Урок "Animals in our life" в 6-м классе (2-й год обучения)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком, ознакомление с реалиями страны изучаемого языка.
  2. Формирование таких нравственных качеств у детей, как дружба, взаимопомощь, доброжелательность, воспитание культуры общения.
  3. Развитие мышления, памяти, творческих способностей детей в процессе речемыслительных и коммуникативных задач.

Оснащение урока: мультимедиа установка, диск с подготовленной презентацией, раздаточный материал с текстами песни " The More We Are Together" и аутентичным текстом английского писателя Р. Киплинга из сказки “Маугли”, маски героев книги Р. Киплинга “Книга Джунглей” для инсценировки диалога (Маугли, медведя Балу, пантеры Багиры, змеи Каа, волка Акелы, тигра Шер-Хана), карточки с заданиями для игрового момента “Разжигание костра”, иллюстрации из книги или сказки Р. Киплинга “Почему на коже носорога появились складки”, “Как леопард стал пятнистым”.

План урока:

  1. Приветствие, организационный момент.
  2. Работа с 1 куплетом песни "The more we are together".
  3. Беседа, повторение лексического материала по теме "Animals".
  4. Самые распространённые клички домашних любимцев в Британии.
  5. Домашние и дикие животные, введение новой лексики по теме.
  6. Физкультминутка (о дружбе).
  7. Степени сравнения прилагательных, сравнительные обороты.
  8. Ознакомление с реалиями языка.
  9. Аудирование: загадка про Маугли, работа с картинкой.
  10. Инсценирование диалога из книги Р. Киплинга.
  11. Игровой момент “Разжигание костра”.
  12. Подведение итогов урока, работа с песней 2 и 3 куплеты.

Ход урока

"Animals in our life"

...The more we are together, the happier we are....( см рисунок 1)


Good morning boys and girls! Nice to see you, sit down please. I am happy to see you again. We shall work together at the lesson. I hope we shall be the friends. I shall be your friend and you will be my friend. I am happy to have so many friends today. The more we are together, the happier we are.


I have a very interesting song about the friends and the friendship. Do you like to sing? Let's listen to it. (Звучит 1 куплет песни) (см рисунок 2)

The more we are together,
Together, together,
The more we are together,
The happier we are.
For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend
The more we are together,
The happier we are.

Do you like the song? Do you like to sing? Let's translate the song line by line. I think if we do all the tasks at the lesson, all the exercises, if we help each other we shall be the good friends.


I think it is nice to have a good friend. Have you got a friend? Who is your friend? Is the mother your friend? Are the parents your friends? Can the pet be your friend? What is the pet? Do you know? Computer helps us!

The pets are the animals which we keep at home (любимец). (см рисунок3) What pets do you know?

a cat a budgie
a dog a fish
a hamster a rabbit
a parrot a guinea-pig
a tortoise

Have you got a cat? What is your cat's name?

I think you haven't got any pets in town. I have got the pets two. I have got a cat and a pig. My cat's name is **** And I have got a pig.


Would you like to know what pets' names are the most popular in Great Britain? (см рисунок 4)

  1. Cats - Kitty, Tom, Sherry, Lucky.
  2. Parrots - Polly, Jimmy, Toby, Happy.
  3. Hamsters - Jeremy, Peter, Buck, Sandy.
  4. Tortoises - Terry, Fred, Tommy, Rocky.

Let's read! Read the first line (second, third, fourth...). What name do you like best of all? We love the pets and we give them the names. They are as little children for us.

V. The pets can live not far from the people. We call them domestic.( см рисунок 5).Translate “домашние”. And the animals can live in the forest and in the jungle. We call them wild. Translate “дикие”. What wild animals do you know? Look at the
blackboard! (см рисунок 5)


Domestic Wild

a bear
a tiger
a lion
a snake
a wolf
a panther
a monkey


1 .What animal is small? (monkey, snake)


2. What animal is big? (bear, tiger, lion)


3. What animal is brave? (tiger, lion, wolf, panther)


I think you want to be brave and strong, clever and big. The exercises help us.

Let's have a rest.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake your hands together.
Smile, smile, smile at your friends
Let us smile together.


Sometimes it is very important for wild animals to be the strongest and the bravest. They live in the forest and in the jungle. Let's compare.

l. Who is smaller? (A tiger or a monkey) ( см рисунок 6)

2. Who is braver? (A panther or a monkey) (см рисунок 7)

3. Who is the strongest? (A snake, a wolf, a tiger.)

(См рисунок 8)


We like to compare the people with the animals. It is very interesting. If the man is brave we say “ храбр как лев” The English people say “as brave as a lion”. (См рисунок 9 ) If the man is very busy the Russian people say “вертится как белка в колесе” and the English people say "as busy as a bee" (трудолюбивый как пчела).(См рисунок 10 )

Who is brave in your group? (as brave as a lion) Are you brave? Who is busy? As busy as a bee?


Boys and girls. I have a riddle for you? Try to guess?

The boy is brave and strong. He lives in the forest among animals. He is the good friend of animals. They love him too. He is clever, he is fond of nature. (Mowgli).


Look at the picture. (см рисунок 11)

Whom can we see at the picture? We can see Mowgli. He has no family, and no relatives. He has only the friends. Who are his friends? His friends are a bear, a panther, a snake and a wolf. What are their names?

The bear's name is Baloo.
The panther's name is Bagheera.
The snake's name is Kaa.
The wolfs name is Akela.

They are happy together. They help each other. Mowgli has the enemies. Among them are a tiger and a monkey. The tiger's name is Sher-Khan and the monkey's name is Bandar-log.


Let's imagine what happened one day. I need the actors and the actresses. The rest are the spectators. I shall give you a special task, take the cards. ("The Jungle Book")

Do you like the role? Who is the best actor? Who is the best actresses?

Now let's help the animals and Mowgli. Let's make a fire. Sher-Khan is afraid of fire very much. Read and translate the sentences

  1. We are of one blood.
  2. We shall help him.
  3. We shall save this little boy.
  4. You must take care of the boy.

We save Mowgli. We help the animals. I am happy that we are together. The wild animals also help Mowgli. And how do you translate these words: You are one blood, you and I. Redyard Kipling said such words They are true and wise. I am happy that we are together. Let us sing the song. At the end of the lesson I want to give you some presents. ( учитель дарит слова песни ученикам)

Если есть время можно исполнить 2 и 3 куплет песни) (см рисунок 12)

Thank you! You help me, and I help you. I think that we are the friends too.
