Конспект урока в 6-м классе по теме "Секреты английских глаголов"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся об изученных временных формах глаголов и их применении.

Оснащение урока: комплект раздаточных дидактических материалов с заданиями для каждого ученика.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

2. Актуализация полученных знаний

Present Simple;

Present Progressive;

Past Simple;

Future Simple;

Present Perfect.

Для каждой временной формы характерны свои признаки, и цель высказывания влияет на выбор временной формы.

Если мы рассказываем о том, что происходит часто, постоянно, то мы выбираем   … Present Simple.

- What do you do in the morning?

- What do you do in the evening?

- What do you usually do on Sunday?

Если мы описываем то, что происходит в данный момент, то мы применяем  …  Present Progressive.   -- It’s evening in your family.

- What are you and your parents doing?

Если мы говорим о том времени, которое уже прошло, то мы используем  …Past Simple.

- What did you do on Sunday?

А если мы собираемся рассказать о том, что будем делать, то применяем …Future Simple.

- What will you do on Sunday?

3. Для сообщений и рассказов очень часто используется  Past Simple

Сейчас вам предстоит прослушать текст.

Brother Rabbit had four carrots. He was very hungry. He wanted to eat the carrots.

But then he thought that his friend Brother Goat was hungry too. So he ate only two carrots. He wanted to give the other two to Brother Goat.

He took the two carrots and ran to Brother Goat’s house. Brother Goat was not at home. So Brother Rabbit put the two carrots on the table and ran away. When Brother Goat came home and saw the carrots on the table, he thought: “Oh, what good friends I have got! And I want to be a good friend too. I think that Brother Rabbit is hungry.”

So Brother Goat ate only one carrot, took the other and ran to Brother Rabbit’s house.

Brother Rabbit was not at home. Brother Goat put the carrot on the table and wrote a letter. “Dear Brother Rabbit! This carrot is for you.

Love from Brother Goat.”

When Brother Rabbit came home, he saw the carrot and the letter on the table. He read the letter, ate the carrot and thought, “Oh, what good friends I have got!”

Now answer the questions, please.

- Who had four carrots?

- Who was hungry?

- Who thought of his friend Brother Goat?

- Who brought the two carrots to Brother Goat’s house?

- Who saw the carrots on the table?

- Who ate only one carrot?

- Was Brother Rabbit at home?

- Who wrote a letter?

- Who has good friends?

4. А сейчас нам предстоит работа над текстом. Читая текст, вам нужно будет вставить правильные формы глаголов


My name ... George. (to be)

I ... to tell you about a very beautiful girl. (to want)

Her name ... Molly. (to be)

She ... from Australia. (to be)

Molly ... twelve. (to be)

She ... a pupil.(to be)

Molly ... to swim very much. (to like)

She ... to the swimming pool four times a week. (to go)

Swimming ... her hobby. (to be)

Yesterday Molly ... to the swimming pool. (not to go)

She ... to the party. (to go)

Molly ... her nice blue dress and white shoes. (to put on)

Blue and white ... her favourite colours. (to be)

They ... a lot at the party. (to dance)

Now Molly a novel of Mark Twain. (to read)


1. What is the girl’s name?

2. Where is Molly from?

3. How old is she?

4. Is she a pupil?

6. What does Molly like to do?

7. Is swimming her hobby?

8. How many times a week does Molly go to the swimming pool?

9. Where did she go yesterday?

1O.What did Molly wear at the party?

11 .What are her favourite colours?

12.What is Molly doing now?  

5  А сейчас небольшая разминка. Нужно разделить цепочку на глаголы


6. Найти пары глаголов

















7.  А теперь небольшое упражнение. Вставьте глаголы в простом прошедшем времени.

Last summer Jane and Pete (visit) ... their granny. She (live) ... in a little house in Oxford. The weather (be) ... nice and children (have) ... a lot of fun. One day they (see) ... a little dog in the street. They (take) ... the dog home. And ( call) ... it Nancy. Nancy (be) ... very kind and clever. They ( play) ... together every day. When Pete’s ball (get lost) ... she (find)

it and Pete (be) ... very happy.

Autumn ( come) ... and the children (go back) ... to London. They ( cannot) ... take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy (stay) ... with granny. The children often (think) ... about Nancy and (want) ... to visit her. One morning Jane (look) ... out the window and (see) ... Nancy. She (find ) them ... (come) ... with a present. In her mouth she (have)

Pete’s old trainer.

8 Резервный материал. Игра «Упрямец» - уч-ся дать отрицательный ответ

 - You get up at 6 o’clock every morning.

- You make your bed.

- You go shopping every day.

- You do your homework in the morning.

- You often visit your Granny on Sunday.

- You like to play snowballs.


- walk; her dog; she; did; yesterday?

- Buy; they; did; what; last month?

- We; where; eat; did; pizza?

10. Подведение итогов