Конспект урока по теме "Art Exhibition"для 11-го класса

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Общедидактическая цель: создать условия для осознания и осмысления блока новой учебной информации, ее применения в новой учебной ситуации.

Технология: критическое мышление (ключевые слова, синквейн, кластер, тонкие и толстые вопросы, ИНСЕРТ).


  • Образовательные: способствовать развитию практического владения языком, умению вести беседу; создавать условия для формирования лексических навыков чтения для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ; расширить кругозор по теме; реализовать межпредметные связи.
  • Познавательные: развитие лингво-культурной компетенции; активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.
  • Воспитательные: создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению; воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение; формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.
  • Развивающие: создавать условия для развития исследовательских умений учащихся, способности к распределению внимания;

Оборудование урока: мультимедийная презентация урока, карточки с заданиями


Ход урока

To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist

I. Стадия вызова (Evocation)

1. Teacher. Good morning, students. I hope you are fine today.

I think we can start. So let’s get down to work.

Let me tell you a few words about the aims of our lesson.

Today we are going to talk about painting. It will be the subject of today’s discussion.

We should revise the material on the topic and discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of modern painting.

2. Teacher. People can express their emotions in different ways. Some of them draw pictures of their favourite places. Others write poems. I have found a very nice poem for you. Let’s read it with a bit of feeling and think of your own emotions and associations.


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep and cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
                            William Henry Davies

3. Teacher. The poem makes really great impression. It is very beautiful and full of emotions. I think you agree with me.

Fist of all I want to make sure you don’t forget the words on the topic “Painting”


4. Teacher. Now make new words.

to paint – painter –painting;
to depict – pictorial – picture – picturesque;
to master – master– masterpiece;
to portray – portrayal – portrait – portraitist – portraiture;
Worth – worthy – worthless;

II. Стадия осмысления (Realization of meaning).

4. Teacher. There are some proverbs and saying about art and beauty, because this topic is very important for people. On your desks you can see some proverbs and saying. Try to find Russian equivalent

Beauty is but skin-deep
Красота всего лишь сверху. Смысл: наружность обманчива; красота недолговечна. Ср. С лица воду не пить. Красота приглядится, а ум вперед пригодится

Blind men can judge no colours
Слепые о красках судить не могут. Ср. Слепой курице всё пшеница

Tarred with the same brush
Одной и той же кистью мазаны. Ср. Одним миром мазаны. Из одного теста сделаны.
Из одной плахи вытесаны

Tastes differ
Вкусы расходятся. Ср. О вкусах не спорят. На вкус и цвет товарища нет

The devil is not so black as he is painted
Ср. Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют

That's a horse of another color
Это лошадь другой масти. Ср. Это совсем другое дело. Вот это уже из другой оперы

5. Teacher. It’s time to check your grammar and of course to learn some new facts about painting. Read the text and give the right tense form.

A rich American went to Paris and (buy-1) a picture by a modern artist. He( pay-2) a lot of money for the picture, so he thought the picture was very good. He came to the hotel where he (stay-3) and wanted to hang the picture. To his surprise he (cannot tell-4) what was the top and what was the bottom. So he (think-5) of a plan and invited the artist to dinner. The artist looked at the picture many times. He put on his glasses and approached the picture to look at it more closely. And at last when they began to drink coffee, the artist told the American that the picture was upside down. The American (surprise-6) and wondered why the artist not (tell-7) it to him at once. The artist must (admit-8) that he himself (not be sure-9) about it at first. So the rich American left the picture on the wall as it was. He thought that nobody (notice–10) that it was upside down

6. Choose the right variant

1. Why did the American think that the picture was good?

A – it was painted by a famous artist;
B – the American was a great connoisseur (ценитель)of art;
C – c – his friend told him that the picture was good;
D – The picture cost a great sum of money.

2. What difficulty did he find in hanging the picture?

A – He was at a loss hat wall he would hang the picture on;
B – He didn’t know where the top of the picture was;
C – The picture didn’t pass through the door;
D – The picture suited neither the furniture nor the wall paper of the room.

3. What plan did the American think of to solve his difficulty?

A – He showed the picture to the expert;
B – He tried to find the author of the picture;
C – He invited the author to the dinner

4. Why didn’t the American change the position of the picture?

A – He liked the picture as it was;
B – The artist told him there was everything right with the picture;
C – He thought nobody would notice anything wrong with the picture

7. Now let’s do some tasks focusing on vocabulary. You have to complete the text by making an appropriate word from the word stem you are given.

