Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "День именинника" для 5-го класса

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ведущий 1:

Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen.
Grey winter go away!
The world looks new and gay!

Ведущий 2:

Вновь косынкой голубой
В облака весна махнула;
Дымом, детством вдруг пахнуло
Над притихшею землей.
А в снегу цветок замер в ожидании.
Арфы звук и робок и далек…
Ты идешь, весна!
То твое дыханье!

Появляется Весна и исполняет танец под вальсовую мелодию.

Spring: Dear guests! Here I am! Today is my birthday and birthdays of the heroes of the spring days. You can see them!

Весна называет имена тех ребят, кто родился весной.

Именинники выходят и развешивают на голых ветвях “именинного дерева” символы весны: цветы, птиц, листья. Все это готовится заранее руками самих именинников.


March brings sunny days and winds.
So we know the spring begins.


April brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet!


May brings flowers, joy and grass
And the holiday for us!
All together: Happy birthday to you!

Все гости и именинники поют песню “Happy Birthday to You”

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear heroes!
Happy birthday to you!
May your birthday be bright
From the morning till night!
May your birthday be bright
From the morning till night!
Spring: What a nice song! But look! Who are they?

Дети разыгрывают сценку из сказки “Двенадцать месяцев”

Заснеженный лес. На поляне12 месяцев.

Stepdaughter: Well! It is an edge of the forest. It is so dark here. I cannot see my hands before my face. (Оглядывается) Oh! I see a light flickering some way off amid the trees! (Выбегает на поляну)

December: Who are you? What brought you here?


I have to pick a full basket of snowdrops.

Все переглядываются и смеются.

January: Snowdrops in January? Is it a joke, girl?

Stepdaughter: My stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and forbade me to return without them.

February: What are you going to do?

Stepdaughter: I shall stay in the forest and wait till the month of April comes. I would rather freeze here than return without them. (Садится и плачет)

April: Brother January! Let me take your place for a single hour.

January: Gladly would I grant you an hour, brother, but April cannot come before the months of February and March.

February: Let him take my place, I don't mind. We all know the girl. We meet her at the ice-hole with her pails or in the forest with her bundle of firewood.

July: And we, summer months, know her, too. She is a good girl.

September: Autumn months like her for her kind heart.

March. We must help her.

January: So be it! (Стучит три раза посохом.)

Frost, O Frost, cold master of the ice,
Pray melt thy frozen heart;
Untie thy stiff bonds in a trice
And let the snowdrifts part.
Sturdy fir and lofty pine,
Shake free your crystal lace;
Frozen snows, at once recline,
January yields his place.
Now, it is your turn, brother February. (Передает посох Февралю.)


Wind, tempest, storm and gale,
Blow with all your might.
Blizzard, furies, sleet and hail,
Rage into the night.
Plough your furrows through the snow,
Sweep across the lake.
Drive the ground wind high and low,
Twisting like a snake.
Now it is up to you, brother March. (Передает посох Марту)


Babble gaily, melting brook,
Ripple, glistening pool;
Ants awake and leave your nook,
Gone's the winter cruel.
Now it is up to you, brother April. (Передает посох)


Birds, return and sing your song,
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels, come along,
Tender snowdrops, bloom.

Girl, you have only one hour. Take your basket and pick snowdrops.

Слышны песни птиц. Танец цветов. Набрав подснежников, падчерица подходит к месяцам.

Stepdaughter: Thank you very much! April. We've decided to give you our ring. If you want to see us, you'll have to throw our ring and say:

Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage,
With winter shine
To the New Year's fire!

Stepdaughter. Thank you! Good-bye!

All months: Good-bye, girl.

Девочка уходит. Посох переходит из рук в руки.


Spring is coming, I can feel it,
How fine is the morning air!
Birds are singing, buds are peeping,
Life and joy are everywhere.


The summer sun shines hot and high.
Baby birds now learn to fly.
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are good!


Come, to the woods
On a sunny day,
Come to the woods
On a day so gay.
Look at the grass,
At the busy bees,
Look at the birds
In the green, green trees.


When trees are green and forests are green.
And grass is green and long,
It's good to walk in the forest
And listen to birds' song.


"Come little leaves,"
Says the wind one day.
"Come over the meadows
With me to play.
Put on your dresses
Of red and gold.
For summer is gone
And the days are cold."


Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it's cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.


Suddenly the sky turned grey,
The day, which had been bitter and chill,
Grew soft and still,
From some invisible blossoming tree
Millions of petals cool and white
Drifted and blew,
Lifted and flew,
Fell with the falling night.

December: OK. Winter is here.

Spring: Can you guess what fairy tale these characters are from? What are their names?

Ps: January, February, March, April, May.

Spring: This tale is about flowers, I love flowers very much. Our girls have prepared a small fashion show of spring flowers.

Девочки, одетые в костюмы цветов делают проходку под музыку.

После чего они представляются публике.

Snowdrop: I am the first to appear. I come out when the snow is still on the ground. I have a white and blue dress. My name is Snowdrop.

Violet: And I come next. I don’t like snow. It’s cold when snow is on the ground, I like warm days. My dress is violet and my name is Violet too.

Lily of the Valley: My name is Lily of the Valley. I think you all like my small white bells.

Daffodil: I come next. I’m yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is Daffodil.

Buttercup: I am the last to come out in spring. I have a pretty yellow dress too. My name is Buttercup.

Цветы приглашают танцевать всех остальных гостей.

Танец “One, two, three on the tip toes”

One, two, three on the tip toes,
One, two, three on the tip toes,
One, two, three turn around,
Clap, clap, step aside.


It’s lovely, lovely spring.
And birds begin to sing.
The sun is very high
It’s smiling in the sky.
It’s lovely, lovely spring
And all the children sing.
They sing a merry song,
They sing: ding-dong, ding-dong!

Spring: Now we want to give you our presents. (Раздает подарки)

После чего все поют песню “Carnival” из сборника “Music Box Songs and activities for Children” (Longman)

It’s carnival time, time to have fun.
It’s carnival time for everyone.
So put on your mask, come into the street,
Clap your hands and stamp your feet.
It’s carnival time, carnival time!
It’s carnival time, time to have fun.
It’s carnival time for everyone.
Let’s shout and whistle,
Let’s laugh and sing,
Let’s all join hands and dance in a ring!
It’s carnival time, carnival time!


  1. “Music Box Songs and activities for Children” (Longman)
  2. Щапова И.А. Детские спектакли на английском языке / Под ред. Е.Л. Заниной - М.: Рольф, 1999.- 26 - 31с.