consider to be the main one?
  13. What character do you like most? Why?
  14. How can you characterize the dog?
  15. What is the main idea of the story?
№2 Дж. Лондон “For the love of a man.” 3 часа
  1. Who are the main characters of the story?
  2. What master can be named ideal?
  3. Was Thorton an ideal master of his dog?
  4. Did his dog love him? Give some arguments.
  5. How can you characterize the dog?
  6. What is the idea of the story?
  7. How do you understand the title?
№3 О. Генри Биография 1 час
  1. Speak about O. Henry’s school years and work.
  2. Say a few words why he was sent to prison.
  3. Where and why did he write his first novel?
  4. What did he describe in his short stories?
  5. Why did the American people like his stories?
  6. Why did O’Henry give happy endings to is stories?
    Рассказ “Two gifts” 1 час
  1. Who are the main characters of the story?
  2. Did Jim and Della love each other? Prove it.
  3. How do you understand the title of the story?
  4. What do you consider the central problem of the story?
  5. Do you like the story? What feelings does the story evoke in you?
№4 Г. Лонгфелло Биография 1 час
  1. Say a few words about Longfellow’s family.
  2. What did make Longfellow write poems on slavery?
  3. What was Longfellow’s opinion on war?
  4. Point out the facts in Longfellow’s life that led him to literature.
    Стихотворение “The arrow and the song” 2 час
  1. What is the poem about?
  2. What is the main idea of the poem?
  3. How can you explain the title of the poem?
№5 О. Уайльд Биография 1 час
  1. When and where was Oscar Wilde born?
  2. What were his parents?
  3. What education did he receive?
  4. What did he write?
  5. What were his best fairy tales?
  6. What was his only novel?
  7. What did he condemn in his work?
    Сказка “The Happy Prince” 4 часа
  1. How does the fairy-tale begin?
  2. What were the main characters of the fairy-tale? Discuss them.
  3. What were the relations between them?
  4. What is the idea of the fairy-tale?
  5. How do you understand the title?
  6. What does the fairy-tale teach us?

 Литература для учащихся:

  1. Боровик М.А., Копыл Е.Г. “English reader”. – “Просвещение”, 1978
  2. Рогова Г.В., Рожкова Ф.М.”Supplementary reader” часть 2. – “Просвещение”, 1993.
  3. Игнатова Т.Н. “Английский язык. Интенсивный курс”. – М., 1988.
  4. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” №6, 2004

Литература для учителя:

  1. Курносов В. И. “Элективные курсы в рамках предпрофильной подготовки”. Методические рекомендации. – Благовещенск, Амурский ИППК, 2005.
  2. Лукина Н. Д. “Фонетический вводно-коррективный курс английского языка”. – М., 1985.
  3. Трахтеров А. Л. “Практический курс фонетики английского языка”. – Высшая школа, 1976.
  4. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” №6, 2003
  5. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” №5, 2004.
  6. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” №7, 2004.