Teacher. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

I have only been once to an art__ (1). In fact, the Tate in London was my ___ (2) to modern art, but although the gallery was quite interesting, I found the pictures difficult to understand. The __ (3) in the exhibition were by famous __ (4) from all over the world. Our guide told us about each painting, and I listened carefully to her___ (5). After she had given us a __ (6) of a painting by Picasso, I asked her what it all __ (7). She said we should not look for meaning but for __ (8), as the most important thing was to enjoy the shapes and coloures. __ (9), I found this advice a complete __ (10) exhibit

 8. Teacher. Today we’ll learn something new from the history of painting. Let’s read the text about painting and compare our opinions. Take a pencil and do marks on the margins while reading.


information is known


new information


you don’t think so


you don’t understand. or have further questions

This technique is called INSERT

I – interactive
N – noting
S – system
E – effective
R – reading
T – thinking


Art is as varied as the life from which it springs. Each artist portrays different aspects of the world. A great artist is able to take some aspect of life and give it depth and meaning. To do this he or she will make use of the many devices common to painting. These devices include composition (the arrangement of the objects within a picture), color, form, and texture.

A painter does not always need handsome and attractive subjects. Often an ordinary subject is transformed through artistry some artists use geometric or abstract forms, colours, and textures to create interest and meaning. Most music does not attempt to imitate natural sounds, and there is no reason why painting should always make use of nature. Briefly it may be said that artists paint to discover truth and to create order. They put into their pictures our common hopes, ideals, and passions and show us their meaning and their value. Creators in all the arts make discoveries about the wonders and beauties of nature and the dignity and nobility of man. They give these an order which enables us to see and understand life with greater depth. Beauty generally results from order but as a by-product, not a primary aim. Not all works of art are beautiful. The painter is able to intensify our experiences. By finding new relationships among objects, new forms, and new colors, they show us things in our environment which we overlooked or ignored. They make the world about us become alive, rich, beautiful, and exciting. The subject which an artist selects for a painting depends largely upon the time in which he lives. A painter living in the Middle Ages would probably have picked a religious subject, for that was almost the only kind of topic portrayed at the time. Had he lived in Holland during the 17th century he might have painted portraits, family scenes, or arrangements of dishes, fruits, and flowers, called still-life. Having selected a subject the painter is faced with the problem of giving it form. Will the idea be communicated best by the use of realistic or abstract forms? Should it be done in bright or in dull colors? Should the effect be exciting or restful? The answer depends upon what the painter is trying to do. In a good painting everything in it grows out of and develops from the intent of the artist.

9. Questions

  1. What facts do you know before?
  2. What information is new for you?
  3. What don’t you understand?
  4. Do you have another ideas or information?

10. Teacher. Everybody knows that modern painting has got positive and negative aspects.

You are divided into 2 teams. The first team should think of disadvantages. The second team will try to find out only advantages.

Possible answers

advantages disadvantages
1. Produce a bright colour 1. Not all works of art are beautiful
2. Artists paint to discover truth and to create order 2. Some pictures are difficult to understand
3. The put into their pictures our common hopes, ideas and passion

4. Creators in all the arts make discoveries about the wonders and beauties of nature and the dignity and nobility of man.

3. The simple forms might be interpreted in many ways

4. They focus on the shapes not their personalities

5. They show us their meaning and their value
6.They understand life with greater depth
7. They discover new areas of enjoyment
8. They represent the world around us more beautiful and exciting

11. Teacher. We have just compared some possible advantages and disadvantages. It is time to play. The game is called “Chains of events.” Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one.

You should start your chain of events with the words:” If I were a painter…”

12. Teacher. During the week you have been working in groups at the project which were called “Art Gallery”. Every group should choose some paintings and tell us about their favourite one.

III. Стадия рефлексии (Reflection)

13. Teacher. Make up cinqwayns about painting. If you forget what it is, I’ll remind you. It is a kind of poem, which consists of 5 lines (this word has French origin; cinq means five in French). The first line is a general word, the second line consists of two adjectives which describe this word, the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic, the fourth line is the main idea of your “poem” (It must consist of 3-4 words) and the last line is a synonym of the general world (money). Make up as many cinqwayns as you can. All your cinqwayns will be different. Read aloud your cinqwayns, when you are ready.

14. Подведение итогов урока

Teacher.The topic of our today’s conversation was very serious. We have spoken much about painting and we have discussed the topic from different points of view .I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to..., good – to …, etc. I wish you be healthy and wealthy.

The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!
