Урок английского языка по теме "Собеседование при поступлении в вуз или при приеме на работу"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: познакомить с ведением диалога на собеседовании при поступлении в вуз, при приеме на работу, правилами хорошего тона на английском языке, профессией тур оператора.

Задачи: развитие навыков аудирования, говорения, умения вести беседу по теме.

Тип урока: практический.


So, we are going to have a lesson connected with the theme “Interview” and our aim is to make up a dialogue and be ready to speak up according to the point.

1. Let’s introduce yourself but there is one condition: you should name your future profession and the professions of the previous participants.

A – I want to be a vet.

B – Nastya wants to be a vet and I want to be a translator.

C – Nastya wants to be a vet, Kate wants to be a translator and I want to be a tour operator. And so on.

Итак, условно говоря, вы сделали свой выбор относительно будущей профессии. Значит, вам предстоит пройти собеседование.

2. Let’s make a list of things to do and things not to do during the interview (if pupils disagree about the answers, encourage them to argue their case.)

– Put on casual clothes for the interview.

– Go out for a walk before the interview to relax

– Think about the job and write down your strengths and weakness.

– Find out information about the company.

– Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early.

– Take down notes during the interview.

Sit down or get up when they ask you to.

– Make up information about yourself.

– Make out you understand something when you don’t.

3. Now listen to people asking the interviewer to repeat or explain something. Which of them are polite and which are not?

(1 – polite; 2 – not polite; 3 – not polite; 4 – polite; 5 – polite)

4. So we know how to speak, let’s imagine that we are school-leavers and we are going to get an overall understanding of the interview so we can decide if Denis got the job. (Одинадцатиклассники разыгрывают диалог)

– Good morning, take a seat.

– Good morning. Thank you.

– My name is Kristy Phrolova. I’m the personal manager for Tour Agency”Gama”. And you are Denis Garbanzo?

– That’s right.

– I see that you are in your last year at school.

– Yes, I’m doing my leaving exams this summer. I hope to go to university to study tourism.

– So why do you want to work with us now?

– Well, your company has a good reputation. I know some people who have been to your rest homes and they say everything was well- organized. I enjoy working with responsible people and I’d like to get some more work experience.

– What experience do you have?

– I help with the youth club at school. I’ve organized sports and trips to various places- to concerts and plays and things like that.

– Mm, what qualities do you think are important for the job?

– I’m sorry, what do you mean exactly?

– I mean, the qualities you need to work with people.

– Well, you certainly must have patience. A lot of patience! And another important thing is enthusiasm. And, well, you also have to be careful. Accidents can happen very easily, so you need to be well organized.

– OK, are there any questions you would like to ask me?

– No. I see

– Well, thank you, Denis. I’ll be getting in touch next week.

– Thank you very much. Goodbye.

P-1: He probably got the job.

T: Why do you think so?

P-2: Because he was polite.

P-3: He expressed himself clearly.

P-4: He had the right personal qualities.

P-5: He had an experience.

5. What advise can we give to a person, who is going to pass exam or have his first day at work, university, or just in a company?Предполагаемые ответы учеников:

P-1: Be friendly

P-2: Not to share his personal information with others.

P-3: More listen than speak

P-4: Not to wear very informal clothes

P-5: Not to wear heavy make up

6. Finally, it’s time to see the chosen profession in action.

– The weather isn’t nice, is it? & I suppose you’d like to change it. So I advice you to go somewhere where it is warm. Just imagine that a tour operator is in front of you and you want to go abroad for holidays – ask her questions.

P-1: By the way, where it is warm?

T O.: Oh, it’s warm and even hot in Egypt now

P-2: Excellent. Let’s choose Egypt. I’d like to have a rest. But how much time will it take me to get there?

T.O.: I think about 2or 3 hours.

P-3: Where will I get visa?

T O: Don’t worry! We’ll take care about it.

P-4: Then how much is it?

T.O.: It’s not very expensive this season. 7.

P-5: OK. Let’s go and have a really fine rest.

T.O.: So if you don’t have any questions, fill in some forms, please, but don’t make mistakes and corrections ( “тур. оператор” уходит, проверяет заполненные анкеты и получает сертификат о прохождении профессиональных проб)

8. Teacher: Now you are 9-formers, but some of you have already chosen your future profession, haven’t you?

P.: Sure, but not everybody.

P-1: I’m going to be a tour operator. Even now I understand that I’ll work with people from different cultures.

P-2: But good communication skills will be essential.

P-3: I suppose not only communication but also computer skills.

P-4: Now I realize why you study English so carefully. You’ll need it very much.

P-1: I hope so. English will probably remain the international business language.

Fill in the form (please don’t make corrections)






Have you ever been abroad? (If yes, where)

Would you have anything to declare?

How would you like to rest? (Active?)

What would you like to watch?

For what period will you stay?