Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "In Magic World of Fairytales"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель и задачи: развитие познавательных, артистических и творческих способностей обучающихся, интереса к предмету «английский язык», расширение общего кругозора, активизация коммуникативных умений и навыков по английскому языку.

Оборудование: презентация «School Theatre» (слайды: вопросы и ответы викторины с иллюстрациями, иллюстрации к мини-спектаклям «Ransom of Red Chiff», «Stone Soup», «The Fox and the Cock», «The Sun and the Wind»); костюмы, плакаты, реквизит, аудиозапись песен «Together», «Clap Your Hands», мини-призы для победителей викторины, грамоты для участников шоу.

Вступительное слово учителя: Dear children and guests! Today we’ll have an English show-quiz “In The Magic World of Fairytales”. You areinvited to take part in the quiz and then you’ll see little performances: «Ransom of Red Chiff», «Stone Soup», «The Fox and the Cock», «The Sun and the Wind». (The teacher recites the poem) Oh, books of fairy-tales I can’t but love your magic lands And when I read your happy ends There is nothing best. Believe, my friends!


Учитель использует презентацию  «School Theatre», выполненную в Power Point (Приложение 1)

Т: We’ll start with the questions of the quiz. You’ll be given a counter for each correct answer (жетоны «совы» закаждыйправильныйответ)

a) Guess the name of the author of these fairytales:

  • "An Ugly Duckling",
  • "A Firm Tin Soldier",
  • "An Inch Girl",
  • "A Pig man",
  • "Wild Swans",
  • "Snow Queen"?

(Hans Christian Andersen – a Dutch writer)

  • “The Cat in the Boots”,
  • “The Donkey skin”,
  • “Cinderella",
  • ”Sleeping Beauty”?

(Sharl Perro – a French writer)

  • "The Stone Flower",
  • "The Silver Hoof",
  • "The Malachite Box",
  • "The Hostess of the Copper Mine"?

(Pavel Bazhov – a Russian writer)

  • "The Wolf and 7 kids",
  • "The Bremen Musicians",
  • "The Golden Goose",
  • "Clever Gretel"?

(The Grimm brothers – German writers)

''The Adventures of Dunno and his friends"?

(Nikolai Nosov – a Russian writer)

  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan",
  • "The Dead Princess",
  • "The Fisherman and the Golden Fish"?

(A.S.Pushkin – a Russian writer)

  • "The Gold Key" or "The Adventures of Buratino” (Pinocchio)?

(Alexei Tolstoy – a Russian writer, Karlo Collody – an Italian writer)

  • “Winnie -the-Pooh”?

(Alen Alexander Milne – an English writer)

b) Guess the literary hero:

  • She has a mother and a grandmother. Her Grandmother lives in a little house in the forest. She often goes to her Granny. (Little Red Ridding Hood)
  • It has 4 legs. It has big boots on its 2 legs and a big hat on its head. (A Cat In The Boots)
  • She has a round face, a small nose and small ears. She has blue eyes and long blue hair. She is very nice. (Malvina)
  • He is little. He has got big eyes and big ears. He is good. Children like him. (Cheburashka)


T: The second part of our today’s ceremony is a show – 4 little performances:

  • «Ransom of Red Chiff» («Вождь краснокожих»),
  • «Stone Soup» («Суп из камня»),
  • «The Fox and the Cock» («Лиса и Петух»),
  • «The Sun and the Wind» («Солнце и Ветер»).

I ask everybody to repeat after me “Crible, cruble, booms!” These are magic words. Repeat, please. (All the participants and guests repeat the words “Crible, cruble, booms!” and the show begins).

Участники выходят на сцену и играют свои мини-спектакли. В конце шоу все поют песни «Together», «Clapyourhands». Победители викторины и участники шоу получают грамоты и призы.

Тексты некоторых представленных сказок


Characters: Fox, Cock, Boy

Boy: One morning the Cock goes for a walk. He sees a very big tree and sits in it. The Fox is in the forest, the Fox sees the Cock in the tree and says:
Fox: (to herself) Oh, this cock is a very nice breakfast for me. Good morning, friend Cock. How are you?
Cock: Thank you. I’m all right.
Fox: Do you know that all the animals are friends now, the dog and the cat, the cat and the mouse, the fox and the birds, – we are all friends now.
Cock: That’s very good. That’s very, very good.
Fox: Yes, we are all friends now. Come to my house for breakfast, please.
Cock: All right, but I see a dog. Oh, look here! Dogs like to eat too. Well, Fox, ask the dog to come for breakfast too.
Fox: A dog? You say a dog is coming? Then good-bye, I’m going.
Cock: Dear Fox, dear Fox, where are you going? Don’t go. All the animals are friends now.
Fox: Yes, all the animals are friends now, but does the dog know it?


Wind: Oh, how strong I am! I am stronger than the sun.
Sun: Oh. No, Mr. Wind, I am stronger than you.
Wind: Let us see. Look at that man. He is in a black coat.
Sun: I see him.
Wind: Let us see who can take off his coat.
Sun: All right.
Wind: I’ll begin. (He begins to blow)
Man: Oh, how cold it is!
Wind: Whoooooo! I want that coat.
Man: Oh, what a strong wind!
Wind: Whoooooo! I want that coat.
Man: I am so cold. I am glad that I have a warm coat!
Wind: Whoooooo! I can’t take off his coat.
Sun: Well, Mr. Wind, you are not so strong. I’ll try to take off his coat.
(Sun shines on the man.)
Man: Now I’m not so cold. What a funny day! First it was cold. Now it is hot. (Sun shines and shines.) Now I am too hot. I’ll take off my coat. (The man takes off his coat.)
Wind: Well, Mr. Sun. The man took off his coat for you. Now I see that you are strong, too.


One day an old man whose clothes were very old came to a woman’s house. He looked terrible. “Excuse me,” said the old man, “I’m thirsty and very hungry. Could you give me some food, please?’’But the woman was very greedy.“Go away”, she said, “I haven’t got any food.” “Oh,” said the old man. “That’s a pity. I’ve got a magic stone. I can make soup with it. But I need some water.” “Well, I’ve got a lot of water,” said the greedy woman. “A magic stone,eh?”She brought a big pan of water. The old man put the stone into it. After a while he tasted the soup. “M-m-m-m. It’s very good,” he said, “it just needs some salt.” The woman brought some salt. “M-m-m. That’s better,” he said. “It needs some vegetables.”“Oh, I can give you some vegetables,” said the woman.
She ran away and soon brought some potatoes, carrots and other vegetables. The old man put the vegetables into the pan. “Is it all right now?” asked the woman. “Yes, but it need some meat. It’s a pity you haven’t got any meat.” “Oh, I have some,” said the woman and ran away. She came back with some meat, and the old man put it into the pan.
“Right,” said the man. “I can’t see the stone now. So the soup is ready. Bread is very good with stone soup. It’s a pity you haven’t got any bread.” “Oh, I’ve got some bread,” said the woman. She went away and soon came back with some bread in her hands. She put it on the table.
The woman tasted the soup. “M-m-m. This stone soup is very tasty, and you made it with that magic stone.”
When they ate the soup, the old man said: “Here is the magic stone. You can keep it.”
“Oh, thank you,” said the woman. “But remember,” said the old man, “for the best soup you need some meat, vegetables and some salt, too.”