Урок по теме "Let's go shopping"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Tип урока: обобщающий.

Цели и задачи урока:

1.Обобщение знаний по теме “Food”.
2.Закрепление лексических и орфографических навыков.
3.Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков в диалогической речи.

Оборудование : магнитофон, два рисунка кошелька, карточки с заданиями, два рисунка холодильника с продуктами, жетоны в виде золотых монет.

Ход урока.

1. Приветствие  организационный момент урока.

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you again. Today we will play a game. Our topic is “Let’s go shopping”.  There will be two teams to compete. You will get points –money to your porches. I want you to be active and clever.

  2.Фонетическая разминка.

1 Этап.  “Planning”
T: Let’s remember English sounds and words on the topic “Food”
Учитель показывает транскрипционные значки, команды по очереди называют слова с этим звуком. Монету получает команда, назвавшая больше слов с данным звуком. Примерные звуки и слова.
[s] – ice-cream, sausages, kiwis, sweets, tasty, rice
[p]- pork, Pepsi, apple, pepper,  grapefruits, potato
T: Read a poem and complete it.
Команды выполняют задание на время. Необходимо найти рифму и закончить стихотворение. Правильный ответ (bread, jam, sweets)
“I like milk and ….”,
Says Little Fred.
“And I like tea and ….”,
Says little Sam.
Tell me, little Pete,
What you like to eat.
Well, I like to eat
What is good and …..

3.Проверка навыков аудирования.

2 Этап. “What do you like to eat?”

T: Listen to the text and write awful, tasty, nice, OK next to the names of food. Поставьте прочерк напротив тех продуктов,  которые не ест Сэбби.
Команды получают карточки с заданием.
Chocolate ____                                 Bananas________
Cakes________                                Kiwi____________
Coffee_______                                 Vegetable salad__
Fruit________                                  Meat___________
Apple_______                                  Juice____________
Tea________                                    Ice-cream________

Hi! My name is Sabbey. My favourite food is ice-cream. I can eat it every day. I also love chocolate, cakes and fruit. They are tasty. Apples and bananas are very nice. But I never eat the kiwifruit, because it is not sweet. Vegetables salads are OK. I eat them with rice and potatoes. But I don’t eat meat because I’m vegetarian. I usually drink a lot of juice and water. Orange juice is very tasty. I don’t drink a lot of coffee or tea. Coffee is awful and tea is OK in the evening.

 4.Закрепление грамматических навыков.

3 Этап игры. “What is there in my fridge?”
T: So we are going shopping. But, what food do we need? Look at the pictures and write as more sentences as you can. You have 3 minutes. Use many, much, a lot of, some, any, few, little.

5. Закрепление лексических и орфографических навыков.

4 Этап игры.  “A list of shoppings”

T: We need some food. Let’s make a list of shoppings.  Fill in the gaps missing letters.
B…tter, c…eese, omelet…e, sa…sages, you….urt, c…cumber, s…gar, d…ghnuts, on….n,  chi…en, br…d, veg…table.

Sport minute.

T:Let’s have some rest. Stand up. Look at me and repeat after me.
Hands on your hips, hands on your knees,
Put them behind you if you, please
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes.
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four.

5 Этап игры.  “Where to go?”

T: We some food  and we are going shopping. Look at the pictures. I want you to listen to my stories and name the kind of the shop I shall describe.
1. People can buy biscuits, cakes and sweets there ( At the sweet shop)
2 .You can buy fish in this shop ( At the fishmonger’s)
3. We buy white bread and brown bread in the shop. (At the baker’s)
4. People buy milk, cream, cheese and different dairy products there. (At the dairy’s)
5. You can buy pork, beef, chicken and sausages in this shop. (At the butcher’s)
6. We can buy flour, sugar, rice and salt there. (At the grocer’s)
7. We can buy many  goods there. ( At the supermarket)
T: What shops should we go?

6 Этап игры “In the shop”

T: Fill in the gaps and act out a dialogue.
- Good…..! Can I …you?
- Yes, you can. I would like to buy ….
- How much   …..do you need?
- I would like…
- Can I pack it for you?
- Yes,….. How much ….
- ……..
- Here the …
- Good bye.
- …..

T: Thank you for your work. Now it’s time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who is the winner today. I want you to count your money. And you can see the winners.

6 Домашнее задание.
T: You can make a project and tell us about your favorite dish.

Use this plan:

1. Eating habits in my family.
- What do you like to eat?
- What food is good (not good) for you?
- What does your mother (father, sister, brother) like to eat?
- Does your mum like cooking?
- Do you help her?
2. My favourite dish.
3. Recipe.
4. Let’s have fun. (poems, riddles, crosswords, pictures)
